Unclean Profile picture
Campeador of combined of arms since 2006, so you don't have to be. Coyote-3U. Proponent of individual sovereignty and populism. 0302 since the late 1900s.
Feb 23 14 tweets 3 min read
We've been seeing a lot of back and forth over the past few years about "politicization" of the military. @TimOnPoint does an excellent job here.
That said, those who've never taken the Oath or worn the colors are at a loss, now that the other side is invariably accusing the current administration of the same things.
Seems like it might be time for a deeper argument, so I'll take a few swings here.
A🧵 This has been an interest of mine since I was 22 y/o in April of 1993 and first approached an Officer Recruiter at the Texas Tech student union, curious about his reaction to Clinton's "don't ask/don't tell" policy. I was on the ground floor of this question, I reckon.
Jul 12, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
Hey. Let's talk about what it means to "lie" and it's long term ramifications. It's a basic tenet, but is left out of the public conversation too much.

Taking a break from Westphalia research tonight for a practical 🧵 To "lie" is to knowingly state something that is false in order to further one's own self-interest. I think that's a fairly accurate definition.

An even more accurate definition is this: "Lying" is the act of attempting to misshape reality to one's own benefit.
May 5, 2024 26 tweets 5 min read
Tonight I'm going to blow your minds, as mine was blown a few years ago when I became familiar with this. It is inarguable, and it is manifest everywhere you look and you probably never even thought about it in this way.
Tonight we deal with "Price's Law".
Tonight I'm going to describe the Pareto distribution...
A🧵Image We used to hear a LOT about "income inequality". Remember that? Ever notice that you don't hear anything about that issue anymore?
May 4, 2024 18 tweets 3 min read
Let's review 1968 in context:
-The country was at war, after Tonkin as an excuse, which a 3rd grader could see through.
-The president had been killed publicly barely 5 years before. In Texas, where LBJ had ruled effectively since the end of War 2.
-Malcolm X, who warned about white liberalism was killed in '65.
-MLK Jr., who was surveilled and threatened by the FBI, was killed in '68.

1968 was not a "turning point" as many historians would have us believe. They say that because they are at a loss to explain it.

I'll try to explain it. It is tempting to try to explain the '60s in this manner. A "revolution" in cultural awareness, or somesuch nonsense. Balderdash. It was completely reflective of the burgeoning stages of the acceptance of something casually referred to as "egalitarianism".
Apr 20, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
Part 3: Sacrifice in the Context of Individual Sovereignty

This is the last of this series of threads where I try to tie the Social Contract, Individual Sovereignty. and Sacrifice into a continuum.
Pray for my keenness of thought and ability to articulate this clearly.

I thank you all for that.Image The concept of "sacrifice" is one of the greatest and most misunderstood concepts of the human condition. The very word connotes the bleeding of something that makes the uninitiated very uncomfortable.
Apr 19, 2024 24 tweets 5 min read
Part 2, Individual Sovereignty in the context of the Social Contract. Image To begin, let's deal with what Individual Sovereignty is and what it is NOT. Individual Sovereignty is indeed the natural right of each person to decide their own path. This implies a couple of things that we need to get out of the way right up front.
Apr 18, 2024 23 tweets 4 min read
There is a corollary between the Social Contract, Individual Sovereignty, and the idea of Sacrifice as it is embodied in our delayed gratification. I haven't seen these three put together in quite this manner, and I think I'm onto something big. So here we go. A series of 🧵 Image [I'm going to try to keep this manageable by carving it up into a couple/three pieces for those of you who hate threads >30-or-so tweets.
Also,I'm purposefully writing this with the voice of Prof. James O'Flannery in my head
(see: )]
Apr 6, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
So, I'm in the garage going through boxes looking for a martini glass (don't ask, just go with it.)
Found an unopened bottle of something called "Batik Tokay" that was dated 1964.
Keep in mind, this has been in my garage, in the Mojave Desert, since 2010. Is it safe? It's got some stuff on the inside. Mold? Does wine mold like that? I ask Ruth. She's shocked. Said she was given that by a roommate back in 2002 and described it as "Ripple". I must've packed it up when we moved her up here in 2010.
Do I drink it?
She says "no".
Mar 31, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
Well, it's 0243. And I'm gonna drink another and sleep 'til noon, so I might as well get this out of my heart.
A thread on the archetypal hero of all fucking time: Jesus Christ. Image Okay, so the levity is out of the way here, and I eagerly anticipate all the flak I'm gonna take for this, but Jesus has a sense of humor.
I'm confident He'll think that shit's funny, so piss right off.
Let's get down to cases, as Maude would say.
Feb 16, 2024 22 tweets 5 min read
Let's talk about government for a bit.
Like, why the fuck do we even need one? Well, there's a lot behind that question, and it gets to old versus new, I reckon.
A 🧵 Image Despite what I've been assured by anarchists since I was back in college in the late 1900's, I can see the purpose in having a gov't. Defined precisely, a gov't is the embodiment of solutions to current problems.
Jan 12, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
"Expertise" has run aground on the rocks of "competence".
Sad but true.
Problem is, the entire business model of the establishment system doesn't rely on competence, rather, it is invested in expertise. 🧵 What is "expertise", as it is currently perceived?
I think a proper definition would be something like "an expert is one who has gone to school, developed themselves in a particular discipline...
Jan 6, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
I just realized that I @mnsibley'd y'all last year.
Promising a sequel that I never delivered. How horrible.
Well, here we go:
The Context of a Free Culture
A 🧵 Image A bit ago, we talked about the "Great American Stew Pot" and why that's awesome.
Tonight, we need to break down reality a bit. Because, let's face it, despite the shiny happy story we all want to believe, every religion agrees on one central point:
Dec 15, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
Okay. It's Thursday, and since it gets dark at fucking 1700, I've got a moment for a 🧵.
@Txp_RBI_Xctuxl brought it to mind when he posted about the protestors getting crushed in LA by folks going to work.
Tonight, let's talk about our...
Nation of Exiles (AKA "People Stew) Image Okay everybody, let's talk this out. Let's admit some hard truths that might be hard to admit. Let's look at all of this realistically. Any who disagree are always more than welcome to challenge this, and I encourage you to do so in the spaces below this.
Dec 9, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
The reaction to this led me to put a little more thought into what I had just watched.
Why would that image and that thought strike people as such an important message?
Many of you expressed frustration at the plot line. Well, let's open her up, then. 🧵
I don't know Cormack McCarthy. Never read his stuff. Always struck me as kind of a whiny feller. Maybe he's not, I don't know, nor do I care.
But he inflicted this story on the Coen Bros. and they inflicted it upon me. So now I'm gonna make it your problem. (Feedback is welcome.)
Nov 27, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
From Plato's account of Socrates' defense before the corrupt and hostile 30 tyrants, during the mob rule in Athens after the Peloponnese, I give you the apogee of Socrates' argument, as he was on trial for his life, for telling the plain motherfucking truth.
Yep another 🧵 Image It's called "Plato's Apology", for some reason. Yet it is among the most fantastic accounts ever recorded by mortal man. So, some context, as many may not be aware of Peloponnesian era Greek history.

Socrates was a warrior. He'd armed up and fought in Sicily with Alcibiades...
Nov 25, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Another quick word on phenomenology.
I got off on a tangent last night and missed perhaps the most important lesson from Heidegger et al. Rather than scrap the whole argument and start over, I thought I'd just add it on here as an addendum. 🧵
Phenomenology is primarily concerned with identifying those things that occur to our consciousness and drag us into the light. It does so in many ways, and I talked about the light and truth that inspires us, but I missed the aspects that are just as important: Fear and Guilt.
Nov 24, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read

A thread, as nearly as my mortal mind can approximate it.
(Wish me luck.) Image Fella named Martin Heidegger came around and started writing about a hundo years ago. Dove into some deep, deep water that we've been left to consider. He challenged Descartes. He challenged much of the Platonic tradition.
Nov 17, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
Thoughts on Michael Polanyi.
A thread, and I'm having technical problems, so stand the fuck by while I sort this out...
🧵 Image "Kuhn described science as a social community, and he highlighted the productive tension in science between tradition and innovation or between stability and change".
Nov 17, 2023 15 tweets 2 min read
@threadreaderapp, please unroll. Image "Kuhn described science as a social community, and he highlighted the productive tension in science between tradition and innovation or between stability and change."
Nov 12, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Post coitum, omne animal triste, est.
(After copulation, every animal is sad.)
A thread, I reckon. 🧵 Image So, check this out first, because it's actually pretty good coming from someone who's an observer of the military culture.
Oct 27, 2023 26 tweets 5 min read
So, despite my procrastination, I'm going to get in here and do this, because it is the most important part of Exodus that has the biggest parallels with our own time.
It's part 3 of the Exodus 🧵, here for you.
God taking the slack out of his people. Image Moses was touched by God, had to face down his own doubts about God and about himself. That was part 1 and can be found here: