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There is no need to be upset.
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Jan 17, 2024 19 tweets 3 min read
I was really disappointed when I found out Javier Milei was going to the WEF summit.

Until I got a few minutes into his speech and he is just telling them that everything they are doing is wrong and fucked up and the "root of all the worlds problems".

He's a pulling a Gervais at the Golden Globes so far. And he has just shit all over their socialist model and told them free market capitalism is the only way forward lmao.

I think he just trojan horsed them to shit all over their ideology to their faces but I am going to watch the rest.
Jul 18, 2023 9 tweets 8 min read
Glasgow, 1980.

Photographer - Raymond Depardon


Mar 2, 2023 24 tweets 7 min read
Humza Yousaf, the favourite for the SNP leadership race, is trying to become First Minister of Scotland.

Nations very often become a reflection of their leader, so it's very worrying when an outspoken authoritarian and closet totalitarian throws his hat in the ring.

A thread. Image This speech is what first gained Humza notoriety in the wider sphere. His infamous bile filled rant about white people occupying most positions of power in a country that is 96% white.

Possibly one of the darkest and most foreboding moments in Holyrood history.
Mar 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
About to play Atomic Heart. Also Jesus Christ this fucking dialogue.
Feb 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Defamation/Libel laws are a headache to navigate when it comes to the different interpretations of them. This is probably going to be a small thread.

Personally one thing I have found when a shit ton of people are lying about you (which I have a lot of experience with) you get.. A subset of people, usually of higher IQ and critical thinking skills who instead of just taking everyones word as gospel, they go out and research the information themselves to form their own viewpoint.

They are not concerned with fitting in so they don't just join in with..
Feb 21, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Since we mentioned Scottish cuisine it made me remember something we found during research for a future video.

British cuisine as a whole is always memed on for being shit and made with really basic ingredients and no seasoning. Turns out there is a reason for that. Rationing. During WW2 the German naval blockade of Britain made imports almost impossible. As a result food supplies were low so the government introduced rationing. People were given coupons entitling them to certain amounts of meat, cheese, bread etc in order to prevent famine.
Dec 17, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Just a comment on Musk banning reporters. Yes they orchestrated and cheered for years when the exact same thing happened to us while we made the same arguments they are making now. Yes schadenfreude is tempting. Yes holding people to their own rulebook gives a sense of justice. But I'm seeing a large amount of supposed free speech people cheering something that does go against free speech. I know it's hard after all the awful shit they did, but becoming exactly like them and engaging in the exact same behaviour that we suffered under for years just
Nov 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@lspiguesslol Well Tommy was banned for posting a factual study on grooming gangs.

Sargon was banned for a non-reason during an argument about the holocaust, which he was saying happened.

Milo was banned because his tweets might have caused "other users to be harassed" which lets face it.. @lspiguesslol Every leftist canceller does 24 hour a day on this website.

James was banned for saying a man was a man.

Babylon Bee was banned for making a joke about a trans person.

Alex Jones for the same reason as Milo.
Nov 7, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
I think it's because of the whole H3H3/Kathy Griffin thing.

There could be a couple reasons for the clamp down. Firstly, there has been a long ongoing problem of fake Musk accounts carrying out cr*pto scams. Twitter has done a less than stellar job of preventing those. And that was one of the main reasons Musk wanted to buy Twitter. So it is possible that accounts impersonating him will get nuked instead of just getting a warning and being told to change their account back to normal, like what happened to me. Just got a warning. Image
Nov 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
So my first show in Scotland was supposed to be in 2 days and you have to be fucking joking. Image I'm actually seething and malding.
Jul 8, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
It's been a very long time since my last update, but courts are often a very long process that got made far longer once Covid decided to show its face.

But as promised, I have included a completion statement as well as a financial breakdown of the funds. Sensitive info redacted. Also as promised, all of the remaining funds have been donated to Go Together. A charity located in Wishaw that helps impoverished families and children in the local area.

If you would like to make a donation yourself here is the link.…
Apr 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
When I was walking home I walked through one of those flying spiderwebs that tiny spiders use to fly around and travel.

I thought I got it off me but for the last 2 hours I can still feel bits of web being made and I felt it crawling in my hair but I can't find it. I barely even have hair so this spider has sneak 100.
Apr 14, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Oh lawd the amount of hot takes about Elons Twitter purchase.

"We need to save our democracy by restricting the information people see so they will vote the way I want them to." Should we tell him?
Apr 8, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
People on both sides are pissed about the don't say gay/anti grooming bill for various reasons. But my main peeve is how these conversations from teachers are being presented.

Homosexuality is a sexuality, clue is in the name. It's not just a case of "liking" the same sex. I like my male friends, we hang out, we play video games etc. That isn't homosexuality, homosexuality is having a SEXUAL desire and preference towards the same sex.

Being gay isn't listening to Elton John and watching Will and Grace. It's a sexual desire.
Jan 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
£250 in your PayPal if you can provide any evidence of me saying anything like that. If you can't provide any then you need to tweet out that you are a little pissy pants liar.

Deal? Man just resorted to photoshopping a fake tweet lmao.

Jan 1, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Back doing security work for the wind farms so no one stole the huge rolls of copper wire.

I was stationed right in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, but there were a bunch of workers on site so I could chill.

Needed a shit so I went in the portaloo. Portaloo in the middle of the country was filled with all kinds of insects, but a mans gotta shit.

While I am shitting I felt something crawling up my dick, so my first reaction was to punch myself in the dick, turned out it was a wasp and it sung me.

The wasp survived.
Oct 6, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Okay fuck it, everyone is tweeting at me so I will talk about it.

Before I go into this, I don't believe this is true, and I think it's probably false.

But allegedly, Jon Venables has been murdered. Apparently the reason it is not in the press is because they would need to talk about the location it happened in, as well as names etc, and since the complete media blackout regarding identifying information about him is still in effect, even if he is dead, they won't run it.
Sep 9, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Because I didn't want to be vaccinated, people were saying things like "enjoy the hospital, enjoy being intubated" and generally wishing harm on me.

Been negative for days now

No cough. Didn't lose taste or smell. Felt like a very mild cold.

Smoked weed all the way through it. To be absolutely clear, just because that was my experience doesn't mean that will be yours. Everyones body and immune system are different and react to viruses and illnesses differently.

Basically just because this was my experience doesn't mean it will be the same for you.
Sep 5, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Man, for a newspaper that has constantly called me a bigot and a racist, you sure do have a lot of bigots and racists working for you. Glass houses.

Jul 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
A lot, I think it can be counterproductive to what people want to achieve.

For example banning conspiracy theories has the opposite effect, it makes people think they are onto something.

Obviously some speech has more value than other speech, but should get the same treatment. Treatment as far as rights go is what I mean.

Character count is a bitch sometimes.
Jun 24, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
One thing that happens a lot on Twitter is anytime a person says a statement, opinion. description or anything really, about a person they don't like, they present it the way Alex Jones would because they think the over the top hyperbole helps their point stick. Like if Alex Jones was talking about a fight that happened at a bar, he would say it was a brawl of about 30 people with knives and machetes, 8 people died, someone pulled out an AK47, Obama was there.

When in reality it was just 3 guys drunkenly swinging.