Lord Rev Dr Jamie CryptoDevil Thompson Profile picture
Thread-puller extraordinaire "one of the most pathologically focused chroniclers of Ayre, Wright, and their many craven hangers-on" ⚡cryptodevil@getalby.com
Mar 1, 2024 125 tweets 25 min read
This extraordinary additional appearance of @dr_cswright is about to commence!

It comes courtesy of clumsily forged emails his OWN counsel had to disclose to the court only SEVEN minutes after they'd just blamed other forgeries as surely being the work of nefarious hackers! For a while it felt like the stream was not going to be happening as it over-ran the expected 11:30 start time for an agonising SEVEN minutes, before we were all treated to a short audio-only stream of the court busily taking their positions!

Curtain is up!
Feb 28, 2024 193 tweets 36 min read
Ok so surely today will be a quiet day with esteemed cryptocurrency expert Professor Sarah Meiklejohn for @opencryptoorg and @zeminggao, a dedicated fan of all things CSW for @dr_cswright

On with the show! CSW side opens by calling Zeming Gao to the witness box who is now being sworn in.

W: gives the usual references to affirm his witness statements, which Gao does and is asked if he wants to correct anything which he also confirms he does. a paragraph to be deleted.
Feb 26, 2024 167 tweets 30 min read
Last Friday was a whirlwind of desperate deflection as @dr_cswright was made to watch his own forging keystrokes damn him before the killer blow from Gunning pointing out the real Bitcoin WP wasn't even written in LaTeX

This week should be a far less dramatic affair without him. Court is in Session.

Wright's side open with 2 matters, a report from Peter Bryant where CSW had sought an application to admit further evidence from Mr Bryant, dealing with certain computing environment tests.

The 2nd is a disclosure issue occurring over the weekend. (Ooh!)
Feb 22, 2024 105 tweets 19 min read
After CSW had his barrister pose technical questions attempting to trip @adam3us up, which failed spectacularly and only exposed his own misunderstanding of the tech, let's see what is in store today!

Here's yesterday's transcript for you while today's fills out here. Morning session begins:
*Mike Hearn in witness box being sworn in*
H: gives the usual request for witness to acknowledge witness statement as being true
Grabiner: "You are a software developer?"
M: "Yes"
Feb 21, 2024 103 tweets 18 min read
I've been given permission by Mrs Cryptodevil to transcribe the @opencryptoorg court case as I was able to tell her I'll treat her to dinner thanks to your generous ⚡️cryptodevil@getalby.com tips!

Here's yesterday's car-crash @turkeychop morning session while today's fills out! First witness is Martti Malmi on videolink
H: Introduces himself as barrister representing @opencryptoorg asking him to confirm witness statements as true
M: Agrees
Hand over to Wright's barrister