David Miliband Profile picture
President & CEO of the International Rescue Committee @RESCUEorg. Personal account.
Nov 10, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
As the UN Security Council meets on Gaza, a thread on the profound humanitarian crisis in Gaza; why civilians need a humanitarian ceasefire now; and what help for civilians dictates it must include: ⬇️ There is a moral and humanitarian imperative, which grows more urgent every day, to allow aid to flow and for civilian protection measures to be put in place.

We urge the Council to pass a resolution to spur a meaningful, multi-day humanitarian ceasefire across Gaza.
Oct 14, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Horrific violence that violates fundamental norms of humanity has claimed the lives of over 1,200 in Israel and 1,400 Palestinians, including 447 children.

The way that war is conducted matters. The IRC is calling on the international community to ensure the following: (1/8) 1️⃣ Protect civilians from further harm: All parties to the conflict must uphold their obligations under international law and the protections provided for civilians under International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law. (2/8)
Dec 20, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
Vladimir Putin’s contempt for, or fear of, a People’s Vote will not shock anybody. The overwhelming evidence of malign and multiple Russian interventions in western democratic processes, including the Brexit referendum, have been designed to destabilize democratic rule. It is an insult to the United Kingdom that he should be lecturing us our democratic process.
The idea that democratic consent for Brexit policy should end on 23 June 2016 is dangerous. Theresa May’s plan satisfies no one and was not the basis of the Leave campaign.