Craig Mokhiber Profile picture
Human rights lawyer, justice campaigner, global citizen. Former UN.
Jul 19 6 tweets 1 min read
The World Court has just rejected all Israeli, US & western objections, ruled that the Israeli occupation of Gaza & the West Bank, including East Jerusalem (and all settlements), is entirely unlawful & declares Israel is committing racial segregation/apartheid in the OPT. Importantly, they also ruled that the Oslo agreements do not and cannot trump the obligations of international law, which protect the rights of the Palestinian people.
May 20 7 tweets 1 min read
ICC action against Israeli perpetrators Netanyahu & Gallant for war crimes & crimes against humanity (starvation, imposing suffering, killing, murder, civilian attacks, extermination, persecution & “other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity”) is a good start. THREAD: But it is incomplete under the Rome Statute. The prosecutor says that further investigations and additional charges may follow.
Jan 26 6 tweets 1 min read
The ICJ has ruled on provisional measures in the #Genocide case against Israel, which must immediately stop killing & harming people in #Gaza & inflicting destructive conditions on them, punish incitement, allow all humanitarian aid, save evidence & report next month. #Victory Not a ceasefire exactly, but they are ordered to stop the acts that were complained about, killing, harming, destruction, etc. Tricky because Israel will likely continue but claim military necessity and lawful intent. The mandated report next month & court response will be crucial.