College Republicans for Biden Profile picture
Based @AmericanU, College Republicans & center-right students nationwide putting #CountryOverParty & backing @JoeBiden. Not affiliated w/ @AmericanCRs or @CRNC
Apr 30, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
The fallout from COVID-19 will ring loudly in the annals of history as a stark reminder of this administration’s gross incompetence & utter malfeasance. The stakes couldn’t be higher in November. For our republic’s sake, we will put #CountryOverParty & campaign for @JoeBiden. Image We invite all principled College Republicans & right-leaning students from campuses across the country to join our movement. We will not stand for the erosion of the rule of law, Constitutional violations, unchecked executive power, attacks on the judiciary, & the denigration of