How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App are expect to “suck it up”, work harder, get better jobs etc, but that still doesn’t solve the problem of 💩pay for the menial jobs like PICKING THE CROPS! @RishiSunak #MakeItMakeSense #TaxTheRich Companies paying dividends while employees claim benefits is screwed up! 2-2 We know there is a shortage of staff because of Tory cutting numbers, but some things need the human touch, things need to make sense! We may have the tech, but somethings need face to face meetings, computers cannot do compassion! Cutting cost cuts caring! they were from the EU as we HAD a reciprocal deal with them, but most that come here from elsewhere do pay! If we are full of immigrants/refugees why is the government actively seeking workers to the tune of 3mill visas, started with China, India and still trying 2-6