Sun Optimist Profile picture
Seeker of Truth; Unblackpillable; “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.“
Oct 16, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
One reason Kamabla’s campaign is past the point of no return, is social proof. You don’t need all of the masses “redpilled.” You need enough public change combined with a lack of enthusiasm around the other side. 🧵
Where there is no vision, the people perish. The democrats have no vision. Their plan was to destroy America & steal elections forever. They only had one shot. The Dems cannot even defend themselves, because they know that they do not represent the American people whatsoever.
Sep 25, 2024 23 tweets 4 min read
Censorship drives extremes. The truth sets people free. But truth is contained in complexity, and when complexity is misunderstood or disregarded most people reach extreme conclusions. 🧵
1/23 Image This is the power of forming cults. It has long term benefit to a ruling influence, eventually met with a non-linear drop off of a cliff. Taleb refers to it as the turkey problem. A turkey who is fed every day all year might assume he’s always going to be fed tomorrow until, one day, he’s slaughtered for Thanksgiving dinner.
Jul 17, 2024 19 tweets 6 min read
The topic of unity has come out recently, after the attempt on Trump’s life. I see it emerging from two camps.
Conservatives and centrists have, perhaps naively but in good faith, begun to emphasize the need for unity so that we “can heal as a nation.” Although naive, there is a goodness in this that I will try to address later.

Then there is the defensive, very bad faith, calls for unity from the left. If I were a liberal right now (and especially a journalist, politician, or corporate executive, etc) I would be “shitting my pants” right now. They went ALL IN and they lost in a single moment.
Jul 17, 2024 30 tweets 5 min read
The “principles first” evangelical right always loses, because they see martyrdom as good in and of itself. They believe they are supposed to suffer at the hands of evil men.
They will go so far as to villainize the righteous men of strength that came before them (colonists, explorers, conquistadors, crusaders, etc.) because they did not hold their progressive views about race, purposeful violence, and what form a divine mandate might take.
Jul 8, 2024 18 tweets 3 min read
There’s a lot of emphasis regarding mentalities surrounding certain boomers as it pertains to economic conditions, but that’s a symptom of something deeper.
/1 For whatever reason there is a rampant aloofness or even disregard (to varying degrees) with many boomers toward their children and grandchildren. A disconnect from the desire to consider and preserve one’s legacy through their children.
Jul 7, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
This is really very simple (and very serious). It is not enough to shelter children. At least three things have to be emphasized- identity as a son of God, awareness of spiritual warfare and how to wage or be shielded from it, and understanding.
/1 Sheltering children from the world is necessary, but it won’t work by itself. By itself it lends to legalism and religious drudgery. The world is much more fun than those who just say no all the time, and they will even seem more accepting. Once cut loose, the kids could go any which way.
May 22, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
You do not overcome the flesh by battling with the flesh. “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty to God for the tearing down of strongholds.”
You overcome the flesh by being alive in the Spirit. All carnal efforts beat carnal fruits, and spiritual life begets spiritual fruit. You don’t flog the flesh, for this is condemnation. You crucify the flesh. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. He bore it all.
Apr 5, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
Most people can only frame their perspectives in reference to other ideas. Then they co-opt this into a new identity.

I’ll give a couple of examples.

For instance, it’s very popular these days for people to resurrect what they determine to be their early childhood traumas.
1/x It’s common to mock millennials and zoomers for obsessing over their trauma, and while this is warranted, these generations aren’t entirely off here.

What people lack is discernment and a properly oriented source of truth. Instead they react to pendulum swings.
Feb 22, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
I see a growing trend of infertile white Christian couples purchasi…adopting black babies from mothers. Sometimes more than once! Often with an open adoption.
I understand the whole “at least the baby isn’t getting aborted” line of thinking. But often there is extended family in the picture. And even in spite of that, it just seems to perpetuate two growing problems.
Jan 9, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
I don’t like to share such grizzly things, but this is the nature of evil. It doesn’t take much consideration to infer what these tunnels were used for- ritual sex abuse and child sacrifice.
Image Anyone who is a Jew or a friend or colleague of Jews has a responsibility to call this out, or they are complicit in a way. Dismissing the story as boring or “covid tunnels” is evil.
Jan 2, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The Bible does not talk about “racism.” The term is a modern convention. Words have meaning and are often created and propagandized for divisive ends. Your analysis is a non-starter because you assume the world’s conventions instead of starting from the ground up from God’s Word. Much is said in Scripture regarding treatment of others, and God was not careless for excluding this oversimplified form of prejudice you unthinkingly adopt. Do you fear God or man? Plus physiognomy check
Dec 6, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
In the 90s and early 2000s (maybe today), many church youth groups would challenge teenagers to sign a pledge of abstinence. A lot is ineffective in the way abstinence is taught, and sexual purity should be taught. The problem w/ contracts is that they actually do work.
But not in the way they were intended. Many of these kids obviously went on to break these pledges and fornicate before marriage. For many of them, instead of accepting that they stumbled away from their moral ideals, they left the church entirely.
Dec 4, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Why does everyone seem to get sick more than in the past, and why are the illnesses more intense and long-lasting? Because we are under spiritual attack. Regardless of any other reasons, treat it that way. If you knew you were under attack would you role over and take it?
There are many reasons for the state of seasonal illness:
-Lockdowns throwing off normal seasonal cycles of exposure to pathogens.
-mRNA jabs and viral shedding compromising immune systems.
-The standard poisoning or water, food, air, consumer products, etc.
Nov 24, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
The term “politically homeless” is of an orphan mindset. Politics is a tool. Truth is an objective pursuit to which values and virtue are anchored. There is only cause and effect and politics are a pragmatic vessel for supporting one’s values.
When politics become an identity, they are merely a fashion statement. I cannot be politically homeless, because I am not at home in politics. I do not need a guild. I will gravitate towards certain parties or sub-sects on account of shared values alone.
Nov 15, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read
I finally watched The Batman. I liked the direction the movie took regarding vengeance. Most films get this topic wrong, and this movie seemed to at first- until the end. There’s a common trope in action movies and in the super hero genre specifically (especially Daredevil and Batman) where the vigilante must restrain himself to avoid becoming just like the villain.
Oct 18, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
The reason liberals are so divided on Israel/Palestine is because they don’t actually have any principles. What they do have is narcissism and fear of rejection which is often expressed through posturing sympathy to “oppressed” groups.
One of their foundational “oppressed” groups happens to me some of the most powerful people in the world- Jews.
Jul 26, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Can’t tell if this account is parody or not, and I obviously didn’t read the entire thing, but he illustrates a point I’ve been trying to make for some time.

American heroes, such as Batman or “your friendly neighborhood” Spider-Man or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Cont. represented a local hero. They served as an example to look after your family and immediate community. There was nothing existential at hand, just someone helping out their common man regardless of whether they received any thanks or not.
Jul 3, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
To desire God’s glory, I had to learn to stop trying to “be more compassionate” than Him. If I desire His glory above all things, this comes second to my compassion for those who have deliberately defied Him.

That is the *only* foundation for God’s love & compassion. Many people start the other way around. They criticize God’s judgement- completely disregarding the nature of sin and the magnitude of His mercy- because they believe they are more compassionate than Him. This is not only pride but profanity.
Jun 30, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
“Racism” is not “cured” by traveling. The reason some people think like this is that they want to enjoy the safe agreeability of the “adventurous liberal” like Anthony Bourdain or Sebastian Junger. This caricature often exists in fields dominated by “transgressive” libs.

I understand the allure of the cool guy worldly adventurer who sees himself as a friend to everybody, but it always comes with a cost. Typically that cost is self-censoring and living in a veritable prison of your peers. That’s just not a cost I ever cared to stomach.
Mar 13, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Was paying for a Cuban sandwich today when I realize the total is too high, even w/ tax. I ask Indian woman cashier to clarify the discrepancy.
Some chud next to me mansplains “it’s the tax.” Nope total is off.
Refuse to tip. Cash out & print receipt. “5% gratuity added”
Cont. I confront cashier about charge. (Don’t care if I look petty over 70 cents. It’s about principle.) She makes up some lie about what the charge is for. I can’t have any reaction without appearing unreasonable.

So why does this matter?
Feb 1, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
The regulatory state has been the greatest driver of loss of freedom in our country. What was hypothetically designed to temper corporate greed from harming people & nature became the means to scale harm against people & nature, this time under the false guise of benevolence. This ties right into the security state which has made everyone less safe under the false pretense of protecting them from danger- namely from the state itself.