Constance 🆘 Profile picture
Just a woman trying to make the world a better place Married..RESISTANCE...Equality... SandyHookPromise...BLM... ThisIsNotNormal...UnionStrong... StopByrd
Oct 24, 2019 • 19 tweets • 4 min read
(Thread) Rep. Chuck Fleischmann’s Phony Town Hall

On 10/23/19, Rep Chuck Fleischmann held a phone “town hall”. I had been wondering for some time why he wouldn’t hold real town halls where his constituents could talk to him directly, face-to-face. (1) Then, it became painfully clear. He spent most of the time patting himself on the back for his work in securing grants for various interests, bashing “Democrats” while ironically calling for an end to partisan divisiveness, and parroting GOP-issued talking points dripping (2)
Sep 12, 2019 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
(THREAD) I want to take a step away from the politics of our government for a moment and talk about the politics of our Twitterverse. More specifically, I want to talk about some politics of our Re$i$tance. I had a huge wake up call over the last week that even in our movement(1) there wolves in sheeps’ clothing. Not that I’m surprised by that as there are predators everywhere, but I am shocked by the fact that there are those among US who are enabling it. People who scream, “Believe Women!”, then turn around and question victims of predation because (2)