Tej Dosa Profile picture
I talk business and spirituality | Helped 1,000+ creators free their mind & income via @mindskool and https://t.co/jAR8EBEljy | On a mission to shift the culture
North Star Angel Profile picture Saufi Profile picture Jamie Profile picture Henry D Blanc🔥 Profile picture Brian Tubbs Profile picture 18 subscribed
Feb 9, 2023 21 tweets 3 min read
One of the fastest ways to increase your output?

Ask yourself better questions (inputs).

Not too focused on journaling these days, but whenever I get stuck… I like to hit the "pause button" on the video game of life and run through the following 8 questions: 1/ "If I was injected with a needle that made me 10x more fearless, how would that change how I live my life?"
Jan 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
52 Truths Nobody Tells You About Business And Life [Part 1/7]: 52 Truths Nobody Tells You About Business And Life [Part 2/7]:
Jan 21, 2023 25 tweets 4 min read
Proven Formula: How To Beat The Video Game Of Life

[Mini Write Up] In order to understand the power of this formula, you have to understand:

Why MOST people never get what they want from life.

Most people want to be rich, successful and happy.

The problem?
Jan 3, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
I Tested August Bradley’s Notion "Life Operating System" For 183 Days.

Here’s How It Changed The Game For Me. I’ve always been a pen and pad guy. I’ve always avoided (and struggled) to stick with anything digital (aside from working with a team).

Tried them all:

- Notion
- Roam
- OmniFocus
- ToDoist
- Things
- Asana
- Trello

You name it.
Dec 10, 2022 25 tweets 4 min read
Back in 2020, I published a thread titled: 

“My 6-Step Process: How I Easily Manifest $33,000+ Days” 

Inside, I revealed the protocol… 

… and the importance of taking your dream off the pedestal, bringing it back to eye-level, and living it out now. 

Since then… I’ve received hundreds of messages from people who used the protocol to unlock more money/success.

But also messages from others who didn’t understand what it meant to live the dream now (and thought they were doing it, but actually weren’t). 

So to help clarify...
Nov 15, 2022 19 tweets 3 min read
(Please read if you don’t want to waste the next 10 years)

A PSA for newbie entrepreneurs age 18-23 who are just getting into the online biz scene… My first copywriting client paid $50 a week for 10 hours of work.

Do the math. Not pretty.

But I didn’t care. I was grateful just to be able to get paid to learn a high value skill.

But these days?

Social media has blinded the young.

18-year old millionaires...
Nov 14, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
Mindset has BOTH a conscious AND unconscious component

Most people focus only on the conscious (i.e. affirmations)...

But cleaning the “unconscious” is what played a massive role in taking me from -$67 to $50k+ days (profit).

Here are the 7 methods I used to make that happen: Important Note:

If you’re struggling with mindset issues...

I would focus LESS on cheesy affirmations and MORE on addressing the root cause by leveraging one or more of the practices below.
Sep 28, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Want to grow your copy chops by 5% and make more $$$ with your ads, emails, sales letters THIS WEEK?

Set aside 33 minutes, grab a hot (or cold) drink and go through these 5 COPY CLASSES today: 🚌CopyClass 01: How BIG Ideas Are Making Normal People Rich And Famous

Sep 21, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
$0 to 7 figures (online) =

New Identity (Mindset/Habits) + High ROI Skills + Consistent Execution

Here are the 7 mindset filters I applied over my consciousness to go from $0 to clearing my first $1,000,000+ online: Mindset Filter #1) "Everything is easy."

"But it's not!" you say.

And rightfully so, but the thing is:

When my mind labelled making money online as hard, it created resistance - leading to procrastination.

When I labeled it to be easy, I found myself flowing effortlessly.
Sep 14, 2022 24 tweets 5 min read
Years ago, I heard Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) share the "15x affirmation" technique he used to become a famous cartoonist...

... on the Tim Ferriss Show.

It sounded similar to something I used before, so I doubled down on it over the years...

... and here's what happened: PHASE 1) School

When I first discovered the technique, I was in school.

Getting trash grades.

So I decided to start here.

Every morning, I'd wake up and write the following: I got A in [class #1], [class #2], [class #3], [class #4]

10-15x (always in past/present tense)
Aug 16, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
I started meditating in 2011 after an entrepreneur worth over $300M recommended I try his practice

Little did I know, but that ONE decision would go on to generate:

• Million $ ad angles
• Breakthrough biz ideas
• Even this twitter account

Here's the daily practice I do: (1) Wake up in the morning. Don’t check your phone.

(2) Go brush up.

(3) Walk to another room in your house. Find a chair. (Don’t meditate in bed. Big no no!)
Jun 10, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
The 4% Battery Life Rule:

How to boost productivity, achieve goals faster, and maximize the dream of life. Image I sent the following thread as an email many moons ago. But it is a rule I believe strongly in.

Once applied it'll allow you to crush your goals and bring your visions to life much quicker. For that reason, I am sharing it here.

Read it, internalize it, keep it dear to you.
May 16, 2022 20 tweets 3 min read
how i achieve my yearly priority goal 99% of the time while working just 4 hours a day: This thread is all you need to achieve any goal.

It doesn’t matter what you’re trying to do.

Or who you’re hoping to become.
May 15, 2022 25 tweets 4 min read
unconventional tactics, hacks, techniques for business, marketing, productivity: "F the tactics, it’s all about strategy bro" - that’s what everybody says...

And you know what? Everybody is right…


Sometimes you just need a good tactic…

To get back on the up and up.

May 14, 2022 24 tweets 3 min read
how to ruin your life (25 ways): 1. live on the side of the majority - the majority is almost always wrong about everything. Nutrition, wealth, relationships, nature of the universe, death, investments, God. Ignore the majority, find your own truth.
May 13, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
I started practising "magic" when I was ~17 years old after I read about Steve Jobs' "Reality Distortion Field"

Since then, I've gone from...

-$67 to hitting $50k+ days (profit)

If I had to train someone to follow suit, here are 7 habits I'd tell them to master (with time). Habit #1: "Pre-code" events with INTENTION

Before I start the day, I tell myself it was already a HUGE success.

Before I create a new promo, I view it in the mind's eye as having gone as smooth as possible.

Before I do anything of importance, I pre-code it with what I want.
May 12, 2022 22 tweets 3 min read
$$$ boosting copy & marketing ideas (practical): COPY STRUCTURE:

Clear Headline

Declare The Problem

Present Your Solution

Highlight USP

Demonstrate Credibility

Social Proof/Sprinkle In Testimonials

Reverse All Risk

Anchor Price

CTA + Urgency/Scarcity

FAQ (address main objections again)

CTA + Urgency/Scarcity
May 11, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
Mastering "FLOW" unlocked my ability to write 5,500 - 12,000+ high quality words a DAY and crush it as a copywriter.

Unfortunately, it wasn't easy and 99% of what I tried was trash.

Today, I'll share the 3-phase system that actually worked for me

Here it is:

🧵👇 PHASE #1: Find your "FLOW-BLOCKS"

Most people approach flow through addition. This is cool, but doesn't induce maximum flow.

Better approach comes from realizing:
Apr 27, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
My Mindset For "Maximizing" Serendipity & Creating A Life Of Magic - Spontaneously:

(THREAD) Here's the mindset:

"Quit trying to change your life. Instead, allow life to change you."

If you apply those 2 sentences to how you live, your life will fundamentally transform (quickly) and increase in serendipity (in ways you cannot even imagine).
Apr 14, 2022 34 tweets 4 min read
10+ years of business lessons:

(Thread) 1. The market makes you. The market breaks you. To screw over a customer is to only screw over yourself. Do right by the market and sleep easy.
Apr 5, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
The "ONLY" habit I'd master if I wanted to make MAXIMUM money in MINIMUM time...

(A Thread) Not all habits are created equal

Us entrepreneurs always talk about opportunity cost, but hardly anybody talks about the opportunity cost of 'good' habits

IMO most habits are cope and unnecessary and a waste of life and time...