How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App instance, we can statistically detect the impact of a big volcanic eruption in stratospheric temperatures in months! But we can only detect the influence of orbital forcing over millennia. @amywestervelt has been saying, the fact that this case was taken despite the original clean power plan was never put into effect (implying that no one can show standing for any harms done by it), and it’s goals having been achieved in any case, makes the whole thing odd. speeds at weather stations are encoded using direction and speed and character. For calm days, the character is ‘C’, wind direction is undefined, and speed is ~0. All these station data are collated in efforts like HadISD, from which regional/global assessments are made. actually know exactly what went into Hansen's models, and we know exactly what came out (and no, it wasn't garbage). This was in 1988 and it was the first time that anyone had used one of the those new-fangled climate models for a transient projection. particular episode revolves around the Greenland Ice Sheet which has been losing roughly 275 Gt/yr of ice for the last 20 years.