Pain & it’s theories have been debated since the Greeks & Romans
Here is a short 🧵 on some pain theories that have shaped our modern perspectives on pain
Let’s start with the Descartes & the cartesian perspective of pain back in the 1600’s
Melzack & Wall & the gate control theory started to challenge the 'specificity theory' of a simple linear transmission of a 'pain signal'
The challenge of exercise/movement prescription for pain is simplifying it away from an over complicated mechanical view, whilst still respecting the inherent complexity that exists across the biopsychosocial spectrum
My attempt to do this is the 3Ps model
All models are of course wrong, but some are useful said Mr Box!
There are likely to be many potential mediators of recovery & this also depends on how recovery is defined.
Should this thinking be incorporated into clinical reasoning, hell yeah!
Sep 4, 2022 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
Rehab often focuses on what is the best exercises, how to do those exercises & adjusting the variables associated with an exercise or activity
But can we improve ANY exercise/activity without changing anything physical? Absolutely, here is a 🧵 on how that can be done...
What is said & done AROUND an exercise can have impact. This paper is a great example of how exercise being framed influences changes in pain
Negative pre exercise information changed the analgesic response of a wall squat in this paper
Well there are many many interpretations of what Engel said that we wanted to go back and see what HE actually said & some of the history around the BPS & if the interpretations differ from Engels writing