Connor Ewing Profile picture
Assistant Professor of Political Science @UofT | Fellow @Trinity_College | American Political Thought & Constitutional Development | Editor @TheNewRambler
Aug 25, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The mortgage interest deduction has cost ~$750B since 2010 and the vast majority of benefits go to households with incomes over $100k. But tell me again about how redistribution is bad. Pardon me: The VAST majority of benefits go to households with incomes over $100k.
Jan 4, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Everything Jed Britton-Purdy writes is worth reading & taking seriously. This new piece—rooting the crisis of democracy in the Constitution—is no exception. But I think it makes an interpretive error that is connected to a larger strategic misstep. A 🧵… Much of the focus of JBP's argument that "the roots of the crisis run deep into the undemocratic features of our constitutional system" is the oft-invoked “father of the Constitution”: James Madison. Here Jed cites passages from 2 Federalist Papers, Nos. 63 & 55.
Sep 9, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Even more stoked for Djokovic/Berrettini. First set review:
- Berrettini’s back foot power is amazing.
- Djokovic’s return game is amazing.
- This match is amazing.
Jun 3, 2021 18 tweets 7 min read
A 🧵 about American politics, political history, and historical memory—and a text so often found at the crossroads of all three: The Federalist Papers.

Teaser: Read on to find out how a 1961 book cover used an 1848 painting to depict—and distort—1787/88. To start, here’s the cover of the 1961 edition of The Federalist Papers (TFP), edited by Clinton Rossiter and published by Mentor Books. Those who teach TFP have probably seen this image…a lot. It’s one of the most ubiquitous copies of the text.
Aug 11, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
AG Barr’s comments have obviously—and for good reason—gotten a lot of attention. Most of that attention has focused on the bits about Rousseau and godless leftists. But he said something even more significant that’s been widely overlooked. (1/7) His main point was that the modern left has transgressed the parameters of traditional, reasonable American politics: “The left-wing has really withdrawn and pulled away from the umbrella of classical liberal values[.]” Here’s the full passage. (2/7)
Jan 16, 2019 16 tweets 6 min read
Some thoughts on Speaker Pelosi’s move to postpone the #SOTU and invite President Trump to deliver a written message.

1/… First, some background: George Washington set the precedent for an annual, in-person address to Congress—neither of which are required by the Constitution. Though continued by Adams, Jefferson switched to a written message, arguing that the spectacle was too monarchical.
