DonAlt Profile picture
Vaxxed Matrix Agent Smug prick Gay GCR Paid @_WOO_X shill
billyj Profile picture sudowire Profile picture . Profile picture NoBrainNoGain Profile picture SATZ Profile picture 16 subscribed
Jun 12, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Being wealthy (to me) means

You can live where you want
You can do what you want
You can help whoever you want
You can be free

A person living in a tax haven just to avoid taxes isn't free to me, they're restricting themselves, therefore aren't wealthy Even if I could avoid all taxes while still living in Germany I'd feel like the scum of the earth benefiting from a system I'm not paying for

That's not freedom to me, I don't want to feel like a piece of shit every time I think about a topic

You guys do you though
Apr 14, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read

Pretty simple for me, I think in between here and the upper range is where most of the risk and very little reward is

We won't make new lows IMO so the closer you get to buying to the bear market line the better Image $BTC update:

A close below $29.5k this week and I'll assume the high of this rally is in, expecting $24k or even $20k if something extreme happens

A close above $30k this week would still look like indecision to me

A close above $32k would look quite good Image
Apr 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Hmmm Image Every time I give my bags a shoutout, some catastrophic FUD event happens to the market

I'll just celebrate their small wins until there is no one left in crypto to take down and go from there Image
Feb 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
39C fever, chills, sore throat a painful cough and a splitting headache

Your duck is most definitely going to die
See you on the other side Woke up to my coins pumping, the fever gone and the sun shining

Still feel like shit but appreciate the little things regardless
Feb 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Bought a bunch of Trump NFTs because they seem oddly iconic

Whenever someone calls me a libtard for claiming climate change is real I'll be able to tell them I hold more Trump than they do and to have some more conviction in their beliefs

Already a win in my book These hideous pictures are up like 30% since I bought them

I plan on selling 1/3rd of them on a 3x
Gonna keep the rest until early 2024 or once they're absurdly high.

Just having fun here, not financial advice blabla but it's fucking Trump, the greatest grifter on the planet
Jan 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
If you think women of today suck

You either

1) Have no contact with actual women and get all your info from wannabe gangsters on the internet
2) Suck so much yourself that you have the worst of humanity surrounding you
3) You're gay? No shame

Just spare me with that drivel "Women today SUCK, there is no quality anymore"

Says the guy that:

>Sits in front of his computer 24/7
>Has zero ambitions or drive
>Has barely any friends
>Barely gives a shit about his own family
>Has no hobbies
>Just wants to get laid

The audacity is staggering to me
Nov 16, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Seems reasonable

Willing to lose the investment to gain more than a 5x
Think the 5x is actually more likely than losing it all

Still not finished buying and can buy more lower if need be but that's the idea Image Update: Image
Jul 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
So anyone knows how much Tesla made with their BTC buys?

Can't be much, maybe even a loss?
Either way pathetic paper hands, very unsurprising given it's headed by Elon Musk So Elon Musk feels comfortable shilling DOGE to the masses

But doesn't feel comfortable holding BTC and sells for a (rumored) ~10% loss after a full round trip?

And people in crypto actually like him?
Jun 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
$SPX hitting the first significant support ever since the breakdown.

Still think it will probably head towards covid lows eventually but support is support.

Gimme a bounce Image $SPX giving me the bounce I wanted off of monthly support

Honestly think it could retrace most of the down move before heading lower

I'm only using it as a reference point/confluence to buy BTC/Alts, not on its own. Image
May 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Top reddit post of the day This was the top reddit post 6 months ago at roughly the top for reference
Mar 8, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
This week's TechnicalRoundup newsletter is in Twitter thread format.

We're going to keep it lean and mean.

-- Bitcoin: Narrowing Range
-- Ethereum: Daily Lower Low
-- Market at a Glance
-- Commentary Corner: Biden's Crypto Regulations

Let's get started.

🧵 $BTC

-- Sideways
-- 32-34k key support, 43-47k key resistance
-- Headline algo trading + correlation chop in between
-- Mid-term bull. momentum case validated if 43-47k finally breaks (tested several times)
-- Sideways = wait for extremes/boundaries to trade, not there yet Image