Corey Yanofsky, α-stable statistician Profile picture
Have you heard the Good News of Bayes' Theorem? #rstats, he/him,
Jul 29, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
what you are seeing is the minmaxing of the rules of "priority" in fencing

if you and your opponent both hit, whoever has priority wins the point

you gain priority by attacking first and lose it by failing in your attack (or by prise de fer but never mind that) your attack fails if your opponent parries or if you miss (almost always because your opponent retreated out of range)

in the clip we see priority change when the fencer on the left makes his opponent miss; then the fencer on the right, having lost priority, starts retreating
Apr 9, 2019 25 tweets 6 min read
The people have spoken! This thread is part 1; part 2 will come soon, once I manage to answer all the questions that will no doubt be coming my way.

The problem of constructing the SEV function in adaptive trials was the point of departure for my investigations into the SEV function that recently received some attention on twitter (hi @Lester_Domes!). Here I aim to explain only where I started, not where I finished.