CrankyOtter Profile picture
Distractible engineer seeks distractions in KCMO. Reader. Proselytizes about equality, Cued Speech, & (vitamin K2, D-Mannose, Mg Malate - ask!) #BLM 🌈
Jul 2 15 tweets 3 min read
Chronic fatigue is such 🐂 💩

I finished getting up & ready for my day - I’m in clothes I can wear outside, I put anti-itch cream on all my hives I get from taking the medicine that keeps me awake enough to do those things - sent 1 text & I want to get 🍱

I need a nap now
sigh I also have metabolic dysfunction making fatigue worse.

I produce overdoses of insulin. Insulin naps put me out. There is no willpowering myself awake.

I’ve set up my life to minimize the times postprandial insulin knocks me out so I can, sometimes, do things.
Mar 28 43 tweets 8 min read
“Don’t feed the trolls” can play out a few ways.

If they’re safe to ignore, do.

When they post plausible sounding bait that’s damaging, 1 good faith reply from 1 person who can address their claim is warranted. If GFR activates troll, burn with 🔥, then block/ignore. Interpreting “Don’t feed the trolls” as “ignore only” can backfire.

Trolls want attention & chaos. They argue to argue. They post bait, not truth.

Fascists rely on trolls to spread seeds of distrust & disinformation. If these seeds root, it makes identifying truth difficult.
Mar 27 9 tweets 3 min read
The rate of deaths in US car accidents dropped *significantly* after Obamacare, insufficient though it is, was enacted because the formerly uninsured young adults who hadn’t gone to the ER after car accidents could go to the ER.

Health care is a net benefit to society. There’s a chart and everything

Sep 25, 2019 24 tweets 7 min read
Holy Mothra forking shirtballs 😳

(I’m thinking the real words but don’t want to get censored needlessly.) Notes:
1) This (see OP) is not a verbatim transcript but a “recollection/interpretation” made by listeners.
2) The white house likely released the least damning version
3) This version is crazy with implied threats and quid pro quo statements