Sean Wilson Profile picture
Independent, Veteran (11B). Liberty, big ideas, AI (proj mgr), IT, webdev, rural/remote economic development, marketing, kayaking, scuba, woodworking, guitar.
Jun 6, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
If Latin American governments can't run their countries worth a damn, and millions are fleeing the dysfunction--why do we continue propping them up? Globalists/UN don't want people who could/would build functioning nations to end leftist failures and make useful nations. Instead, globalists prop up corrupt and incompetent regimes, drug cartels, terrorists and warlords, all to keep conflict and control working to fatten their bank accounts. It's repugnant in every way.
Jun 5, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Gunshots ...almost a morning ritual now, in #OKC. Even in the most conservative States, cities always drift towards Democrats and their failed policies and degenerate culture. Govt fails to to take out the trash, anymore. Unlike Democrats who foster the shit culture that produces the threat, I don't think the answer is trampling the rights of law abiding citizens. Government must fix it's incompetence and failed policies in enforcement, prosecution, sentencing.
Jun 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
You want to protect the Second Amendment? Don't vote for any Republicans in the mid-terms. Put an Independent or Libertarian in office instead. Until conservatives get rid of RINOs, nothing will be safe and the gutless @GOP will always side with leftists over your rights. The only way Republicans will come to their senses and find their spines is to hand them a massive defeat, force them to compromise towards liberty, freedom, limited government instead of towards commies and socialists like the @GOP always does.
Mar 20, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
@SenWarren @POTUS Then stop passing laws that drive up the costs of education. Eliminate the textbook publishing scam and digitize to drive costs down. Get govt out of healthcare, professional licensing, stop forcing insurance as healthcare paradigm--it's not, it's just one form of cost payment. @SenWarren @POTUS Ridiculous govt regulation creates scenarios that create professional shortages, don't account for experience, don't allow for working professionals. Ignorant/bad IT practices and software licensing costs instead of using open source drives up education costs.
Mar 19, 2022 14 tweets 2 min read
Republicans have me confused. They don't want to support Ukraine because-Nazis! And a former commie nation led by a former KGB agent, is attacking to de-Nazify them? But leftists--socialists, commies, neocons, globalists in the USA, Europe--want to help Ukraine...I mean Nazis? To recap. Socialists and commies in Antifa, etc., are demanding The West support Nazis? And former socialists and commies are trying to destroy Nazis?
Mar 19, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
As much money as the US government wastes, there ought to be a public expense recording system, blockchain based, public and every penny spent ought to be posted automatically by whatever govt agency from feds to municipal govts. EVERY single penny and what it was spent on. Much like a micro-blogging format, public facing budgeting app. Every expense entered, instantly updated to a national feed show what agency, individual spent it, what law justifies it. Then we progressively enhance w/market in-notice comparisons for comparable goods/services.
Mar 11, 2021 14 tweets 2 min read
Ask any Democrat/leftist who would do the jobs that illegal aliens do, if they were all removed from the country and wait for their laughable responses. Ask them what would happen to the cost of goods and services in those markets, and to wages to attract legal citizen workers. These same Democrats/leftists who can't make it through a simple thought exercise will tell you that they fully understand capitalism, how it's inherently evil and why its a failure. Mostly because, you know, "Muh feelings!"