The Revolutionary Bard🌻 Profile picture
Still around, just laying low as I've got a lot on the go. #back2school #bardcore #bardkour #mentalhealth
Jul 23, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
A stadium at max capacity,
Rafters shake from the voracity,
Challengers step on the floor,
The crowd goes silent, they're not adored,
Their torch is of ignorance and ire,
Their flame a raging dumpster fire,
Behold their lack of common sense,
The Anti-Vax Games have commenced, All year competitors will train,
To hone a craft that's inhumane,
They've perfected their disdain for facts,
And belligerent childish attacks,
"Standing on guard", self proclaimed heroes,
Mentally masturbating egos,
Their selfishness on full display,
The main events are underway,