Case Western Reserve Univ/UH Epilepsy Program Profile picture
Official account for the Level IV Epilepsy center & fellowship program @cwrusom and @UHhospitals @cwruneuro | Tweets are our own and not medical advice.
May 21, 2024 19 tweets 9 min read
#Epilepsy #Seizure #NeuroX

🧵1/ What is abdominal (or epigastric) aura?
Abdominal aura is characterized by an uncomfortable sensation in the abdominal region w/wo nausea and w/wo a characteristic 'rising' quality. Image 2/ In majority of cases, this feeling is localized to the epigastric area, hence the other term 'epigastric aura'. #AurasInEpilepsy #SeizureSemiology
Jan 22, 2024 17 tweets 5 min read
#Epilepsy #NeuroX #Seizure

What more have we learnt about clonic seizures?…

Image 🧵1/ Definition: These are seizures characterized by "twitching" movements of a body part. "Clonus" is simply considered a repetitive form of "Myoclonus"
Jan 10, 2024 14 tweets 7 min read
#Epilepsy #Seizure #NeuroX

🧵1. What is the M2e sign?
The M2e sign is a strong lateralizing sign characterized by an ictal arm movement w/ initial elbow flexion, f/b shoulder abduction & external rotation, with contralateral arm being uninvolved.
M2e is also referred to as 'fencing posture'
2. This peculiar posturing or arm movement may or may not occur with a versive head/eye movement. If it does occur with version, it appears as if the patient is looking at their hand. Position 1-4 are sequential representations of the arm movement. Position 3 shows a full M2e. In this case, the version occurred before the M2e. All through 1-3, the right arm is uninvolved.  From: "Epilepsy and Cerebral Localization. A study of the mechanism, treatment and prevention of epileptic seizures: by W. Penfield and T. Erickson, CC Thomas, Springfield, IL 1941
Dec 7, 2023 18 tweets 7 min read

🧵 What are the cortical zones of epilepsy?
The cortical zone theory of epilepsy postulates the following zones- epileptogenic zone, seizure onset zone, early spread zone, irritative zone, symptomatogenic zone & functional deficit zone. #NeuroTwitter Hypothetical organizational schematic representing the cortical zones related to epilepsy 1/ The epileptogenic zone (EZ) is defined as the minimum area of cortex indispensable for seizure production, which when removed (or disconnected) leads to seizure freedom.
Oct 24, 2023 17 tweets 8 min read

🧵1/ What is a complex motor seizure?

A complex motor sz is a type of motor seizure which is characterized by natural-appearing movements mimicking normal daily life activities e.g. swallowing, lip smacking, gestural etc.
#Neurotwitter #Epilepsy Image 2/ There are two main subtypes- automotor seizures and hypermotor seizures. Some other rarer forms include gelastic, dacrystic, kissing, spitting, verbalization seizures.
Jul 6, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read

🧵1/ What is a dialeptic seizure?

Dialeptic seizure is defined by a peculiar alteration of consciousness in epilepsy, characterized by complete or partial unresponsiveness w/ motor/behavioral arrest AND amnesia.
#Epilepsy #EEG #SeizureSemiology 2/ The term "dialepsis" was proposed in 1998 to identify and classify this peculiar seizure only by semiology. The term "absence" refers to a subtype of dialeptic seizures which has a characteristic EEG pattern of generalized 3Hz spike and wave (Gen epilepsy).

Oct 12, 2022 21 tweets 12 min read
#Epilepsy #Neurotwitter #Seizure #Semiology

🧵1/ What is a somatosensory aura?
A somatosensory aura is an abnormal subjective somatic sensation, involving one or more body parts, typically described as 'tingling' or 'numbness'. ImageImage 2/ There are three main types of somatosensory auras: Paresthetic auras, Painful auras, Thermal auras

Paresthetic auras are probably the most common type reported by patients. ImageImage
Jun 13, 2022 14 tweets 8 min read
#Epilepsy #Neurotwitter #Seizure #Semiology

🧵1/ What is a visual aura?
Visual auras consist of brief, stereotypical, visual hallucinations of static, flashing or moving lights in different shapes and colors, complex hallucinations and illusions. ImageImage 2/ Visual auras can be classified into many types- simple visual hallucinations, complex visual hallucinations, visual illusions and ictal amaurosis. #Seizure #Semiology #Neurotwitter ImageImage
Apr 12, 2022 15 tweets 11 min read
#Epilepsy #Neurotwitter #Seizure

🧵1/ What is a clonic seizure?
A clonic seizure is defined as a series of rhythmic "myoclonic" contractions of the involved muscle groups at a frequency of 0.2-5Hz, clinically characterized by twitching movements. ImageImage 2/ The first formal description of clonic seizures was provided by Louis Francois Bravais in 1827. He described "hemiplegic epilepsy" where the 'convulsion' was restricted to one side of the body. This was part of his thesis for the degree of MD at Univ. of Paris. #NeuroTwitter ImageImage