Covfefe Anon Profile picture
Not to be confused with 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan. 54th Clause of the Magna Carta absolutist. Commentary from an NRx perspective.
Potato Of Reason Profile picture Scorpius Jones Profile picture Eincrou Profile picture Foreign Policy Reptile Profile picture WeThePeopleUSA/WeThePeopleUS10 Profile picture 8 subscribed
Jul 15 4 tweets 3 min read
I like Reagan but the reality is this

He was the last gasp of the McCarthyite "the problem is foreign subversion of the Soviet Union" school

Reagan defeated the USSR and that faction assumed that this would make the American left less poisonous and it didn't because their premise was wrong

The communism problem was coming from inside the house and it had already started mutating to race communism by then

There's no *external* Soviet Union of race communism, there's nothing in Reaganite rhetoric about the "clash of socialism and capitalism" that can defeat the race communist ideas

Reaganism was an ineffective attempt at defeating the American left indirectly and failed because it never got at the core of the problemImage No, this isn't it

The left's plan from FDR really was "surrender to or merge with the Soviet Union"

Reagan ended that stale leftist plan - that was hugely positive

Jul 12 8 tweets 4 min read
Hilarious thread by a guy who noticed that body cams undermined the leftist narrative about cops so he searches for a way to oppose them without saying that it's because they destroy the left's narrative

You get the vague hand-waving that uses prog coded phrases - "they said it was about *transparency* [prog good word] but it was *actually* about *reducing liability* [prog boo word because it implies cutting off the ghetto lottery]" - in reality the cops realized that *increasing transparency did decrease liability*

Of course, the cops were giving far too much credit to progs for being sane - recall that there's a video of a cop shooting a black woman *who was in the process of trying to stab another black woman* and the prog response was to say that knife fights are a part of their culture

Video evidence of actual happenings makes progessives quite angry because even though they'll continue to believe the party line they'll feel uncomfortable because the cognitive dissonance is more powerful when they know that others knows they don't care about truthImage
It's an interesting 🧵 b/c you can see the full progressive verbal fog on display - he's coming out against better and more evidence - he can't just say "it makes it harder for us to control the narrative" and *he might not even know that's why it bothers him* - he just recoils
May 29 4 tweets 3 min read
Women having significantly less general knowledge than men is a real phenomenon and shows up in multiple areas - in this case a female PhD student in the field doesn't know basic underlying facts about the field - this is only surprising in that you can't predict where her knowledge will be lacking

Part of the reason our society is destroying itself is that it's decided upon a religious dogma of group equality across all domains which it then enforces by making it taboo to look at and think about the implications of the fact that groups are *not* all equally capable

How many people know about the general knowledge gap between men and women?


How many studies are there on it?

Few - no one wants to try to publish a paper that has a "controversial" result when the result contradicts progressive religious dogma

Millions and millions of "little" things like this add up and only disagreeable, knowledgeable people can actually fit it all into a coherent frameworkImage
Here's the thing about basic underlying knowledge - you can't predict in advance which bit of it will be important

"Why is the ping between these two data centers triple that of the ping between these two?"
"One is on the other side of an oceanic cable"

Apr 29 4 tweets 2 min read
This is what we're up against:

women have awful risk assessment - one of the biggest mental sex differences - as an example - women will routinely play poker worse than 13 year old boys

women have an emotional bias to claim men are against them *because this has a massive payoff in making men try to prove that they're not* - classic negotiating tactic / exploit but it's baked into their world outlookImage One thing to add:

Women's minds have been shaped by evolution such that she doesn't have to worry about bears - that's her husband and father and brother's responsibility - bears don't exist in her mental universe as an idea - only as a physical being if she sees one
Apr 11 4 tweets 2 min read
You are so unbelievably mind fucked by American communism you literally cannot see the problems with it

Whites were driven from their homes for a decade in a campaign of officially endorsed ethnic violence and the ones who couldn't afford to move, died alone and afraid - prisoners in their own homes

The survivors not only couldn't talk about what they went through - they were *vilified* as having caused the squalor of the people who attacked them

The Regime is so unpopular and would lose every plebiscite that it holds if it didn't import tens of millions of hostile foreigners to live here to serve as vote banks. When one of them kills an actual American - USG sends a task force to threaten people into saying that "race had nothing to do with this"

Everything this Regime does is a crime or covers up a crime because it is motivated by hostility for Americans - at root because it was captured by a state religion that has hating Americans as its core because that's what's efficient to get votes and control the bureaucracy in a "democracy"

No road back to that? Good Read this thread - the Regime that did this not only is still in power *it attacks the people it did this to*

Mar 15 5 tweets 2 min read
To Tucker's point that buildings didn't always look this way - *something* happened between 1930 and 1950

(communists won WWII)
Image It wasn't just a material victory - it was a spiritual one - artists sensed the zeitgeist from WWII - "the future is bureaucratic / communist"

These buildings felt like The Future

"the old powers are dead, their gods abandoned them, the god of the Organization Man is strong"
Feb 14 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵 by BAP

Here's the problem with "degeneracy" as a political platform or even as a part of politics

The degeneracy and social destruction you see is downstream of one problem - the sexual liberation of women - and it's impossible to reverse that in current electoral politics Note that BAP is discussing the *effectiveness* of the approach of just pointing and sputtering at degeneracy

We've had that for decades and it's done nothing to even slow degeneracy!

At one point we had an FAA that took seriously Christian complaints - and yet, it got worse
Jan 30 4 tweets 1 min read
"Meritocracy" is a joke - the reality is that you need freedom of association because otherwise "merit" is *litigated* instead of tested

Want to put together a team? Use whatever criteria you want. The test of their "merit" is if your team can do the job you created it for *Responsibility* is much more important than "merit"

A good team leader will attempt to get the best team (given constraints) and he'll use whatever tools he wants to get that team. If they fail or succeed, it's on him

"Merit" smuggles in bureaucratic oligarchy values
Dec 14, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Blacks are a tropical species, whites are not

Tropical species do not have "must store food / wealth for winter / hard times" as a core drive but evolutionary pressures don't just *stop* so instead they have "must show off portable wealth"

There's a converse "bling gap", too
Image "What do you mean by 'portable wealth' and why is that important?"

Portable wealth is anything that can be stolen or damaged by another man in proximity - pristine white Jordans, gold chains, rims, etc. - all these are highly *visible* and often trigger deadly encounters...
Nov 21, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Non-beautiful woman says what?
Image Serious take version:

Women will *always* compete for male attention and status with other women - this is the nature of the world

More than anything the modern world is the result of women wanting the experience of being a competitor, forever


Sep 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A successful right wing society doesn't exactly mirror the left in how it would work because the way our world works is premised on disorder and a constant war of all against all within the structure of society - enshrined envy

We need a king, he needs to be the fount of honors The whisper campaigns that go on now - "did you know that xyz is a <>?" (said in a shocked and titillated tone) needs to be instinctively met with "are you *envious* of xyz? Why?" and rumors need to be spread about that person - not reputation destroying but informationally
Jul 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is the ultimate end of female victory in the battle over social norms.

Men used to treat good girls and sluts differently - women were *outraged* by this and intentionally confused all the signals men used to identify sluts.

The result? Men give all women slut treatment. Some men *are* willing to "look the other way" but most never really wanted to enter into this type of game and instead of going into that game, they check out.

Women can *complain* but they don't want to restore the old way so that's just what it is.

Jun 29, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Here's the crux of the decision - the Court did nothing - certainly not "overturning aff action"

Uni - "We just decided that the applicant's lives were all affected in such a way that we'll keep giving the exact same bonuses and penalties we were giving before"

Courts - "Ok" Ultimately the Court is powerless to make a binding decision on the universities anyway - the universities will simply ignore any ruling and keep doing what they were doing.

DoJ isn't going to go after them for it.
Jun 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
First of all - this 👇is true

...but we've gone from a world where it's possible for someone like John Nash to come from a humble background to one where he'd be surrounded by dysfunction and would never get a chance.

People want things to not be as bad as they are... they see this and latch on - "see? It's possible for things to be as they were where being poor (in money) didn't mean you lived with people who have all the other traits that come along with it - self destructive, anti-social, dumb"

That world was better and is gone.
Jun 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read

IF YOU CAN'T GIVE UNIMPEACHABLE ARGUMENTS THAT THE EARTH ISN'T ROUND THE PROBLEM IS YOU! Image uh, argument that it isn't *flat* - a double negative slipped through the rewrites
Jun 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"An audience of people interested enough to listen to a debate on a podcast are too stupid and ill informed to tell truth from falsehood" - Tom Nichols, Democracy Enthusiast ImageImage Of course, even this post by Nichols is a trick.

You're either on his side and the side of the blatantly obvious fraudulent expert or your disdain for the arrogance and stupidity drives you to the alternative... that he presents to you - who also will shill for the Regime.
Jun 17, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
For anyone saying how ACLU has "fallen" - no, they were always this.

They take the communist line and are in favor of whatever is worse for you.… ImageImageImageImage From the talk page of his wikipedia page is this gem.

Indeed, you would be hard pressed to find a social activist in that era who *wasn't* a communist...


#aiacc Image
Jun 7, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Younger generations are raised under the authority of women.

Women are uncomfortable and uncomprehending of risk - the idea that something that didn't work out was still worth trying is alien to them because they are the play it safe sex and they impose this when given authority This is another angle on it but downstream of female cultural primacy.

This is the kind of culture that gets built when you place not challenging women's views and feelings as the main goal.

May 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Have said before but it bears repeating; this image is one of "paperclip maximizing".

The government there can now vote bank and farm federal grants with no worries about any of the difficult things involved in keeping an actual city running.

Follows the incentive gradient... Image The idea of "paperclip maximizing" is that "paperclips" aren't literal - they're some accidental goal that the AI fixates on - even though it produces horrific results for people.

Look at how the USG bureaucracy views Detroit before and after those pics

May 13, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Time for some uncomfortable "woke are more correct" about the subway incident.

First, let's get a picture of what we're dealing with. These are the highlights of the hobo's criminal record.

Notice anything about this supposedly "deranged" man?

Who were his victims? Image ... a 7 year old girl and a 64-year-old man.

He was "deranged" but shrewd and calculating enough to not pick fair fights - strange, isn't it?

Now, why have we seen such an explosion in men acting him?

Were the mental hospitals emptied in 2020? Nope. Funding cuts? 😂🤣 nooooo
Apr 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
It is trivially easy to solve this problem with even 19th century technology (or 15th!) - never mind 21st.

Progressives object to any and all measures that actually succeed at reducing crime.

Progressive are pro crime. Notice that they will suddenly oppose things that they otherwise claim to support - like "gun control" if the enforcement of those things causes a decrease in crime.

Bloomberg's stop and frisk was amazingly effective "gun control" - yet progressives *hated* it.