Karnataka Health Department Profile picture
Official Account for the Department of Health & Family Welfare Services - Govt. of Karnataka
Dec 16, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read

📢A note to our citizens:

The @DHFWKA is committed to safeguarding everyone's health across the state.

Let’s address the concerns raised in a recent article about maternal health.🧵

The articles in the print media states: “Between 2021-22 & 2023-24, Karnataka saw 4.29 lakh critical deliveries, with 822 maternal deaths. Over 3 years, 2079 deaths have been reported.”

While #maternalhealth is a serious issue, here’s why this data doesn’t tell the whole story.
May 20, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
ಕೋವಿಡ್ -19 ಲಸಿಕಾ ಕರಣ ಕುರಿತು ಪರಿಷ್ಕೃತ ಮಾರ್ಗಸೂಚಿಗಳು.
1. ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ ಕೋವಿಡ್ -19 ವ್ಯಾಕ್ಸಿನೇಷನ್ ಪಡೆಯುವುದನ್ನು ಮುಂದೂಡಿಸಬೇಕು:
ಎ) ಕೋವಿಡ್ -19 ಸೋಂಕಿತರು ಚೇತರಿಸಿಕೊಂಡ 3 ತಿಂಗಳ ನಂತರ ಲಸಿಕೆ ಪಡೆಯಬೇಕು. ಬಿ) SARS-2 ಮೊನೊಕ್ಲೋನಲ್ ಆಂಟಿಬಾಡಿ ಅಥವಾ ಪ್ಲಾಸ್ಮಾವನ್ನು ನೀಡಿದ SARS-2 ಕೋವಿಡ್ -19 ಸೋಂಕಿತರು ಚೇತರಿಸಿಕೊಂಡ 3 ತಿಂಗಳ ನಂತರ ಲಸಿಕೆ ಪಡೆಯಬೇಕು.

ಸಿ)ಮೊದಲನೇ ಡೋಸ್ ಪಡೆದ ನಂತರ ಕೋವಿಡ್ -19 ಸೋಂಕು ತಗುಲಿದರೆ, ಅವರಿಗೂ ಸಹ ಚೇತರಿಸಿಕೊಂಡ 3 ತಿಂಗಳ ನಂತರ ಎರಡನೇ ಡೋಸ್ ಲಸಿಕೆ ಪಡೆಯಬೇಕು.
May 19, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
Latest updates on COVID 19 vaccination

1.Deferring the COVID-19 vaccination in the following scenario:

a)In case of individuals having lab test proven SARS-2 COVID-19 illness, COVID19 vaccination to be deferred by 3 MONTHS after recovery. b)In case of SARS-2 COVID-19 patients who have been given anti-SARS-2 monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma, COVID-19 vaccination to be deferred by 3 MONTHS from discharge from the hospital.
May 12, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
For the information of general public
The state government on 07.05.2021 decided to utilize the complete supply of vaccines provided by Govt. of India for vaccination of persons above 45+ years, for vaccinating beneficiaries who were due for second dose. Today the state government has decided that the vaccine procured directly by the state for vaccination of persons between 18 to 44 years will be utilized for vaccination of beneficiaries who are due for second dose.
Feb 16, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Guidelines for the returnees from Kerala :
Key points

All those arriving from kerala and checking in to hotels, resorts, hostels, homestays, dormitories etc shall compulsorily produce a negative RT-PCR certificate that is not older than 72 hours. - All the students returning from Kerala should compulsorily produce RT PCR negative certificate, not older than 72 hours, each time they return from kerala until the situation improves.
Mar 23, 2020 9 tweets 1 min read
*ಮುಖ್ಯಮಂತ್ರಿಯವರ ಜೊತೆ ಖಾಸಗಿ ಆಸ್ಪತ್ರೆಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ವೈದ್ಯರೊಂದಿಗಿನ ಸಭೆಯ ಮುಖ್ಯಾಂಶಗಳು*
ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು, ದಿನಾಂಕ: 23.03.2020

• ಕೋವಿಡ್ 19 ಅನ್ನು ತಡೆಗಟ್ಟಲು ಸರ್ಕಾರದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಕೈಜೋಡಿಸಿ ಕಾರ್ಯ ನಿರ್ವಹಿಸುವಂತೆ ಖಾಸಗಿ ಆಸ್ಪತ್ರೆಗಳು, ತಜ್ಞ ವೈದ್ಯರು ಹಾಗೂ ಪರಿಣತರನ್ನು ಮನವಿ ಮಾಡಿದ್ದೇನೆ. • ಸರ್ಕಾರವು ಅವರು ನೀಡಿರುವ ಸಲಹೆಯನ್ನು ಗಂಭೀರವಾಗಿ ಪರಿಗಣಿಸುವುದಾಗಿ ತಿಳಿಸಿದ್ದೇನೆ.

• ಕೋವಿಡ್ ಸೋಂಕಿತರ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಕ್ಕೆ ಬಂದ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯ ಜನರನ್ನು ಕ್ವಾರಂಟೈನ್ ನಲ್ಲಿ ಇಡುವುದೇ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಸವಾಲಾಗಿದೆ.

• ಅವರು ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣ ಶಟ್ ಡೌನ್ ಮಾಡುವುದೇ ಪರಿಹಾರ ಎಂದು ಸಲಹೆ ನೀಡಿದರು.
Mar 23, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Highlights of Meeting with Heads of Private hospitals and doctors

1. I requested the experts, doctors and private hospital owners to serve the people through Government. 2. I told them that Government is serious to implement all suggestions given by them to contain the virus.

3. Our only worry is how to quarantine the large number of people who have come in contact with the diseased.

4. They suggested complete shut down.