David Phinnemore Profile picture
Professor of European Politics @QUBelfast. EU politics, treaty reform, enlargement, Brexit/Protocol/Windsor Framework | also https://t.co/uFycVehUWi
Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The 'Windsor Framework' should see a return to using the Protocol's institutional framework for resolving issues.

This is long overdue.

While the Joint Consultative Working Group has been meeting almost monthly since 2021... Image neither the EU-UK Joint Committee nor the Specialised Committee has now met for a year. Image
Dec 2, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
‘Von der Leyen… said she remains hopeful that EU and U.K. negotiators can identify “common sense” ways to enforce customs and sanitary requirements more smoothly at the Northern Irish ports of Belfast and Larne — and hopes Sunak will stick to... politico.eu/article/commis… ‘this approach agreed in 2019.

‘“If both sides are sensitive to this careful balance, a workable solution is within reach. We have a duty to find it. My contacts with Prime Minister Sunak are encouraging. I trust we can find the way,” she said’
Jul 27, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Latest report from @LordsEUCom on Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland.

Summary: "Time for a reset"

UK and EU "urgently at a political and technical level to resume dialogue, in a spirit of flexibility and proportionality... with a view to reaching [mutually agreed solution]" Full report: committees.parliament.uk/publications/2…

Jul 21, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
Yesterday saw MPs voted in favour of the Northern Ireland Protocol bill and the unilateral disapplication of much of its content.

This graphic from @usherwood summarizes (bit.ly/UshGraphic106) its effects

The bill now goes to the Lords.

Meanwhile, in the EU... the Council and the European Parliament are considering legislation on how the EU will exercise its rights in implementing and enforcing EU-UK agreements.

The Commission's proposal was published back in March...

Jun 29, 2022 18 tweets 8 min read
Interested in what voters in Northern Ireland think about a certain Protocol?

Out today, our latest @PostBrexitGovNI report on the results of a poll survey run by @LucidTalk at the beginning of June.

Report: qub.ac.uk/sites/post-bre…

Among the findings...

1/ A majority (55%) of respondents currently see the Protocol as the appropriate means for managing the impact of Brexit on NI; 53% see it as overall ‘a good thing’.

38% and 37% respectively are of the opposite view.

72% believe particular arrangements for NI are necessary.

Jun 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The Northern Ireland Protocol bill has its Second Reading today

What do voters in Northern Ireland think about the possibility of unilateral UK government action?

Recent polling shows a clear majority (74%) prefer a UK-EU agreement on the Protocol's implementation Image Also, the majority view (57%) is that the UK government would not be justified in taking unilateral action to suspend elements of the Protocol.

However, 38% do think unilateral action would be justified. Image
Jun 14, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
The UK government published its Northern Ireland Protocol Bill yesterday.

A short thread on the various documents published and some of the initial reaction:

First the text of the bill: publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/cbill… Here are the accompanying 'Explanatory Notes'

As the UK government notes:

"These Explanatory Notes might best be read alongside the Bill. They are not, and are not intended to be, a comprehensive description of the Bill


Apr 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
From 2012… a copy of @TheEconomist found while sorting files today… Image Contains a prescient ‘briefing’ that concludes… Image
Oct 28, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
What do voters in Northern Ireland think about the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland?

Out today, a third ‘Testing the Temperature’ report from @PostBrexitGovNI on findings from polling by @LucidTalk in early October

Full report here: qub.ac.uk/sites/post-bre…

Some highlights: Three quarters of respondents claim a ‘good understanding’ of the Protocol.

Over two thirds see ‘particular arrangements’ for Northern Ireland being needed to manage the effects of Brexit.

Just over half see that Protocol as being ‘on balance a good thing' for NI.

Oct 6, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
Article 16 and ‘diversion of trade – a short 🧵

The ‘diversion of trade’ ground for triggering safeguard measures under Article 16 of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland has been receiving a fair bit of attention in recent days.

On Tuesday @DavidFrost noted: “if we are seeing significant diversion of trade, and we definitely are on the island of Ireland, the safeguards are there to be used. And that’s what we’ll do if it’s necessary.”

Oct 6, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
What's happening with regulatory alignment under the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland?

In our latest @PostBrexitGovNI explainer @LisaClaireWhit1 looks at what's changed so far with EU acts that apply under the Protocol

qub.ac.uk/sites/post-bre… It's complex.

Some additions have been made, some EU acts have been removed from the Protocol; other EU acts have been repealed, some have been replaced, others have expired. And then we have changes to EU legislation implementing applicable EU law.
Oct 2, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Two years ago today, the UK government set out its proposals for a replacement version to the ‘backstop’ Protocol.

It’s worth a re-read for what it says about what the first Johnson government was willing to accept for Northern Ireland, at least as…

assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl… part of arrangements that would not, for example, include Northern Ireland as part the EU customs territory.

The proposals included an ‘all-island regulatory zone on the island of Ireland, covering all goods including agrifood’.
Oct 1, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
The UK government's position - this week at least - on the possible use of Article 16
committees.parliament.uk/publications/7… Image So, some voices to be disappointed? Image
Oct 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Back in July the House of Lords Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland Sub-Committee produced its introductory report on the Protocol.

Here's the UK government's response published this week:

committees.parliament.uk/publications/7… Image Whenever reading statements that make claims about what the Protocol states as its aims/objectives, it's worth recalling what the legal text of the Protocol states, e.g. on objectives

(Full text: qub.ac.uk/sites/post-bre…) Image
Sep 23, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
We've been making some additions to our @PostBrexitGovNI website for those interested in following developments with the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland.

These additions include a timeline of developments with links to relevant documents: qub.ac.uk/sites/post-bre… Links to key texts
Sep 23, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
UK government plans for regulatory reform... and the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland - a short 🧵

Last week, the UK government set out its initial plans to 'slash Brexit red tape' and secure the much heralded deregulatory dividend of Brexit.

1/ With the reforms will come divergence from the EU

Grabbing the headlines was a review of the purported EU ban on markings and sales in imperial units with legislation to follow.

There was scant discussion, however, of how the reforms would sit...

Jul 20, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
“The government is tight-lipped about what exactly the command paper… will contain.

‘A government source said the command paper was a "significant piece of work" and would present "new thinking" on how to reduce friction between [GB] and [NI]’

Let’s see politicshome.com/news/article/e… On what might be in the paper…

‘Frost’s proposals are expected to include an “honesty box” approach, where companies that said their goods were destined only for sale and use in Northern Ireland should be exempted from checks on the Irish Sea border…
Jul 19, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Separate statements it is.

First, the European Commission:

"take stock of all outstanding issues... The EU called on the UK government to confirm that the common objective is to ensure full compliance with the Protocol." - some doubt, obviously...
ec.europa.eu/info/publicati… EU keen to show engagement with UK "to find constructive and pragmatic solutions to all identified implementation issues... the EU has explored all sorts of possibilities and solutions, and sought to clarify the UK’s position" - still unclear what UK wants?
Nov 1, 2020 19 tweets 6 min read
Will this week see a breakthrough in the UK-EU negotiations? Possibly.

If there is white smoke on Saturday it will 65 years to the day that the UK and the then Six effectively parted ways on the discussions on what would become the EEC and the 'common market'.

Thread In 1955, Russell Bretherton, Under-Secretary at the Board of Trade, was representing the UK government at meetings of the committee set up following the June meeting in Messina of foreign ministers of Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany...

Oct 11, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
On Friday the UK-EU Specialised Committee for the NI Protocol met for the 3rd time.

The UK was quick to put out a brief and fairly anodyne statement.

The EU took longer, issuing a statement on Saturday. It's worth a read to appreciate the EU's concerns:

ec.europa.eu/info/publicati… "Despite intensified efforts by the UK to progress on the implementation of the Protocol, *significant gaps* remain". No change there.

So, "[g]iven that the Protocol will be fully applicable in less than three months, the EU reiterated its *serious* concerns" on several issues:
May 15, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
Have lessons from the Article 50 period been learnt?

Latest from the @instituteforgov.

Some reflections on how the Northern Irish dimension was (mis-)handled.

Will lessons be learnt and mistakes avoided in the implementation of the Protocol?

instituteforgovernment.org.uk/publications/c… "the government too often failed to be upfront about the
consequences of its actions... the Johnson government... claimed to be ready to leave the EU without a [deal] but failed to address, or admit, the economic and political implications for the people and businesses of [NI].