Conor Kenny 🏘 Profile picture
East Austinite. Ex-Planning Commission chair. Impact-focused affordable & mixed-income housing developer at, a social benefit corp.
Potato Of Reason Profile picture 2 subscribed
Feb 18, 2021 16 tweets 5 min read
For my non-Texans, it’s hard to convey how f’d our state is. It’s barely broken freezing since Sunday. Half of Austin has been almost entirely w/out heat or power for 2.5 days. Water pressure is dropping and there’s a boil notice but half the city has no power to boil. Thread🧵⤵️ We mostly heat our homes w/ nat gas here but furnaces need electricity, so they’re out. Once buildings got cold pipes started breaking all over town. Folks dripped their faucets but now there’s not enough pressure for that. Mains are breaking w/ water running down the street. 2/