Alex • Copywriting Dad Profile picture
Built my writing business to $120K+/mo as a stay-at-home dad. I show you how to grow a community and monetize your ideas to $100k+/mo. DM for 1-on-1 mentorship.
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Jul 6 9 tweets 2 min read
Parents, do this, and set your kids 10 years ahead of their peers... 1. Distance them from the society's advice.

Society's advice

• Go to school
• Get a job
• Marry and have kids

This makes them weak and easy to control

Instead let them;

• Be free
• Chase purpose
• Explore their curiosities
• Meet new people
Jun 3 11 tweets 4 min read
Belly fat will kill you.

Here's how to have a flat belly in 60 days... Image 1. Drink more water

•Healthy skin
•You look younger
•Better metabolism
•Gets rid of cravings (sparkling water)

Drink 2-4L daily (depending on activity)

I use a Berkey water filter for good water. Image
May 27 11 tweets 2 min read
No matter how much you trust your family and friends, Spend most of your time alone. Share less about your plans. Here is why... 1. People around you are not working as hard to change their lives for the better. Observe, act on your goals, and spend more time alone.
May 23 12 tweets 2 min read
Your marriage partner remains to be your greatest Financial, Physical and emotional decision.

Marry wrong and you'll suffer forever.

If you're still single, understand this... 1. Be single until you attract the right person. Life gets kinky. Arm yourself first.
May 15 12 tweets 1 min read
The more you talk, the more the disrespect you attract. Here's why you need to talk less... 1. The less you share, the less likely people will be in your business.
May 11 9 tweets 2 min read
Parents, do this and set your kids 10 years ahead of life... 1. Separate your kids from society's advice.

Society's advice

• Go to school
• Get a job
• Marry and have kids

This makes them weak and easy to control

Instead, let them;

• Be free
• Chase purpose
• Explore their curiosities
• Meet new people.
Apr 27 11 tweets 1 min read
Your intimate partner is the greatest Financial, Physical and emotional decision.

Who you exchange sexual energy with might be your end.

If you're still single or dating, understand this... 1. Be single until you attract the right person. Life gets kinky. Arm yourself first.
Apr 23 12 tweets 2 min read
A salary never made anyone rich.

Here is how to use your 9-5 and get rich in the next 6 years... 1. Exploit your 9-5

You don't have to quit your 9-5 at first, leverage it and establish yourself

Do this;

• Avoid getting promoted
• Seek less responsibilities
• Don’t volunteer for "extra time"
• Sneak few hours for your business
Apr 9 16 tweets 2 min read
Spend most of your time alone. Talk less about your plans. Trust less. Here is why... 1. The less you share, the less likely people will be in your business.
Apr 8 12 tweets 2 min read
A salary never made anyone rich. It's a drug to make you forget your dreams.

If you want to become a millionaire in your 20s and 30s, do this... 1. Learn a high-income skill.

Set 2 hours a day

No distraction

Build on a specific knowledge you can leverage

Here's how;

• Choose a skill
• Select 10-20 YouTube channels teaching the skill
• Binge watch it for 100 days

Master the basics then build up on the knowledge.
Apr 6 9 tweets 2 min read
Parents, do this to your kids and set them 10 years ahead in life... 1. Distance kids from society's advice.

Society's advice

• Go to school
• Get a job
• Marry and have kids

This makes them weak and easy to control

Instead, let them;

• Be free
• Chase purpose
• Explore their curiosities
• Meet new people
Apr 2 12 tweets 2 min read
Your partner is the MOST IMPORTANT Financial, Physical, and emotional decision.

Marry wrong and you'll suffer forever.

If you're still single or dating, read this... 1. Be single until you attract the right person. Life gets kinky. Arm yourself first. Be in a position of safety.
Mar 29 13 tweets 2 min read
No matter how deeply you trust your family and friends, keep your life private, here's why... 1. Your family and friends are not working as hard to change their lives for the better. Observe, act on your goals, and spend more time alone.
Mar 27 9 tweets 2 min read
Until it's done. Do it scared. Do it alone because no one is coming to save you.

Here's how to create your ideal life in 200 days only... 1. Start the day by working on yourself

Do this;

- Wake up between 5:00 AM - 5:30 AM
- Have a 30 minutes work out
- Spend 30 minutes reading
- Allocate 30 minutes to writing
- Review your day

This simple routine will give you 100% productive days.
Mar 21 12 tweets 2 min read
Saving money is a SCAM and only makes banks richer.

Here's where to invest your money in... 1. Invest in yourself

Self-care is not selfish.

Focus on your health because it's the ultimate wealth.

Stay fit;

• Mentally
• Physically
• Emotionally

Do this;

• Eat a healthy diet
• Hit the gym 5x a week
• Stay away from toxic people
Mar 18 14 tweets 4 min read
Belly fat causes high blood pressure in people between the ages of 40 and 70

Here's how you build a flat belly in 30 days (proven by SCIENCE)... Image 1. Drink a lot of water

•Healthy skin
•You look younger
•Better metabolism
•Gets rid of cravings (sparkling water)

Drink 2-4L daily (depending on activity)

I use a Berkey water filter for good water. Image
Mar 15 9 tweets 2 min read
It took me 15 years to build self-confidence, now I can show you how to face anyone in 2 minutes... 1. Practice self-care

Do this;

• Focus on your mental health
• Mind your appearance
• Have enough sleep (5 - 6 hours)
• Exercise everyday
• Fix your diet

Everything start with you.
Mar 12 12 tweets 4 min read
Your skin is your greatest asset.

Do this to have a smooth face in the next 27 days... Image 1. Good hydration

Drink lots of:

•Coconut water
•Pomegranate juice

Drink 2-4L of fluid a day (depending on activity).

I use a Berkey water filter for all my water. Image
Feb 27 13 tweets 4 min read
Looking good is better than being good.

People always judge a book by the cover.

Here are natural ways to improve your appearance in 30 days... Image 1. Good hydration

Drink lots of:

•Coconut water
•Pomegranate juice

Drink 2-4L of fluid a day (depending on activity).

I use a Berkey water filter for all my water. Image
Feb 16 12 tweets 2 min read
Your marriage partner is your MOST IMPORTANT Financial, Physical, and emotional decision.

Marry wrong and you'll suffer forever.

If you're still single or dating, read this... 1. Be single until you attract the right person. Life gets kinky. Arm yourself first.
Feb 14 9 tweets 2 min read
Direct your mind to productivity, or it'll find ways to distract itself. The result is depression.

Give me 2 minutes and I'll show you how to get more done in 50 minutes than 97% of people do in 5 weeks... 1. Get into flow.

Take your first step to create momentum

To create flow in your life, do this

• Write 3 task to undertake
• Set timer of 50 minutes
• Take breaks of 10 mins
• Repeat until you finish the task

Learn how to control your mind for fast results