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Retired USAF Colonel Exposing OPERATION GLADIO & the INTERNATIONAL SYNDICATE to the WORLD-find me on Rumble, Substack, TruthSocial, X SPACES M-F 12pm EST
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Jun 3 41 tweets 8 min read
1/I found something new and the NATO archives there is something called "Standing Group" and it began in 1949. In other words right after NATO was set up and began broadening the stay behind program. It was set up as part of Article 9 of NATO treaty. 2)What is Article 9? According to Grok (and its correct) Image
May 29 60 tweets 8 min read

I found an interesting timeline relating to #OperationGladio I want to share. It deals with Europe which will our next area of exploration. I'd bookmark it as a handy reference because it will help you keep track of the history as we begin that area. 2)
1940--In England Prime Minister Winston Churchill creates the secret stay-behind army Special Operations Executive (SOE) to set Europe ablaze by assisting resistance movements and carrying out subversive operations in enemy held territory.
May 27 52 tweets 9 min read
1) Have you heard of the Ronald Reagan/George Bush "October Surprise" during the 1980 presidential election? The story goes that Reagan and Bush bartered with Iran to keep US hostages past the election so as to hamstring Jimmy Carter as a failure in the hostage negotiations. 2)
Keep in mind, we were in a close relationship with Iraq who, as of Sept 1980, was at war with Iran. One of the most embarrassing aspects of the 'October Surprise' was the role that Israel would eventually play in the scheme.
May 26 14 tweets 3 min read
1)Israel isn't just exporting weapons for paramilitary units used by NATO. Let me introduce you to Yair Klein. Lt Col Klein served in the Israeli army. Afterward (I'm going with the narrative on this one), he founded Spearhead Ltd. which functioned similar to the run of the mill 2)mercenary group. You know, like the Wagner Grp that the west is alway groaning on about but never acknowledge they have 100's of them!!!

Spearhead Ltd (Klein) provided arms and training to armed forces in South America, Lebanon, and Sierra Leone.
May 26 19 tweets 4 min read
🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵 ISRAEL DID WHAT?
What is Galil? I came over it this morning and a quick search of wiki revealed this:

"The IMI Galil (Hebrew: גליל) is a family of Israeli-made automatic rifles chambered for the 5.56×45mm NATO and 7.62×51mm NATO cartridges. 2)Originally designed by Yisrael Galili and Yakov Lior in the late 1960s, the Galil was first produced by the state-owned Israel Military Industries and is now exported by the privatized Israel Weapon Industries"
May 25 36 tweets 7 min read
Found an interesting timeline about CIA, Dulles and Rockefeller:

Found a very interesting timeline:
1859: JD Rockefeller starts a commission company that would benefit from the sell of goods primarily used in war.

Civil War happens 2) 1870: JD Rockefeller sets up Standard Oil. His younger brother William is VP. US Congress would later say secret deals set up with local refineries were “one of the most gigantic and dangerous conspiracies ever conceived”
May 25 16 tweets 3 min read
Research Rule: Always check the Ambassador

Who was the US Ambassador in Russia during the Chechnya event?

Thomas Pickering. Oh, the same Thomas Pickering in El Salvador during Iran/Contra where the CIA set up terror training/Gladio and ran drugs and weapons? Yep, same one. 2)
Quote from wiki:
"Pickering's time as United States Ambassador to El Salvador was particularly eventful. Only a year after having been appointed ambassador in 1984, Pickering was the subject of assassination threats from right-wing Salvadoran politicians.
May 24 71 tweets 13 min read
Early on in our Gladio research I had someone ask me about Russia's Chechen engagement and whether or not it was a Gladio operation. In a cursory review it definitely fit the description or as .@JohnBrennan famously said "it has all the hallmarks of it. 2)
Going back to 1995, we see the Bosnia Herzegovina engagement also had all the same hallmarks and NATO successfully saw the 'correct' conclusion to fit their desired outcome. It isn't a coincident that Gen Wesley Clark was in charge of achieving that result.
May 23 27 tweets 5 min read
Let's analyze one of these guys and see what pops out at you...
"In 1957, Townley moved to Chile with his father, Vernon Townley, who became head of the Ford Motor Company in Chile. He worked as a salesman of mutual fund stocks. In 1967, he moved to Miami with his family and worked as a mechanic in Miami's Little Havana, where he became friends with anti-Castro exiles... 2)In 1970, Townley moved his family back to Chile. Townley later testified that, before leaving the US, he contacted the CIA to offer his services in Chile, however Townley said he never worked for the CIA. Back in Chile,
May 22 39 tweets 9 min read
Whatever happened to those 'democracy' freedom fighters in Hong Kong? Were they all arrested, imprisoned, worse? Nope. Many are now living and or working in nearby Shenzhen in China proper. 2)
The former head of Morgan Stanley Asia is quoted as saying “Hong Kong is over,” and “at risk of getting marginalized” as the mainland develops and grows.
May 21 61 tweets 13 min read
"By one count, the United States has interfered in more than 80 foreign elections between 1946 and 2000. And that doesn’t count U.S.-backed coups and invasions." per New York Times reporter Stephen Kinzer. 2)Former CIA Director James Woolsey recently joked about the U.S. record of meddling overseas, during an interview with Laura Ingraham on Fox News.

LAURA INGRAHAM: Have we ever tried to meddle in other countries’ elections?

JAMES WOOLSEY: Oh, probably. But it was for the good of the system, in order to avoid the communists from taking over.
May 20 33 tweets 7 min read

1)Gerry Hemming was the leader of a group of anti-Communist soldiers of fortune who trained anti-Castro Cubans in the early 1960s at a camp on No Name Key, an island 25 miles north of Key West. 2)Gerald Patrick "Gerry" Hemming, Jr. was a former U.S. Marine, mercenary and Central Intelligence Agency asset within the Domestic Contact Division beginning in 1960, using the aliases Jerry Patrick, Gerry Patrick, Heming and Hannon. He was primarily involved in covert operations against Cuba.
May 18 79 tweets 14 min read
1) You've heard me discuss JMWAVE...JMWAVE was the Miami CIA office that ran many ops including all the Cuban missions/assassination attempts. PATHFINDER was the code name for assassination of Castro. The CIA had for decades denied such a program existed. 2) When CIA was called on the carpet they repeatedly said 'there was no files about it to be found anywhere'. That's because those files were on purpose misfiled. There was a NPIC section of the CIA station and that is where PATHFINDER files were kept instead of in the .
May 18 31 tweets 7 min read
1)"Although a French overseas territory, New Caledonia—located approximately 1,470 kilometers (900 miles) northeast of Brisbane, Australia—has been home to the Indigenous Kanak people for thousands of years and has a history and culture as rich as its ecology." 2)
“Most of the vegetation we have in the south of the island is endemic and it is a region that contains many of our medicinal plants,” said Raphaël Mapou, a Kanak leader and head of a local environmental organization, Rhéébù Nùù. “The legends of the Kanak people speak of the importance of rivers [and] the ocean. The coral reef is a very important source of food for Kanaks.”
May 18 18 tweets 3 min read
February 4, 1985 CIA memo:
Unmasking the Death Squads The contras operating out of Honduras knew him as "El Chino" the Chinese (Taiwan), a menacing, Asian-looking man in a Honduran Army uniform who patrolled the streets of Tegucigalpa on a motorcycle. 2)As an operative for the Nicaraguan Democratic Force , the largest contra group against Sandinista government, El Chino was theoretically responsible for counterintel. But apparently he knew a lot more than spying. Officials in Honduras now suspect that, who has been asked to leave the country,
May 16 55 tweets 10 min read
Let's do a little review of what the military was like leading up to the USS Liberty event. It puts it all into perspective. JFK's relationship with the military was very turbulent to say the least. They set him up with the finding signed by Eisenhower on Lumumba just as he entered office. 2) They immediately cued up Cuba. Joint Chiefs of Staff argued for the deployment of nuclear weapons and kept pressing to invade Cuba. JFK was steadfast in telling them no. While JFK served in the Navy, the generals thought him ignorant of their trade craft.
May 16 17 tweets 3 min read
Thread on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico shooter:

1) 71-year-old Juraj Cintula, which means he grew up during the prime Operation Gladio era. They are trying desperately to pass him off as a pro-Putin stooge. Don't buy it. 2) Cintula is a self-described progressive writer and a founding member of the Rainbow Literary Club. This Rainbow Literary Club is exactly what you'd suspect it being. Apparently there are variations of it all over the world and UNESCO sponsored off shoots of it.
May 12 29 tweets 5 min read
1)Why does a war crime in 1960's matter today?

Because in the 1960's when the crime was committed Israel censured all the details of the crim according to Aluf Benn.

"Benn couldn't write when it happened (1967), nor where it happened (in Egyptian Sinai), nor what happened (60 Egyptian prisoners of war were summarily executed)." 2) Nor could he assign blame to the two officers who did it. "In all three of Israel's major wars between 1948 and 1967 there were documented reports that Israeli army units murdered Egyptian POWs. And there were POW massacres at one place (Ras al-Sudr) in both 1956 and 1967."
May 11 9 tweets 3 min read
1) Someone suggested I look into Elizabeth Eloise Kirkpatrick Dilling(April 19, 1894 – April 30, 1966). First, she has an awesome birthday. She was an American writer and political activist. “In 1934, she published The Red Network—A Who's Who and Handbook of Radicalism for Patriots, which catalogs over 1,300 suspected communists and their sympathizers. Her books and lecture tours established her as the pre-eminent female right-wing activist of the 1930s, and one of the most outspoken critics of the New Deal, which she referred to as the "Jew Deal". In the mid-to-late 1930s, Dilling expressed sympathy for Nazi Germany.” Per wiki. “Dilling was the best-known leader of the World War II women's isolationist movement, a grass-roots campaign that pressured Congress to refrain from helping the Allies. She was among 28 anti-war campaigners charged with sedition in 1942;.
May 8 57 tweets 12 min read
Here it is... @TuckerCarlson interviewed Felix Rodriquez. Felix, like many of his CIA counterparts played an integral role in Operation Gladio so I thought I'd check out his story:
1941: Felix is born in Cuba
1954: He attended Perkiomen School in PA for 6 yrs; this is a boarding school for elites; college prep and very expensive. 2) NOTE:
1957/8-9?-He says he left Perkiomen School prior to his graduation (1960) for 2 yrs and [fought] with Dominian Republic and participated in the Anti Communist League of the Carribean (this was a paramilitary force for Operation Gladio missions) working for Dominican Republic dictator Hector Trujillo (brother and former president Rafael was actually in charge).
May 6 22 tweets 4 min read

Olof Aschberg, the "Bolshevik Banker" (or "Bankier der Weltrevolution," as he has been called in the German press), was owner of the Nya Banken, founded 1912 in Stockholm. You know, the neutral country. 2)His co-directors included prominent members of Swedish cooperatives and Swedish socialists, including G. W. Dahl, K. G. Rosling, and C. Gerhard Magnusson. In 1918 Nya Banken was placed on the Allied black-list for its financial operations in behalf of Germany.