Colleen Klabenes Profile picture
Formerly Colleen Eldracher, married on November 11, 2023! 👰💒🤵 Writes & edits for Altar & Hearth Magazine. Retiring YAGermeister. Baby #1 incoming!
Saint of the Day Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 12, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Ok, time for a review of some basics in light of an ongoing discussion re sedes vs SSPX that is getting very muddled: What constitutes a Catholic? According to any pre-V2 catechism, which both sides should accept, a Catholic is one who:

A. Believes all that the Church teaches
B. Is validly baptized
C. Is in union with (aka sumbits to) the pope
Sep 19, 2021 28 tweets 3 min read
Twitter has been boring and depressing lately. Let's talk about fun stuff like clean historical nonfiction,novels, movies, and dramas that really help supplement and broaden a standard history curriculum! I'm currently working on a timeline of this stuff, by century, but there are some centuries where the better the costumes, are the worse morally movie is, in direct inverse proportion. The 1500s and the 1700s, in particular. Any recommendations there?
May 2, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
The 9th Commandment: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife."

A thread. Please think about this. A few years ago, before the YAG ( really got up & going, I had a Catholic Match subscription. There seemed to be a fair number of conservatives on there, even if I would have argued that meeting all 7 "faith criteria" should have been required for entry.
Jan 27, 2020 32 tweets 23 min read
For those of my followers who may have become curious about sedevacantism vs the SSPX/R&R position, I am going to be sharing a lot of helpful articles over the next few days that address common false accusations. I will use the hashtags #Sedevacantism and #ReadBothSides. First, a basic overview of what sedevacantists actually believe:

#Sedevacantism #ReadBothSides