Cori Bush Profile picture
1st Black Congresswoman from MO. Wife, mom, nurse, activist, organizer. Author of The Forerunner. My feelings don’t dictate my actions, my purpose does.
Apr 28, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
As the U.S. government sends $14 BILLION more to fund Netanyahu’s war crimes, young folks on college campuses across our country are standing up & speaking out for what‘s right: ending the Israeli government’s genocide of Palestinians.

Listen to them. But instead of listening to what our young people are demanding, those in power have beaten, brutalized, arrested, charged, suspended, & evicted them.
Nov 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
My soul aches.

We can’t hear the screaming of the injured or the young crying out for their mothers.

We can’t hear the breaking of bones or crushing of skulls when the buildings collapse.

We can’t hear the sound as US-made bombs move through the air toward their targets in Gaza or as they make deadly contact.
Oct 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
.@BarbaraLeeForCA is exceptionally qualified & prepared to be the next Senator from the state of California.

@GavinNewsom should appoint her, without conditions, to fill the newly vacant seat.

Governor Gavin Newsom did the right thing when he promised to appoint a Black woman to the U.S. Senate.

If he intends to keep his promise and appoint a Black woman to the Senate, there shouldn’t be any strings attached.
May 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵Marjorie Taylor Greene’s words about Rep Bowman are a result of the exclusion of Black History being taught in schools

Stating she doesn’t feel safe around a Black man is what a racist would say — it’s a line that has been used to justify the killing of Black men for centuries Not only is MTG a white supremacist, her playbook isn’t even original and the response is all too predictable.

By drawing a false equivalency between being called a white supremacist vs. the n-word, and claiming she feared Rep. Bowman, she’s making herself out to be a victim.
Feb 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
It’s disgusting that the Missouri AG and other Jefferson City lawmakers are using this tragedy as an opportunity to attack Black leaders in St. Louis to garner attention for their future political campaigns — all while ignoring issues in other parts of the state. Screenshot of Attorney General Andrew Bailey Tweet reading: AG Bailey is targeting @stlcao, but not the Cedar County prosecutor who refused to pursue real accountability for the years-long abuse of young boys at the Agape Boarding School.

Where is his concern for the reprehensible abuse of prosecutorial power in this case?
Jan 17, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
I'm going to share an excerpt from Dr. King's "Give Us the Ballot" speech in 1957.

I want you to read it. And truly let it sink in.

Then remember it next time someone says that our movement for justice needs to slow down, or be quiet, or wait our turn. "There is a dire need today for a liberalism which is truly liberal.

What we are witnessing today [...] is a sort of quasi-liberalism which is based on the principle of looking sympathetically at all sides...
Sep 11, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
On the 20th anniversary of 9/11 we mourn the thousands of lives taken in the attacks on the World Trade Center, Flight 93, and the Pentagon. We hold their memories and their families close.

We also mourn the thousands of victims of 9/11 who did not die on that day.

🧵 This includes the thousands of first responders who have contracted cancer, lung disease, and other illnesses in the years following the attacks.

We must also remember that not all victims of 9/11 were near the attacks.
Jul 22, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
White supremacists wanted me dead before I came to Congress. And white supremacist threats on my life have only intensified as a Black woman speaking truth in the halls of power.

Just know: They won’t stop us. They can’t.

TW: white supremacist violence Screen shot of a death threat TW: white supremacist violence Screen shot of a death threat
Jun 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m tired of Republicans being prioritized for negotiations.

Progressive votes cannot be taken for granted, especially when the American Jobs Plan's climate investment was the bare minimum to begin with.

Here's what we need.

🧵 We need a Green New Deal. That means climate investments in cities, housing, transportation, and schools. We need a bold Civilian Climate Corps.

We have bills for all of these, including my Green New Deal for Cities.
Nov 4, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Mike Brown was murdered 2,278 days ago. We took to the streets for more than 400 days in protest. Today, we take this fight for Black Lives from the streets of Ferguson to the halls of Congress. We will get justice. Shirley Chisholm became the first Black woman elected to Congress 52 years ago. Today, I became the first Black woman elected to represent Missouri in Congress. It’s 2020. I shouldn’t be the first, but I am honored to carry this responsibility.
Oct 21, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Donald Trump Jr. and Kevin McCarthy are attacking me. A local editorial board calls me ignorant.

As a Black woman running for office, I’m used to these kinds of attacks.

But let’s talk about ignorance. Let’s talk about what actually keeps our communities safe. Militarization makes up 64% of our federal budget.

Medicare & Health are 6%. Education is 5%. Social Security, Unemployment, and Labor together are 3%.

Ignorance is thinking those priorities keep our families safe.
Oct 6, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Environmental justice is racial justice.

Here’s why: Our history books don’t teach us that the American economy thrived off the backs of stolen people, stolen labor, and stolen land.

Over and over again, this country has “developed” at the expense of BIPOC communities.
Sep 30, 2020 14 tweets 5 min read
Trump’s targeted mass disinformation campaign against 3.5 million Black voters in 2016 is just the tip of the iceberg of voter suppression.

Here are 12 other ways voters are being suppressed, disenfranchised, or devalued this year: THREATS OF VIOLENCE: The NBSTF was an armed RNC group that intimidated voters at predominately Black and Latinx polling places in 1981. It was banned until 2017. The RNC is reviving it with 50,000 volunteers this year.…
Sep 9, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Police brutality will never end as long as Wall Street stands to make a profit. Cities pay out hundreds of millions in police brutality settlements—in 2018, New York City paid nearly $237 MILLION. So how do cities afford it?
Aug 21, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
It’s more important than ever that we build a political movement in which all people feel seen, heard, and included—and I believe that active, community-first leaders like Adrienne Bell are the future of this party. Image As an attorney, as a community leader, and as a veteran, @PamKeithFL has a proven track record of standing up for the person who doesn’t always have a seat at the table. Image
Aug 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
COVID-19 is ravaging Missouri’s prisons & jails. One facility, ERDCC, is in the middle of its SECOND outbreak in two months.

We have stories from people on the inside. They’re gut wrenching. Here’s an email from LeVar Aikens who is incarcerated at ERDCC (via: @MissouriPrison). Image The first outbreak at ERDCC was in June. For two months, Missouri Department of Corrections failed to implement a mask mandate. Only AFTER the second outbreak was one put in place. Incarcerated people have been trapped in a COVID-19 breeding ground with no protection.
Aug 13, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Good morning, Jefferson City. #ExpectUS Tell it like it is, @RepSheenBean! #ExpectUS
Aug 12, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
.@GovParsonMO IS TRYING TO CHARGE 14 YEAR OLDS AS ADULTS. And it initially was 12 year olds. This is the compromise.

Do I have your attention? Good.

The Missouri State House is voting on a “crime” bill that is targeting CHILDREN. And that's just the start of it. The bill also robs Kim Gardner (@stlcao) of her jurisdiction. It allows the Missouri AG to take on any case that hasn’t been prosecuted by her office after 90 days. This is a targeted attack to stop her from fighting corruption within St. Louis' police force.
Aug 4, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
“A pastor, Bush has always been community-minded. But the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson propelled her to think politically. The mother of two was on the frontlines at those marches, speaking to residents and fighting for justice.” “Bush explains that being out there gave her an opportunity to see what was happening in her own community. It also showed her who was not there for the cause, doing the groundwork of ‘regular folk.’”
Aug 2, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
Today, I hosted a press conference in response to recent attacks from @LacyClayMO1.

My full statement is threaded below. Lacy Clay, you have some explaining to do. It is an outrage that at this moment in our nation’s history when we have a President who openly divides us by race, we in St. Louis are represented by a Black man who seeks to denigrate me for being a Black woman. Lacy Clay has some explaining to do.
Aug 1, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
For everyone who has been buried in student debt, for everyone who has been scarred by SROs, for everyone who skipped school because they didn’t have any clean clothes to wear.

Our education system is the backbone of our communities. We need to actually start investing in it. Everyone deserves a safe, quality pre K-12 education. Everyone should be able to attend the college, university, or trade school they want regardless of their income, race, immigration status, ability status, or incarceration status.

This is how we fix our education system: