Corey J. Mahler ✠ 🗿 Profile picture
Confessional Lutheran (@theLCMS). Christian Nationalist. Patriarchist. Θεολόγος. Categorically Unapologetic. Hier stehe ich.
Feb 14 22 tweets 14 min read
Between 13 and 15 February 1945, British and American bombers engaged in one of history’s most notorious war crimes — the firebombing of Dresden.

None of the men involved were ever made — in this life — to answer for their evil. Image By February of 1945, World War II, in the European theater, was essentially over. The Allies had won — the Axis lay in ruins, but, for the Allies, or, more accurately, for their masters, it was never about winning the war — their goals were greater, more expansive.

And so the campaigns continued.Image
Dec 28, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
This line of ‘argument’ is common amongst the illiterati, but it is becoming increasingly popular even among pastors (who should certainly know better). I have addressed this previously and elsewhere, but I will address it again here in order to make sure the matter is clear.
Image I will address three points:
1. Ancient Cush does not map neatly onto any modern country or even region.
2. There is no support in Scripture for Moses having taken a second wife.
3. The narrative in Numbers 12 has nothing to do with Moses’ wife or wives.

(I will use modern geographical names throughout to make this easier to follow.)
Jul 20, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
If moderns were not so pitiably illiterate (read: they know nothing of Scripture), then many of the ‘talking points’ surrounding Christianity would find no purchase.

Let's go through a few: 1. ‘There are no White people in the Bible.’

Japheth, first son of Noah, is the Urvater of Europe — all Whites are descended from him. Further, Scripture contains a fair number of Greeks and Romans — both White. (There are other examples as well.)
Feb 13, 2023 13 tweets 7 min read
Between 13 and 15 February 1945, British and American bombers engaged in one of history's most notorious war crimes — the firebombing of Dresden.

No one was ever made to answer. By February of 1945, World War II, in the European theater, was essentially over. The Allies had won — the Axis lay in ruins. For the Allies, however, it was never about winning the war — the goals were greater, more expansive.

And so the campaigns continued.
Jan 24, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
Do you think the 'annotated' Large Catechism was a standalone issue? What if I told you that @ConcordiaSem has been hosting a 'film festival' for years and that one of the organizers/contributors is a pornographer? Well, they have (and he is): The CSL "Faith and Film Festival" has been going for a number of years. Although not necessarily a problem, the disclaimer on the site certainly raises some question:

"Disclaimer: This festival is for adults only."