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Documenting the Soviet military system. Reading list:
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Sep 26 9 tweets 8 min read
A thread discussing Soviet tank tactics and doctrine: Image Before one can discuss Soviet armored doctrine as it applies to tank divisions, one must understand the fact that tanks are generally considered to be a basic requirement in a given units offensive capabilities, it is ultimately an extension of any units ability to maneuver, especially within enemy depth to a considerable degree, and therefore tanks are integrated into almost every arm of the Soviet ground forces. Furthermore it is understood that the tank is at its most efficient in offensive environments, where their ability to exploit varied terrain, weather, and adverse nuclear conditions is quite high. Therefore tanks are primarily employed for breakthroughs and pursuits. Defense through the application of armor is often considered secondary, or to be avoided, and is generally seen as a preliminary measure to a counter attack. Due to this, unlike the infantry arm of the Soviet ground forces, the tank commander is expected to display great initiative.Image
Sep 19 13 tweets 7 min read
A thread discussing Soviet combat engineers and river crossing tactics: Image Organized underneath the control of the Front Chief of Engineers, these units are an integral facet of the Soviet combat support system. Interestingly, akin to artillery, these units are by no means static in their formation, and will disintegrate and regroup as the mission requires.
Sep 17 12 tweets 6 min read
A thread discussing Soviet artillery doctrine and tactics: Image Before one can understand the key principles of Soviet artillery doctrine, one must be aware of the understanding Soviet Commanders hold towards the concept of control and flexibility. Generally speaking, the Soviet Commander wishes to enact the highest possible degree of control upon his units as to ensure they can be employed flexibly in an operational sense. This level of control varies greatly and descends a hierarchical command structure.
Sep 16 12 tweets 6 min read
A thread discussing Soviet reconnaissance tactics and principles as well as the importance of this subject in an operational and tactical sense: Image The Soviets believe that generally, one's ability to reconnoiter and observe is one of if not the most important supporting capability to an offensive or defensive operation. It is understood that if one fails to properly actualize this vital and wholly essential endeavor than combat actions will suffer significantly as a result. Therefore, Soviet Commanders believe it to be imperative that at a minimum 75% of the capabilities and axis the enemy may employ in opposition to these aims be identified prior to an actions conduct. This results in the means of engaging said reconnaissance being placed at a level of prestige and elite operation which is gleaned from the view their success is essential to the effective use of the wider body of forces.Image
Sep 11 20 tweets 6 min read
A thread detailing the organization and functionality of the KGB: Image To discuss the KGB is difficult, as we have very little information on their operation in regards to specifics, firstly, we are unaware of their manpower, especially at their peak in the 1980s (it can be assumed they were nearing 700,000 personnel at this time), we also have very little information on their budget, given it was split between the military and other entities within the USSR, as it stands there will be many holes in this analysis for that reason.
Sep 3 29 tweets 6 min read
A thread discussing Operational Maneuver Groups within the Soviet military. Image The Soviet OMG (Operational Maneuver Group) is an exceedingly important element to the rapid advance and the maintenance of momentum of the main body of forces.
Aug 19 26 tweets 6 min read
A thread discussing the training, and conditioning of Soviet soldiers: Image To understand the individual within the Soviet military, one must understand the goals of the Soviet military, this is an often forgotten progression in regards to critiques of the Soviet infantryman and how he fights.
Aug 16 34 tweets 7 min read
A thread discussing the tactics, organization and purpose of the Soviet Airborne Forces: Image Airborne divisions are an exceedingly important facet of the ideals surrounding deep battle, which calls for disruption of the rear echelon as a core tenant.
Aug 11 33 tweets 7 min read
A thread discussing Soviet logistical practices from the late 70s to the early 80s: Image The evolution of Soviet logistics spans the entire Cold War, shifting considerably with each decade. To cover such a complicated subject these threads will be separated by the period in which they are relevant.
Aug 9 28 tweets 5 min read
A thread discussing Military Academies within the USSR: Image The most qualified and experienced officers within the Soviet Union are chosen through competitive examination to attend one of countries sixteen military academies.
Aug 5 30 tweets 8 min read
A thread discussing Soviet air defense tactics, from A2A interception to SPAAG: Image Starting from the top, Soviet aviation regiments tend to be composed of an HQ, three interceptor squadrons, and a technical/maintenance unit. These units are often accompanied by an independent technical service battalion, which is stationed at each airfield. Image
Jul 29 22 tweets 4 min read
Soviet perceptions of the West throughout the Cold War:

A thread detailing the Eastern concept of NATO as constructed through propaganda and political concerns. Image As we look back upon the Cold War it's difficult not to immediately recall hyperbolic sentiments such as the global proliferation of Communist ideals threatening to destroy America at large. Image
Jul 27 39 tweets 10 min read
A thread discussing the Soviet concept of combat readiness throughout the Cold War: Image A common misconception that is often peddled (especially in regards to force comparisons between East and West) is the notion that due to the lack of peacetime deployment the CCCP's military demonstrates a lack of combat readiness. Image
Jul 27 30 tweets 6 min read
A thread discussing the Soviet practice of R&D and procurement:

The means in which the Soviet military arms itself is an often misinterpreted and poorly understood subject, riddled with myths. This thread aims to elucidate those practices. Image Soviet military procurement has a deep connection to doctrinal research, and therefore it is outlined well in advance what the USSR's combatants wish to actualize in the field, equipment is then in turn designed to fulfill these aims.
Jul 22 23 tweets 5 min read
A thread detailing the Soviet study of doctrine:

This thread aims to elucidate the means in which the CCCP conducted the study of war. Image It is important to begin such a complicated topic with a comparison, while this is not a blatant critique it is to demonstrate the consequences of and the limitations presented when it comes to the Western ideal (when concerning the Cold War).
Jul 20 29 tweets 7 min read
A thread detailing the functionality and advantages of the Soviet chemical protection corp:

An often overlooked and understated facet of the Soviet military system is it's capacity to respond to NBC threats, which are an unfortunate reality of the modern battlefield. Image Following the mass proliferation of tactical nuclear munitions, armies of the world have worked tirelessly to mitigate the equalizer they act as in combined arms operations. The ease in which one can ablate the capabilities of an adversary with these weapons is unprecedented.