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May 2 5 tweets 1 min read
Church. They need Jesus. I'm really serious here, in case you don't realize it. What the people who wave that flag most need is a sense of unconditional acceptance and love. They need space to repent of their rebellion and a community in which to feel forgiveness and the lifted burden, plus to grow.
Apr 29 14 tweets 3 min read
What you are seeing on college campuses is textbook Maoism. The "demonstrators" you see are textbook Maoists, and many of them know they are and are that deliberately, intentionally. You are seeing Beijing University 1966, inter alia. These are our Red Guard, and it won't go away This Maoist youth revolt will have to be confronted, but it will have to be confronted intelligently, aware of Maoist tactics and traps. Of course, they'd most like to just get their way, whatever it is (it will change next season), but second best is provoking an ugly reaction.
Apr 26 8 tweets 2 min read
Should remind people again that Critical Race Theory isn't anti-white racism. It's Race Marxism. It facilitates and makes use of racism of all kinds, and much anti-white racism is activated in the process. It's made use of too, of course, but the purpose is Marxist revolution. This distinction matters a lot. A Marxist revolution is infinitely worse than mere activated racism, but activated racism is most people's point of contact with the program. Misdiagnosing a Marxist revolution as anti-white racism is a fatal mistake for a variety of reasons.
Apr 22 30 tweets 7 min read
So thanks to Tucker Carlson, evolution is back on the table of contentious conversations, but, as will surprise almost no one, we're discussing it in completely the wrong way.

We need to talk about evolution, but it's not Genesis versus Darwin. It's reality versus "New Genesis." In the podcast premiering now on @NewDiscourses, you will hear very clearly that the United Nations has been pushing a *theosophical* concept of evolution and has been angling for decades to seize control over the evolution of humanity, human beings, the planet, and the cosmos.
Apr 21 9 tweets 2 min read
"Women" don't exist. There's no such thing as "women."

Neither do "gays" or especially the execrable "LGBTQ+."

"Christians" don't really exist either, but at least here it's closer.

These statements sound insane, but this is going to be an important thread. I hear all the time that "women" voted for this, or "women" believe that. "Women" DOESN'T exist.

Note the grammar.

Individuals who are women (adult human females) exist. "Women" is a class made up of billions of individual females (and zero males, we have to note). This is big.
Apr 21 4 tweets 1 min read
Less accurate: Woke (CRT) is anti-white (racism).

More accurate: Woke (CRT) enables and makes use of anti-white racism such that it proliferates.

This distinction matters a lot. Woke (CRT) is something far more evil and sinister than racial animus, and racial animus is bait. I don't know how to tell people the Woke (and especially the people making use of them) WANT white people to think of themselves as a racial class that's in intrinsic conflict with other racial classes, collectively "people of color." It's the Communist Manifesto, p. 1 of ch. 1! Image
Apr 18 16 tweets 3 min read
The politics of compliance, as I've termed it, are designed to create what has elsewhere been termed "mass-formation psychosis." When color-revolution-level psychological active measures are applied to the politics of compliance, you get this scale of mass-formation psychosis. The politics of compliance is an overarching term I'm using for what we might identify as "Maoism," since Mao was perhaps history's most successful pusher of the politics of compliance. You can read about the basic principles here.
Apr 17 7 tweets 2 min read
The line isn't Left vs Right. It's "the truth matters" versus "the truth is what we need it to be." That's the epistemological line between good and evil.
The Activist Left knows that's the actual line, and they've known it for a long time. That's why much of their propaganda is projection: accusing truth-tellers and truth-seekers of manipulating facts to lie. That is, of course, what they're doing, and they know why they do it.
Apr 16 24 tweets 6 min read
Meet Dom Helder Camara, the "Red Bishop" upon whom much of our present Woke catastrophe can be blamed.

If you want to know how our culture got so degraded by Third Generation (Western) Marxist ideologies, you need to understand Liberation Theology and what it has influenced. Image Dom Helder Camara was a Liberation Theologian from Recife Brazil, though he didn't start his priestly career that way (we'll come back to this). Liberation Theology, in brief, is the result of deliberate Soviet infiltration into the Catholic Church to pervert its doctrines.
Apr 16 12 tweets 3 min read
I am frequently asked what people on university campuses should do in the present environment and when things might turn around. The bad news is that the universities are nearly the worst infected and will turn around nearly last, but that doesn't mean you can't do good things. The first thing you need to do if you're on a campus and don't buy the Woke crap is realize that you are a small fish in an angry ocean. That is, temper your expectations, particularly in the short term, but remember that a tiny amount of faith with related works moves mountains.
Apr 15 8 tweets 4 min read
It's important to understand what's going on at Boeing, which is why I controversially brought it up on Rogan. America and the West are being deindustrialized (Degrowth) to increase our dependency on the CCP-controlled PRofChina.

This includes using DEI and ESG requirements to misdirect corporate priorities and resources (see Boeing's latest SEC filing, e.g.) to "suicide" (action verb) corporations while establishing a tyrannical regime over them similar to regulatory capture.

In this case, that capture is run through the "Stakeholder Capitalism" or "Inclusive Capitalism" or "Sustainable Development" model coordinated by the UN and WEF and facilitated through financial firms like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, plus proxy advisory firms like ISS and Glass Lewis. These effective create a corporate cartel (Soviet) environment that's playing Hunger Games with Western industries while passing the economic superpower torch to the CCP and BRICS alliance.

The point is to actively suicide American and eventually Western industry while enabling their Chinese competitors to move the West into a broken, consumption-only economy that's dependent on PRC and Indian (BRICS) production under their broadly corporate-socialist model.

In this case, Boeing is being squeezed. Airbus will be too, eventually. Their Chinese military–owned competitor, COMAC, is being positioned and encouraged to rise as a "dark horse" while the 737, 777, and 787 are targeted with a heavy narrative operation built around a manufactured truth about problems in their production and safety. The COMAC C919 is a direct B737 competitor on the rise, and the COMAC C929 is the B777/787 competitor on its way.

Here, former Congressman John Kucinich (D-OH) explains the de-industrialization and thus increasing dependency of American production and manufacturing (Degrowth) and gives as a specific example how Boeing lobbied his office to decrease restrictions on PRC trade so that Boeing could more easily enter into the lucrative Chinese market. The CCP's price of admission was sharing various aircraft prototypes, all of which would have been in advance of the development of their COMAC knockoff C919 aircraft line.

This isn't just a "James Lindsay was right" moment. It's very serious on multiple levels, including finding out what defense-contracted information Boeing utilized to buy access to the huge cartel (CCP)–controlled PRofChina market. Serious questions have to be asked by serious people, like Congressional oversight committees, under oath.

What prototypes were offered, if any? What role has hitting ESG and DEI targets played in misplacing resources and misdirecting priorities so that Boeing is now in this truly vulnerable position at exactly the moment its PRC knockoff competitor emerges onto the world market? What incentives and disincentives did Boeing face (including corrupt executive compensation packages, as reported in their previous SEC filings) to implement ESG and DEI requirements both in its own company and in its supply chain (Spirit Aerosystems, particularly)? How do these incentive structures appear in other American corporations and industries, and what impacts are they having?

These questions must be asked. This is serious. It's not just bad business at a big company. It's the controlled demolition of the West and of America. Where these moves have been intentionally orchestrated or facilitated by American officials, this may well be treason.

The fate of our country is directly tied to these questions. I hope we're ready to start taking them seriously.

Clip by @MythinformedMKE. Here's what I said on Rogan about this dangerous issue.
Apr 4 22 tweets 9 min read
What's Communist Harvard Corporate Law up to these days?

Oh. Image You can read all about this demonic death cult being forced on our corporations here.
Apr 1 4 tweets 1 min read
It's @United every time in the news over not-newsworthy things. It's never the others. So, we can believe one of two things:

1) United has lots of (usually non-) problems that need to be reported on, or

2) they're systematically attacking United with the VIMA. The worst-case scenario here is that there's a planned accident for @united in the future, and they're using the Vertically Integrated Messaging Apparatus to prime the population to believe its due to "organic" problems at the airline. There are no good scenarios here.
Mar 30 8 tweets 7 min read
I have a feeling this is going to go really badly for me, but it has to be said. The dynamic must be explained.

Yesterday, on Good Friday, one of the high holy days of the Christian faith, the Biden Administration proclaimed Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024 *specifically* to be a "trans day of visibility." The official White House press release page shows an Easter Bunny by the White House, indicating they are fully aware that they are making this proclamation specifically about Easter Sunday, even though Easter is not specifically mentioned in the proclamation.

This isn't just an insult to the Christian faith, and indeed an intolerable one that proclaims a form of embodied Gnostic theosophy that misleads and destroys kids. It is entirely consistent with Woke Theosophy, as I've discussed elsewhere and may attach here as a thread, but it is more than that. It is also a deliberate provocation against Christians that must be understood.

A key principle of Woke activism is "your target's reaction is your real action." That derives from Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals and has been codified in the updated activism manual called Beautiful Trouble. They do these provocations intentionally, as I have discussed at length in the past, as a means of stoking a reaction they can use to their advantage.

On the reactionary side at present, it must be indicated that there are multiple overlapping active measures to drag faithful Christians into reactionary stances. One is the prevailing "Operation Christian Nationalism," which this same administration is framing as one of the most dangerous threats to "democracy" in the world today. Another is the more local and specific radicalization attempt during Holy Week that follows the Christian rhetoric of "Christ is King," which has been successfully tied to an antisemitic trope and active measure meant to drive a wedge between Christians and Jews and Christians and Christians. I have taken tremendous heat for exposing this active measure, as have many others, which is a testament to its status as an active measure.

This provocation, published yesterday, is overwhelmingly likely aiming to feed into those prevailing active measures ("ops") meant to drag Christians into a positions of fruitful reaction that the Regime can use to clamp down on them. Again, Christian reaction is their real action, and we know for certain that Christian circles are deeply infiltrated with a chest-beating and growing radicalism that is being baited toward and associated with a growing antisemitism. The responses to this post will almost certainly prove this out, btw. Your evil government wants this to happen. They are baiting you into it.

What should you do?

You should cleave to your faith with wisdom and discernment. You should celebrate your Christianity as loudly and publicly as you want, and you should do so aware that a reaction is being solicited from you. Pray for those caught up in the trans cult. Make your prayers visible. Welcome them to healing and communion, even if they're not ready to take it. Likewise, pray for these evil "leaders" that they repent of this wickedness. Pray also for those professing Christianity but not practicing it, seeking to lead Christians into error from within, that they repent and find forgiveness, peace, strength, and ultimately faith.

More than that, celebrate your faith openly and on terms that avoid the desired reaction of these enemies of both the church and our nations. Proclaim "He is risen" and celebrate your salvation through Him. Do not be afraid, but do not take the evil path that is being offered to you. I advise reading Matthew 10 in its entirety in this dangerous time in which your religion is targeted and in which you are being targeted and identified for this persecution, which is being set up through these provocations. It contains wisdom and guidance for times precisely like these.

Happy Easter, everyone, and may the Good News of your faith overpower the evil being done against it, not through chest-beating reaction and temptations to evil, but through the power of peace, repentance, and forgiveness that is at the heart of it, for all the people in all the nations of the world. Let not this weapon that has been forged against you prevail. Keep your faith, and keep you head. These are trying times.
whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/…Image I'll add some legs to this.
Yes, you are being baited, and yes, they know what they're doing. There are also ravening wolves in sheep's clothing around you urging you to take the bait. The Left infiltrates. Be discerning. Wise as serpents, gentle as doves.
Mar 29 24 tweets 5 min read
Earlier, I used the term "digital cattle," which is one I've been thinking about for a while to describe our future if the evil technocrats successfully take over. It's worth explaining this term in fuller detail. They will make us their digital cattle. Cattle is a word that refers to domesticated animals that are raised specifically because they provide something useful to those who own them. I am therefore saying that the technocrats will establish a system where we are as cattle to them, centers of data to be harvested.
Mar 24 6 tweets 1 min read
"Christ is King," as it is declared, is a sophisticated and manipulative dialectical trap like "Black Lives Matter," and Christians are being baited into it by a few public figures and a band of antisocial troublemakers, likely led by a fed. Christians are expected to agree with the sentiment because it is, in a way, a cornerstone belief of their religion. They're often expected to participate in the refrain as well. Just like "Black Lives Matter," it's something undeniable (for Christians) but also manipulative.
Mar 23 25 tweets 4 min read
The essence of what makes the classical liberal information environment work, and upon which its economic and political environments depend, is the capacity to admit good-faith criticism of any proposition made by any person at any time for any reason. This is poorly understood. Many people do not understand classical liberalism at all. They don't realize that is isn't so much a system as it is a disposition against settling disputes physically whenever possible and a conflict-resolving strategy built upon the notion that we're all fallible (fallibilism)
Mar 14 11 tweets 6 min read
So, Advil really has a "pain equity project," like for real. Since "equity" means redistributing shares to make participants equal, this is downright alarming. Apparently, 3 in 4 black people *believe* there's a bias in how pain is treated.

Advil apparently believes true pain relief targets pain at the source, which is apparently in bias ("racism"). This initiative is somehow supposed to address the racism and thus fix the true source of (black) pain. Image
Mar 12 4 tweets 1 min read
We're approaching a George Floyd-level moment about illegal aliens, but it will be based in truth and reality, not narrative. The Left will work extremely hard to spin it into a Critical Immigration Theory narrative, but that is very likely to backfire significantly. Their Plan B, if narrative and framing control fails, will be to try to use the issue to provoke violence or mass civil unrest that they can manipulate in public perception to their advantage, likely tying it to "[white] Christian Nationalism." This isn't our first rodeo, though.
Mar 12 6 tweets 2 min read
How Satan (the Prosecutor, Father of Lies) works:

1) Cloak as angel of light: Promise liberation
2) Deceive: Spread misinformation about reality and future possibilities
3) Accuse: Blame the righteous for preventing the promise
4) Sow lies: Lead people to lie to be included

🤔 The first step is to show up as an Angel of Light and liberator from oppression.
"We can end oppression, racism, poverty, exploitation, etc., even by reality itself, if you just believe me and come with me. It will be wonderful, and look how they don't want you to know it..."
Mar 11 13 tweets 3 min read
I am once again reminding you that ESG (including DEI) is designed to prevent American manufacturing from coming back. The purpose is the intentional suiciding of the West while the Global South and China (Belt and Road) rise to global superpower status. I am also once again telling you that this destruction isn't just intentional but was architected strategically in conjunction with China (call it a Harvard–CCP alliance, tbh) almost 50 years ago to transition the world from liberty to a new ideologically driven metasystem.