captive dreamer Profile picture
MAGA Peace Activist. Classical Liberal.
Neo Profile picture stratemeyer Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 30 29 tweets 7 min read
"WASP" is bandied about often in American politics - the "White Anglo Saxon Protestant." A punching bag, an idol, all of the above. But the question remains: to what extent is the ruling class in America "WASP?" Let's look at the 25 members of Biden's Cabinet. Strap in. First up, we have Joseph Biden, Irish Catholic. Image
Jun 6 5 tweets 2 min read
FWIW I am obviously not whomever is being "doxed" in this episode. Some schizo freak threatened me some months ago, convinced I was some shitlib living in the PNW and was shopping it to antifa, local journalists, the usual scum. So what I did was found someone who lived in that same city and had them take some pictures for me that were slowly released on my timeline over a period of several months, each time ensuring that this schizophrenic lunatic saw them. That's who is feeding this stuff to Stancil.Image
These are deeply malicious people and their malice is thankfully matched by their stupidity.
Mar 10 14 tweets 4 min read
Hesketh Prichard took a trip to Haiti in 1899 and documented it in his book "Where Black Rules White." I'll slowly add interesting tidbits and anecdotes to this thread over the next hour or so as I come across them: Image First impressions upon reaching the shore: "Most of them carried heavy jointed clubs." Image
Dec 20, 2023 28 tweets 13 min read
Lets talk about the Christian organizations that exist to subvert America (and the West) via refugee resettlement and mass migration programs. There's no rhyme or reason to this thread other than what I discover as I research this in the next hour. Strap in. First up we have the MCC. The Mennonite Central Committee. An extremely pernicious group that exists more or less solely to flood NA with third world immigrants. Here is a sampling. Here is their board in both CA and USA: Anti-white Christian Organization.

Nov 23, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
We are probably at a political inflection point where anyone talking about "Zionist Jews" is not doing so because they're pro white but actually because they're third worldists. You see the people responding to Gage, Shields, Woods, Fuentes - all non whites. The problem with AIPAC/ADL or people like Shapiro is that they support anti white immigration policies in America and yet are staunch ethno-nationalists for Israel. Voicing support for Israel while being against third world immigration is more pro white than supporting Palestine