William Coffin Profile picture
I Make Gnomes Homeless. Breaker of Liars and Hypocrites. Don't make me angry. No DM's w/o reason please.
Oct 18 4 tweets 4 min read

Kari Lake was interested in divorce...earlier today I gave her a story on divorce.

Kari Lake is interested in Kamala's socialism and Kamala's father's Marxism, so let's find out about her Daddy's socialism!?

A brief(?) word on why I occasionally present facts about someone's family to make a point regarding hypocrisy:

If you are going to lie, cheat and steal for power (as Kari does) in ways that I believe are going to directly hurt my family and friends, I'm going to provide publicly recorded facts about your family to show your hypocrisy.

Now, I understand that Kari's father (and/or stepmother) may not have even shared political beliefs with Kari, and it's very possible he would be ashamed of the person she has become. Kari herself was a "liberal" until she decided the maga grift was too good to pass up! It's not really relevant. I'm also not ignorant or unsympathetic to the timing of all of the events here, including Kari's father's death (my father also died of cancer at a MUCH younger age…didn't leave massive debts for the government to pick up!). All I'm showing here is that the federal government directly benefitted Kari's family (and possibly Kari through inheritances or a reduction in the senior living financial requirements of her stepmother or other siblings) to the tune of up to TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND F'N DOLLARS!!!

Don't you think we should have to acknowledge that kind of a government transfer to your immediate family when you are ranting and raving about socialism and Marxists and student loans and "the migrants" taking all of our money!!!???

If that doesn't work for you…I'm literally all out of f@cks!!! This is also just a great story of how f'n stupid we were with home values and mortgages before the great recession. Not much has changed…what could go wrong!?

Now to the socialism for "them".Image 2/ Kari's father and stepmother, Larry and Beverly Lake, acquired 17424 N. Thornberry Drive, Surprise AZ 85374 for $129,825 on July 10th, 2001. It appears to have been a cash purchase for this nice new retirement golf property, possibly to be closer to their TV anchor daughter (although most of their 11 kids live back in Iowa...).

Here is a similar home in that neighborhood and the current general price level of the area...Image
Oct 18 7 tweets 3 min read

By popular demand...

Since there was all this fanfare around the release of Ruben Gallego's sealed divorce files (that revealed...that he is divorced!?), I thought I would take a quick look to see what I could find on sKari Fake's divorce from her first husband, Tracy Matthew Finnegan!

Kari and Tracy, an electrical engineer, were married in Davenport, Iowa on May 25th, 1991*.

*Research credit @troyh4Image 2/ The two lovebirds soon moved to Phoenix and moved into this home on E. Kristal Way in December of 1994. They paid $88,000 and $79,200 30-year mortgage. You know...the good old days!?

As it appears today... Image
Aug 22 5 tweets 2 min read
1/(1of5) Just a reminder that the only thing that Vince Langman @langmanvince the chucklef@ck has ever accomplished in his 57 years is fraud, grift and multiple bankruptcies.

He's not even a socialist, he's a parasite on a socialist's ass...Here is where Vincey went to prison for taking two first mortgages out on the same house!Image 2/ Not only is Vince a FELON who defrauds banks. He commits obvious bankruptcy fraud...this is his 2010 bankruptcy where he claims (under penalty of perjury) that he hasn't filed bankruptcy in the last 8 years. Image
Aug 14 11 tweets 7 min read
🧵1/(1of11) 🔥BREAKING: The Bigger, Longer and Uncut Exposure of Mark Finchem (Unindicted FAKE AZ Elector Co-Conspirator and Candidate for AZ Senate, D1): Mortgage Fraud, Socialized Losses, Privatized Gains, Hypocrisy and Perjury.

Fresh coffee and anti-nausea meds recommended!!!Image 2/ Mark recently won the Republican primary to represent D1 in the AZ senate. He is a well documented election denier, and an unindicted co-coconspirator in the AZ FAKE elector fraud case.

I had already documented obvious and willful PERJURY for Mr. Finchem (which no one has refuted and I will include at the end for completeness…), so I thought I would take a quick look at Mark's Arizona property transactions for problems! Note that I am not redacting addresses here as they are no longer current addresses...anyone can reproduce my work.Image
Jul 29 8 tweets 6 min read
Christy Kelly's mortgage fraud financed home.

INFLATION/MORTGAGE FRAUD HYPOCRISY...Listen up dummies! I don't want to hear another word about inflation, until you address the mortgage fraud ponzi that impacts most folks #1 expense: HOUSING!?

I've told you what mortgage fraud is.

I've demonstrated to you that it is as widespread and as economically significant now as pre-subprime mortgage crisis.

Despite numerous detailed exposures and making it to the 6 O'clock News last week, not a SINGLE credible real estate, legal, or law enforcement professional has argued that I am wrong about this. The one that tried, Jason Grandon, had 4 related bankruptcies detailed for him last week with 2 or 3 mortgage defaults in there!? Any other takers!!!???🤣Image 2/ The problem is so widespread, and maga folks are such hypocrites, we can easily find prima facie proof of it with our own Arizona candidates/legislators! Under penalty of up to 30 years in prison and $1M in penalties:

- Michelle Ugenti-Rita claims to her lender to be single, when she is married to someone with financial/legal problems (currently in divorce court accusing Michelle of fraud...what could go wrong there!).

-Wendy Rogers claims to her lender to live in Chandler, but also swears up and down to Arizona voters/regulators that she lives in Flagstaff. To be fair, she also thinks non-pilot candidate Steve Slaton was flying Cobra helicopters in Vietnam after the war had ended. She is lying to someone!!!???Image
Jul 24 18 tweets 8 min read
1/🔥The Exposure of Jason Howard Grandon, Douchelord Scottsdale Realtor and "Conservative" Hypocrite Shill.

Buckle in, bookmark, follow, like, repost, and grab a coffee!

This a long and sickening tale that includes an astounding level of hypocrisy, the socialization of vast losses (including those we all suffered during the great recession…), the privatization of gains, and a WHOPPING FOUR BANKRUPTCY DECLARATIONS, bringing my AZ bankruptcy counter up to a whopping 42 declarations of bankruptcy! There is likely some bankruptcy shenanigans in there as well, but that will require some additional research.

To kick things off…THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your warm notes regarding the Michelle Ugenti-Rita story. I sincerely appreciate those. That said there were some baffling comments from a few folks such as:
"Who hasn't committed a little mortgage fraud!?"; and "This is a nothing burger!" Etc.Image 2/ I suspect most of these were Ugenti-Rita trolls, including this buffoon of a Scottsdale realtor, Jason H Grandon, who thought it was a good idea to poke the Coffin, despite it not being such a great idea for Michelle???
Jul 2 5 tweets 3 min read
1/(1of5) 🔥The Federal Felonies of Paul Gosar, US Congressman from Arizona, CD 9.

As we begin early voting for our democratically elected representatives, let's take a quick look at federal law as it relates to failing to file, or filing false disclosure statements...Image 2/ Paraphrasing:
For anyone who knowingly and willingly falsifies or fails to file or report:

1. The US AG may seek up to a $50K civil penalty; and
2. Under federal criminal law, they may be fined up to $50K and imprisoned for up to 5 years, or both. Image
Mar 22 10 tweets 6 min read
1/ The First Exposure of Anthony Kern (and his wife Jenny Kern)

I say the "first" because I'm sure we will be finding out more about this fake Arizona elector clown in the near future, and others probably know A LOT more about him than I have been able to find. But as we anticipate a round of candidate financial disclosures dropping here in Arizona, I wanted to take a quick look at Tony's prior filings and see if I could glean any useful information from it, and maybe, shocker….if he perjured himself!? I have also added his wife to the equation, because: 1. Your disclosure statement includes those in your household; 2. The Kerns obviously conduct their businesses as a couple.Image 2/ Big Tony is currently an Arizona State Senator for District 27 and he is running to replace Debbie Lesko for the US House in District 8 (against other clowns such as Abraham Hamadeh, Trent Franks and Blake Masters…). He is under investigation as an AZ fake elector, and his current legislative priorities appear to be getting the ten commandments tattooed on everyone and allowing willy-nilly right turns wherever and whenever the f@ck you want! Others have and will continue to cover his nonsense quite well, so I will focus on whether he is a deadbeat chucklef@ck, and whether he willfully tries to hide that from voters.Image
Mar 7 11 tweets 10 min read
1/ (1 of 11) THE EXPOSURE OF CHRISTY KELLY…RELOAD!!! (It is long…bookmark, SHARE, grab a coffee!)

In 2017 Christy Lynn Phillips, (aka Christy Lynn Guidi, aka Christy Lynn Bynum, aka Christy Lynn Kelly) was a twice divorced, bankrupt single Mom of 3 on welfare in California with a failed "legal" business. It was her 3rd bankruptcy filing in just 8 years and she owed over $110K in student loans and $50K in unsecured consumer credit debts. After a 3rd marriage, a name change, a "ghosting" of her bankruptcy (and creditors???), a couple of years in Mississippi, and finally landing in Arizona in 2022, Ms. Kelly somehow believes this gives her the ultra-maga conservative cred and "deep Arizona roots" to run for Corporate Commissioner!? It's one of the more ludicrous things I have ever heard…and I spend A LOT of time on sXitter!!!Image 2/ Preloading for the Trolls...

I have no intention to shame:
-People that get into financial problems and use our bankruptcy laws to responsibly resolve those problems (although I do believe those laws require serious reforms…).
-Bad Choices.
-Teen Moms.
-Single Moms on Welfare (although having the third kid and buying the Lexus in the midst of your three bankruptcies while you are $150K in debt seems a little extreme???)

My intention is to shame:
-Obvious "conservative" hypocrites.
-Deadbeats and scofflaws.
-Broadly defined "Sovereign Citizens" and those that think they can pick and choose which laws apply to them.
-Anyone that does no diligence/vetting for the people like this running for public office.

Also, all of this info is available publicly and based primarily on Ms. Kelly's very public bankruptcy and divorce filings. I will always correct anything that is shown to be false or misleading in good faith and/or provide additional receipts upon request. Ms. Kelly is a public figure running for an important State position (with a $120K+ salary that my tax dollars pay for...) and this is very obviously information that any Arizona voter would want to know (and Ms. Kelly's creditors if we are being honest!?).

Bonus: Tell me what wisdom do you think these two are sharing here??? It's a ridiculous circus...Image
Jan 6 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ (of 7) In Sep I provided an exposure of the grifter Travis Wines, & I've done a few follow ups now. Civil cases, bankruptcy, statutory rape of a teen-mom, failure to pay child support. You know, the usual!🤣I also questioned Travis' lack of FEC filings for his '18 campaign. 2/ Today, I dug a little more into that and filed an initial complaint with the FEC, the details of which are as follows: In 2018, Travis ran for MI District 5. These were the results... Image
Dec 16, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ (1 of 7) Just a light Saturday afternoon AZ snack...The Exposure of David Dare Croom - Yet another trashy "conservative" Arizona MAGA hate/rage grifter....only a few things you need to know and "callout daily?" about this dumb felon deadbeat chucklef@ck hypocrite! Image 2/ On September 11th, 1994, right before his 30th birthday, David committed aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and intoxication assault, and caused serious bodily injury to a 56 year-old Patria Delrosario. He pled guilty (no plea deal…) and the trial court assessed...
Nov 30, 2023 24 tweets 6 min read
1/ THE EXPOSURE OF RAZI BERRY. THE FINAL EPISODE AND SUMMARY. Preloading for trolls: It is my OPINION that Razi Berry is what I call a "Munchausen Grifter". This is someone who uses false or exaggerated medical conditions for attention, sympathy and financial gain. Image 2/ I have no idea how much of it is conscious grifting vs. mental illness, and it is most likely both. What I do know is that Razi has presented a long list of mysterious life-threatening conditions over the last few years (and debilitating conditions for nearly 2 decades…)...
Jul 27, 2023 27 tweets 7 min read
1/ The Exposure of Merissa Louise Hamilton (aka Merissa Mastropier, aka Marissa Brown). Dear Twitter - Despite the fact she used what appears to be a false name on her bankruptcy filing, the details I am providing here are available to anyone who googles Merissa. Just copy/paste! Image 2/ Merissa is a public figure who ran unsuccesfully for the AZ senate in 2016 and for Phoenix mayor in 2020. She has no problem calling others "marxists" and "cartel associates" and "groomers and pedophiles" without any basis for it. Image
Jul 6, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
PART VI of The Exposure of Dom Lucre - Preloading for the trolls, and because Dom is slow AF, I AM NOT PRO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and I NEVER CLAIMED DOM BEAT A WOMAN! I mean, it doesn't even sound plausible...most women are much bigger, stronger and braver than Dom Dom??? Image 2/ My only purpose of this story (other than "love"...) is to demonstrate that Dom will literally LIE ABOUT ANYTHING!!!
Interesting factoid...I believe this was Erica Marsh's last tweet before IT was suspended. "IT" just happened to be stealing my tweets to mess with Dom... Image
Jun 30, 2023 26 tweets 10 min read
Part V of EXPOSURE TIME for Dom Lucre!!! Preloads for trolls: I understand "fake it till you make it" when you are an entrepreneur starting out. This goes WAY BEYOND THAT! I also understand global business, corporate finance, m&a and VC very well (I know, what a libtard!?). Image 2/ Dom has claimed he has CF degrees from Wharton and Penn State. He obviously doesn't, but he can't even act the part…not even a little!!! Anyone serious would laugh Dom Dom's line of bullshit out of their office, and then call security!
Jun 28, 2023 25 tweets 7 min read
Part IV of EXPOSURE TIME for Dom Lucre!!! OK, this isn't my favorite installment because it involves stolen valor and dead relatives, but let's push through! Image 2/ As it relates to dead relatives (and stabby ex-girlfriends in the hospital…), Dom likes to use these people to gain sympathy, and then whine if anyone brings them up, as you would expect from a sociopath. You think he cares about denigrating anyone else's dead relatives???
Jun 26, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
Part III of EXPOSURE TIME for Dom Lucre!!! When we last left our pathologically lying hero, I had shown (to any reasonable person) that Dom tells WHOPPERS about his higher education and that monstrous counterfeit on his wrist. Image 2/ For reference only…(skip past unless you want to catch up!!!)
Part I - Education Whoppers
Part II - Patek Philippe Whoppers https://t.co/0omgU6KrMO
Jun 23, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ Part II EXPOSURE TIME for Dominick Andrew McGee!

I think the next thing I noticed about Grifter McDumFck was the ridiculous diamond bezel Patek Philippe he flashes in numerous pictures... Image 2/ I went back and found the FB post where he started bragging about his "newest investment"! He has claimed it to be authentic numerous times since then. I have a small watch collection of my own, so I did a little research on Dom's particular watch (a Nautilus 5726/1A). Image
Jun 22, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
1/ I started following Dom initially not due to the ridiculous regurgitated conspiracy theories that he peddles. It was because I spotted the signs of a typical liar/grifter. Fake degrees, fake success/affluence, fake philanthropy, christian/Q affinity…Dom had it all!!! Image 2/ First I looked at all of Dom's claimed education success and degrees. The claims are generally internally inconsistent (he claims different majors and different schools), and his claim to have graduated from college in 2017 is particularly egregious. Here are some receipts...