Lawrence McDonald Profile picture
NY Times Bestselling Author, "When Markets Speak" on sale date is March 26, 2024. Long-time @RealVision @CNBC Contributor, founder of the @BearTrapsReport
7 subscribers
Feb 24 4 tweets 1 min read
Does President Trump realize he has to destroy everyone's 401k to Make America Great Again?

"What multiple do you put on companies that are forced to invest by the state?" with @ces921

*Apple is 7.5% of the S&P 500's composition; a decade ago, the top three holdings were close to that weighting. Image
Jan 4 6 tweets 2 min read
Serial Convertible Bond Issuers

Chesapeake Energy*
iStar Financial*
Fannie Freddie*
Six Flags*

*went bankrupt. The Last Saloon (2)

"Over the last 30 years, companies issuing more than one convertible bond in a three-year period – filed bankruptcy protection over 80% of the time, our research showed."…
Dec 27, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
If this were a stock, would you buy or sell it? Image Apple $AAPL 2.55% bonds due 2060 are down at 57 cents on the dollar. If long-term bond yields go to 6%, take a guess where this bond will trade?

*Now think of the trillions of USD loans issued in 2017-2021 on bank balance (commercial real estate, mortgages, corporate financings).Image
Aug 17, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Since 2021


59k to 59k


1750 to 2500

*Last ten years - Gold’s largest drawdown? 21% vs. Bitcoin -82%, -58%, -65%, -75%.

*A store of wealth holds its value. It doesn’t lose half its value or more every few years. No human being can put large portions of their personal wealth in an asset that drops 50-75% every few years. Gold is a colossal reservoir of liquidity, approaching a $17T market vs. bitcoin at $1.5T.

Chart from @Maverick_Equity Image
Dec 15, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
File under another multipolar world headline...

*MAERSK TELLS ALL ITS CONTAINER SHIPS TO PAUSE RED SEA VOYAGES A large percentage of sea-borne container traffic goes through the Red Sea. Even cargo from Shanghai to New York goes through the Red Sea. All the cargo that goes from China to Europe goes through the Red Sea. Very few go around Africa since it's more costly. Halting this traffic has the potential to disrupt a lot of cargo traffic...Image
Oct 3, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
With US Treasuries at 5%, Bank of America is close to 45x levered, at 6-7% infinitely levered.

Image For all of 2008, as Lehman was failing, the value of their core (safety) capital (US Treasuries) was moving higher, NOT lower.

*As interest rates move down, bond prices move up. Image
Aug 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Off the Recent Lows

Orange Juice +45%
Natural Gas +43%
Sugar +41%
Gasoline +33%
Uranium +28%
Oil +24%
Lean Hogs +22%
Soybeans +16%
Iron Ore +15%
Coal +14%
Wheat +14%

*Bloomberg terminal data, lows since Dec.
**ALERT: Inflation expectations, US 5yr BEs, at a nine-year high. EU Gas Up 22% today

“The likelihood of a repetition of the crisis of last winter has gone down significantly, which can also be seen in the forward market, “But we have to be clear that the structural change ...
Mar 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
What do bonds know? We are looking at the 3-month US Treasury Bill yield vs. the 2-Year US Treasury yield. The Fed is holding up the front-end T-Bill yields with rate hikes and hits of more vs. market participants pushing down 2’s yield betting on recession - future rate cuts.

Mar 24, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
“Policymakers consider themselves vindicated after they followed through on their half-percentage-point rate rise last week despite global market volatility” FT

*the ECB hasn’t figured out banks can’t fund them selves with front end rates this high after the AT1 debacle. The ECB is “smoking on the dynamite shed..”

Mar 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Goldman Sachs goes “all in” US consumer finance, then pukes 🤮 it out 18 months later? Really??? Tell me more… Flashback to 2006-2007, Goldman was the FIRST to exit subprime — it was a classic, hall of fame stop 🛑 loss. Today, as colossal interest rate risk hits the $4.8T consumer finance mkt - they cut bait again while most are asleep. History rhymes, indeed. Image
Feb 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Dear Equities,

$1M in T-Bills, Interest Paid


2023: $51K
2022: $6k

Best regards,

Cash Image Reverse Robinhood - with $4.8T of consumer credit (auto leases, credit cards, student loans, home equity lines of credit, etc) - every 1% move hits the little guy and gal with $40B of extra interest costs - all the while the top 40% cash in on the interest gravy train.

Feb 15, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Breaking news - Central banks socializing bond market losses and privatizing gains is not disinflationary.

*ECB, Fed, and BOJ $2T of current market-to-market losses - - held to maturity, losses deferred. The year 2022, was the worst year for bonds in 30+ years. In the 90s James Carville famously said: “I used to think that if there was reincarnation, I wanted to come back as the President or the Pope or as a .400 baseball hitter. But now I would want to come back as the bond market."

Jan 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Dear Mr. Powell,

Close to $11T US Treasury bonds maturing - next 24 months, need to be refinanced.

Funding Rate

Current: 1.6% to 1.9%
New: 3.4% to 4.6%

*interest as a % of the budget explodes from 8% to nearly 17%.

**interest (blue) below is a very conservative estimate. On the House GOP's budgeting-cutting enthusiasm -- the goal of cutting $130 billion from discretionary approps without touching defense or veterans' health means freezing those two items and cutting everything else by 21% immediately. That's just not realistic.

via @Brian_Riedl
Jan 8, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Interest on $1M in US T-Bills

Jan 2023: $46k
Jan 2022: $3k

* “56% of Americans can't cover a $1,000 emergency expense with savings” CNBC, January 2022. Wealthy investors just got a colossal pay raise vs. the lower / middle class consumer up against inflation. It’s clear, we have two economies in the USA, any company facing the bottom 60% of consumers is taking on encroaching stress conditions while the high net worth consumer is doing just fine up a against the brutal tax that is inflation.

(2) Image
Oct 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Colossal Leverage - Underneath the Surface - Liability Driven Investing - LDI turned £5oobn of
underlying assets into £1.5tn of invested money. “The depth of leverage in the system, which is in multiple places that are difficult to
track.” Amundi CIO @FT Dear Clueless Central Bankers - over longer and longer periods of time - when you don’t allow the business cycle to function and suppress the natural - “true cost” of capital, you incentivize and perpetuate this garbage. Don’t kid yourselves, this is NOT an isolated case.

Oct 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Friday was a Significant day - Bank of Japan intervention and a Federal Reserve Policy path shift, it was an inside job. Three things you need to know:… Image The fix is in -- What is driving equities as we approach the US midterm elections?

Last Few Weeks

DJIA +15%
S&P +11%
Nasdaq +10%

*Dow Industrials are just 11% off all-time highs. Massive short covering in QQQ names - with a colossal rotation in the works. Image
Sep 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Be careful trading stocks when major developed market bonds are trading like this. There is NOTHING more dangerous, than academics who have NEVER taken a professional risk, never actually sat in a risk-taking seat - but now sitting on trillions of pounds and dollars of risk. State of Play - We had a three standard deviation move in UK rates and the BOE´s chief economist was saying "let markets be markets" yesterday with pension funds imploding.

Aug 18, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The Art of a Gamma Squeeze

1. Buy out of the money - YOLO calls in SIZE.

2. Force Dealers to buy stock to hedge the calls they sold you.

4. Pump up the bullish sentiment with bs

5. Find more greater fools

6. Dump your shares before they do.

*Jay Powell´s U.S. equity market. .@GaryGensler

Nobody and I mean nobody, is going to call for taking a look at the options market. We'll get 'hey, isn't that something..." With sooo much money in options, they cut commissions to zero for stocks -- options are the LAST cash cow for "discount" brokers.

Jun 30, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The Madness of "Group Think" has no bounds... Image Think M2, 40% of all dollars ever created were done so in 2020 - 2021.

*Federal Reserve US Money Supply M2

Dec 2021: $21.8T
Jan 2020: $15.4T

$6.4T / $15.4T = 41%. Image
Jun 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Econ 101

What happens when you subsidize demand and arrest supply? Anyone? Global developed market politicians have spent the last five years attacking fossil fuel, production, exploration, capex - through disinvestment, regulations, and sanctions. From ESG to green new deals, globally - investment is $2T+ below the previous 2014 trend line.
Jun 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Here Come the Sheep

"We now see recession risk as higher and more front-loaded." Goldman.

*Just like the race 3-4 weeks ago -- who can be the economist to predict the most rate hikes -- Now it´s -- "I can be the one to predict the worst recession" Bloomberg Economic "Consensus" - the Forecast

2022 GDP Outlook

Today: 2.6%
6 Months Ago: 3.8%
10 Months Ago: 5.0%

*With Q1 negative and Atlanta Fed being near 0% for Q2, you need a colossal Q3 and Q4 to get to 2.6%.