Dan Barkhuff Profile picture
Calling Trump a traitor implies he was ever loyal to America in the first place.
Oct 19 5 tweets 1 min read
Yes, I'm unabashedly using that I was a part of an elite military unit to give me credibility in saying "Donald Trump is a unique threat and you should not vote for him." Since he was POTUS, I've met and worked alongside former Republican operatives, victims of sexual assault and rape, countless other combat veterans, nurses who saw Americans drowning in their own sputum from COVID, small business owners he didn't pay his debts to, Gold Star families who saw his disrespect to their dead sons, public servants who worked for America abroad, women talking
Oct 2 8 tweets 2 min read
TBI is my generations definitive injury from combat.

To be honest, we became excellent at survivability in general. Training post Vietnam focused on treatment of survivable injuries via self-care, buddy care, and then trained medical care. We focused on the right things, bleeding from extremity wounds, tension pneumothoraces, and airway. This became standard of care through TCCC, itself based on a retrospective cohort of every American KIA in the Vietnam War.

In a semi-permissive tactical environment, we pushed CASEVACS via helo with blood so
Sep 22 12 tweets 3 min read
The veterans case against Trump:

Donald Trump is uniquely dangerous, uniquely disrespectful, and uniquely unfit to lead our military.

1. He feigned bone spurs in order to evade military service during the Vietnam War, joking decades later with Howard Stern that sexual dalliances in New York were equivalent.

2. As a candidate, he has mocked Gold Star families on MULTIPLE occasions (Humayan Khan's parents, Robert Kelly's father). He referred to a cemetery in France with WWI American Marines as "filled with losers." Famously, he posed for a
Aug 29 6 tweets 1 min read
These are some of the people I know who are buried in Arlington: A SEAL who left an infant son and was the second man through the door into an AQI safehouse. First man shot and killed instantly, he went in anyway to save his buddy. A Marine Lieutenant who was hustling his men off of a rooftop under attack from a machine gun in a mosque minaret, he was the last to get off, was shot in the back, and bled out in a dim stairwell. A Marine enlisted sniper who was shot while bravely hunting an Iraqi sniper who was killing Marines. A SEAL from the Naval