Derrick Broze Profile picture
Journalist, FilmMaker, Author, Agorist, Conscious Rapper, Founder The Conscious Resistance Network, CoFounder The Freedom Cell Network, Greater Reset Activation
Fred Allen Censored Fringe Minority Member🇨🇦 Profile picture PAMI PAMI Profile picture FluorideFreeNZ Profile picture 4 subscribed
Feb 20 32 tweets 5 min read
The final session of the final day of the Fluoride Lawsuit has resumed.

Judge Chen is asking the EPA why the EPA cant conduct a risk assessment without a BMCL. Judge Chen asks FAN Connett what exactly he is advocating if Dr. Grandjean's analysis is not accepted.

Connett says he thinks there are several acceptable levels of POD. He would start with the currently allowable levels of 0.7 mg/L based on the MIREC cohort.
Feb 20 71 tweets 10 min read
The final hearing of the Fluoride lawsuit has begun.

Judge Chen is starting things off by asking each side to explain what Findings of Facts they dispute. Brandon Adkins with the DOJ, representing the EPA, and Michael Connett, representing the Fluoride Action Network, say they could be ready to share this with the judge by the end of next week.
Feb 13 43 tweets 6 min read
The 9th day of 2nd phase of the #FluorideLawsuit resumes with FAN attorney Michael Connett cross examining EPA witness Dr. Stanley Barone. FAN: you agree that fluoride has been found to be a neurotoxin at certain levels?

Barone: yes.

FAN: you agree that there is an association of neurotoxicity with water fluoridation above levels of 2 mg/L?

Barone: at some level above 2, yes.
Feb 13 28 tweets 4 min read
Day 9 of the 2nd phase of the #FluorideLawsuit is resuming with EPA witness Dr. Stanley Barone. EPA attorney Brandon Adkins wants to talk to Barone about the BMCL (Benchmark Concentration Level)
Feb 12 28 tweets 4 min read
The final session of day 8 of the 2nd phase of the #FluorideLawsuit resumes.

EPA is going over Dr. Barone's previous testimony to counter FAN's Michael Connett objection that Barone is being asked to share opinions which go beyond his deposition. EPA still highlighting Barone's testimony that they believe shows he had previously discussed linear modeling and other topics which FAN Connett says are beyond the scope of previously expressed opinions.
Feb 12 42 tweets 5 min read
Day 8 of the 2nd phase of the #FluorideLawsuit resumes.

FAN Attorney Michael Connett begins 2nd cross on EPA expert witness Dr. David Savitz. Connett is asking about the Taher 2024 study decision to use a "benchmark dose modeling of moderate dental fluorosis in the Dean (1942) data".

Connett asking Savitz about the data around the Dean 1942 study relating to race, etc.

Savitz says he is not aware of the details.
Feb 12 88 tweets 12 min read
Day 8 of the 2nd Phase of the #FluorideLawsuit is beginning.

Judge Chen just walked in the court. FAN Attorney Michael Connett will continue his cross examination of Dr. David Savitz. If you missed Day 7, here is:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:………
Feb 9 47 tweets 6 min read
The final session of Day 7 of the 2nd phase of the #FluorideLawsuit is beginning.

FAN attorney Michael Connett will be cross examining the EPA's witness, Dr. David Savitz. Connett pulls up a book written by Savitz titled, Interpreting Epidemiologic Evidence.

Connett quoting directly from Savitz, where he states that "inaction is still an action", in terms of assessing risk.
Feb 9 45 tweets 6 min read
The 2nd session of Day 7 of the 2nd Phase of the #FluorideLawsuit has resumed.

EPA is asking Dr. Savitz about the NTP monograph. EPA changes mind, says they want to ask Dr. Savitz about the WHO study on fluoride.

EPA asks Savitz about the WHO's assessment of fluoride in seafood and how this would impact measuring fluoride.
Feb 9 41 tweets 6 min read
Day 7 of the 2nd phase of #FluorideLawsuit is beginning. EPA attorney Paul Caintic and FAN attorney Michael Connett are discussing details of court exhibits.
Feb 7 31 tweets 4 min read
Day 6 of the 2nd phase of the #FluorideLawsuit resumes for the final session of the day with EPA expert witness Dr. David Savitz. EPA: Dr. Savitz what is your assessment of what this conclusion from the systematic review means?

Savitz: the recommendation from them, was to focus on moderate dental fluorosis based on the research that is available at the time.
Feb 7 55 tweets 7 min read
Day 6 of the 2nd Phase #FluorideLawsuit is resuming.

FAN Connett is making it clear that Dr. Thiessen has to leave by 11:30 am to make it to her rental car and flight.

EPA objects they have at least an hour and 15 left for her. FAN is asking if its she can continue on zoom. Judge Chen says he already ruled all experts needed to be in person. He doesnt want to change that, suggests she get a later flight.

They decided to proceed as quickly as possible and see what happens.
Feb 7 52 tweets 7 min read
Day 6 of the 2nd Phase of the #FluorideLawsuit is beginning. FAN Michael Connett starts by telling Judge Chen that a brand new study was published from Health Canada regarding fluoride and IQ. This study is relevant to the discussion yesterday in terms of calculating total intake of fluoride.
Feb 6 29 tweets 4 min read
The final session of Day 5 of the 3nd Phase of the #FluorideLawsuit begins with the EPA cross examining witness Dr. Kathleen Thiessen. EPA: let's start by talking about the NTP's monograph and the "moderate confidence" in their finding that higher fluoride exposure is associated with lower IQ in children.

EPA says this mention of "higher fluoride exposure" was based on amounts higher than the WHO's guideline.
Feb 6 78 tweets 10 min read
Day 5 of the 2nd phase of the #FluorideLawsuit resumes with FAN Connett calling Dr. Kathleen Thiessen as the next expert witness.

Thiessen's scientific background focuses on risk assessment. Find out more about here here:…
Feb 6 50 tweets 6 min read
Day 5 of the 2nd Phase of the Fluoride Lawsuit has begun! Judge Chen is asking about exhibits.

Witness Dr. Ralph Barone is back on the stand with the EPA set to continue their cross-examination.
Feb 5 35 tweets 4 min read
Day 4 of 2nd Phase of the #FluorideLawsuit continues for final session.

FAN Michael Connett resumes questioning of witness Dr. Ralph Barone. Connett: One of the comments NASEM made was to incorporate elements of the NTP's approach for reviewing, correct?

Barone agrees, but...
Feb 5 46 tweets 6 min read
4th day of the 2nd phase of the #FluorideLawsuit resumes with FAN Michael Connett questioning witnes Dr. Ralph Barone. Connett: let's turn to the risk determination portion of the evaluation. EPA does not need to consider every single risk factor to make a risk determination, correct?

Barone agrees with caveats.
Feb 5 76 tweets 9 min read
Day 4 of the 2nd Phase of the #FluorideLawsuit has begun.

@FluorideAction Attorney Michael Connett has just finished reading off some exhibits to be submitted to the court.

Connett and EPA agree to switch to a new witness who is only here for today. Connett calls Brian Berridge, D.V.M., Ph.D., D.A.C.V.P., joined the NIH in January of 2018 as the Associate Director of the National Toxicology Program (NTP).
Feb 2 41 tweets 5 min read
Day 3 of phase 2 of the #FluorideLawsuit resumes with the EPA questioning of Dr. Grandjean, FAN's 3rd witness. EPA asks Dr. Grandjean about a forest plot which was previously mentioned.

EPA has him look at the mention of Bashash 2017 study, and the confidence interval assigned.

EPA has him look at Green 2019 and the confidence interval.
Feb 2 60 tweets 7 min read
3rd day of the 2nd phase of the #FluorideLawsuit resumes with EPA cross of Dr. Grandjean, FAN's witness. EPA: you only published the Danish OCC results with the combined results of the MIREC cohort?

Grandjean: we decided that enough was published in the cohort and that we could easily put everything relevant into this joint paper.