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Your safe space in crypto → https://t.co/0K6JMgOCBV ⦁ #BTC since 2014 ⦁ Crypto Educator & Analyst ⦁ @Polkadot Media Partner ⦁ YCC Wallet → https://t.co/eRq6brKEYn
Geo Teo Profile picture 3 subscribed
Sep 8 16 tweets 3 min read
Years ago, I used to work long corporate hours. Left work late, burnouts too.

Then I quit.

I sometimes think of my colleagues still there today. Here’s what I did different. A thread 🧵 Image 2/ I bet on myself.

I always had an appetite for risk. Leaving a “stable job and life” for the unknown felt liberating.

Looking back, that old life was more like prison.
Aug 14 11 tweets 5 min read
🚨 WTF is going on with WBTC?

BitGo, the custodian of this $9.4 bil mcap token, shocked the DeFi ecosystem. They plan to move the BTC backing to multiple jurisdictions.

All good until you read Justin Sun is a strategic partner in this move.

Time for a thread (1/10) 🧵 Image 2/ Here's the latest timeline:

9 Aug - BitGo announces move of assets to Bit Global, a Hong Kong entity. This joint venture will make BitGo a minority shareholder

10 Aug - MakerDAO (DAI creators) discuss off-boarding WBTC from their app

13 Aug - Coinbase announced cbBTC Image
Aug 8 16 tweets 6 min read
There are four narratives making waves in crypto right now:

1️⃣ Ethereum is dying
2⃣ Bitcoin FOMO by institutions
3⃣ XRP settled with the SEC
4⃣ Blast chain turned into a slow rug

Let's dissect them one by one. An XL thread (1/16) 🧵 2/ When both Bitcoin and Solana outperform Ethereum, you got to ask yourself some serious questions.

ETH maxis and devs are already throwing the towel. What is going on here?

I may have an answer to this puzzling conundrum with tweet #15 about to shock you. Next. Image
Aug 5 6 tweets 2 min read
🚨 WTF is going on?

Japan's Nikkei just had the largest crash in history, Bitcoin went under 50k, and the US FED will hold an emergency meeting today.

TLDR: Leverage. A tiny thread (1/6) 🧵 Image 2/ Five days ago, the Bank of Japan (BoJ) increased interest rates from 0% to 0.25%. This early increase surprised the market.

Before this, anyone could borrow Yen at no interest, change them to USD, and buy stocks. Free money basically.

But there was a problem.
Aug 3 5 tweets 2 min read
You just bought more Solana expecting it to reach $1,000.

Meanwhile, VCs are laughing at you as they print millions of new tokens from thin air.

In total, 60 mil SOL since August 2023 or 15% inflation per year. You're lucky if SOL breaks over $200 again. A tiny thread (1/4) 🧵 Image 2/ I know Solana delivered a 25x since it was $8 at the peak of the last bear market.

It did well, I agree. But don't fool yourself to think it can do that again. Why?

Its circulating supply was 301 mil at $260 in Oct 2021 (ATH). Three years later it added 161 mil new tokens! Image
Jul 20 19 tweets 6 min read
BREAKING: You don't have an exit plan, do you?

The market pumps, Trump gets elected, you're looking at Lambos, but there's one thing missing.

You didn't sell. Here's how to do it with conviction!

A long-ass thread (1/19) 🧵 Image 2/ There are five actions you must take to win at this game:

1⃣ Have an exit plan.

If you don't, you will miss your exit window and end up like the guy in the picture.

Lets explore that next and hit a follow @du09btc to never miss out. Image
Apr 9 11 tweets 4 min read
🚨 There is a hidden war on Solana between big players.

Users have no clue, but the consequence of that are endless failed transactions!

There is only so much space available and the ones with the bigger guns win.

Here's what they don't tell you. A thread (1/10). 🧵 Image 2/ Big players on Solana are at war. How?

They DDOS each other for block space priority.

The victims of this war are Solana users. You can't get your transaction confirmed because big players take up all that space for themselves to come on top.

Here's how they wage war. 👇 Image
Apr 2 21 tweets 8 min read
🧵 Issuing $100 mil DAI to farm USDe is one thing, issuing billions is asking to get hurt.

Why does MakerDAO plan to risk it and mint $1 bil DAI to farm Ethena yields?

Can DAI depeg when USDe inevitably falls under $1?

A bold move or something else? A thread (1/20). 👇 2/ This post was inspired by AAVE Chan founder @lemiscate who raised the alarm.

TLRD: He's right. MakerDAO actions are reckless and fueled by greed.

But if you take a closer look at the risks for DAI, a new image emerges. 👇

Feb 20 11 tweets 4 min read
1/ What Ethena has built is impressive & hard. A short 🧵

The reason every big name is on board is the opportunity for profits.

For every perpetual long in crypto, Ethena will be the counterparty farming the ETH funding rates you pay.

A day after launch, USDe TVL is $300 mil Image 2/ Ethena is impressive due to its scale, complexities required and parties involved, but also benefits.

USDe is a synthetic stable 100% backed by a delta neutral ETH position farming yields:

50% stETH (spot), 3-6% APY
50% ETH short position, funding rates <30% APY

Nice eh? Image
Feb 6 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨 Are Liquid Staking Tokens (LST) creating a ponzi?

▫️ I stake ETH and get stETH
▫️ I re-stake stETH and get lpETH
▫️ I re-stake lpETH and get xxETH
▫️ ...infinity...

stETH lost its peg vs ETH in the past!

This will turn into a giant crash one day.
You cannot create more value from NOTHING!

Restacking and LST tokens start to sound like ponzinomics to me.

Every cycle of re-stacking is just MORE LEVERAGE on the original asset, i.e. Ethereum!

When the peg WILL be lost, it will be BRUTAL.

Plan for it if you use LST. 100%!
Dec 15, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
🧵 The best trader in the world is Jim Simons.

Average yearly return of 66% for 30 years. His Medallion Fund is open only to his staff.

His secret? Mechanical trading using computers and gazillions of data to predict the future.

He lived in 2023 back in 1988. But there's more! Image 2/ To join him you need a degree in computer science, mathematics, physics or statistics.

Out of 300 employees, 100 have a PhD in the above. If you're a Wall Street trader you wont be hired.

In the beginning, he failed as a trader using traditional methods. Image
Oct 6, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
I've been researching @THORChain

They say you can take loans at:

🔸 0% interest
🔸 no liquidations
🔸 no expiry

What? Here are my findings. A thread. 🧵

(01/16) #RUNE Image 2/ I became intrigued by RUNE pumping after they launched their new lending mechanism.

If their loan terms don't surprise you, then this may:

🔸 They don't even want you to pay back your loan

What's going on here? Red flag or a smart design? Image
Apr 23, 2023 27 tweets 11 min read
1/ The bull market is coming. A thread 🧵

The time to plan is now. Follow this guide to build your portfolio and action plan.

Includes asymmetric bets you can’t miss!

✅ Tip 1: Execute your exit when FOMO starts.

More tips at the end of this thread. Image 2/ The bear market is over.

This means you need to start planning for the next bull run. Some call for ATH this year. Bold.

Use this time in between to position yourself!

It’s irrelevant when the new ATH comes.

What matters is…
Mar 8, 2023 13 tweets 9 min read
A quick trading guide for beginners. 👇

Learn the basics, practice, then master the market.

Remember, the market is always right.

A thread. 🧵 Image 1/ Understand risk/reward or R-Multiple

Always aim for R3 or above.

This way your win rate can be under 30% and you're still profitable!

Risk $1 or to win $3. Avoid anything under R2.

How to find the R? Measure your stop loss vs your profit target.

Recovery rate next. 👇 Image
Mar 2, 2023 18 tweets 14 min read
#Bitcoin is your retirement. 👇

Here's your guide to retire early and live stress free.

🧵 A thread. 1/ Some basic principles first:

1️⃣ #FIRE = Financial Independence / Retire Early

2️⃣ #FatFIRE = over $150k/year in income

3️⃣ The 4% rule = how much you can withdraw without running out of cash during retirement

But that's TradFI talk & we can do better. 🔥

Hello #Bitcoin 👇
Feb 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Are you ready? #LQTY @LiquityProtocol #LUSD Image @LiquityProtocol It's game time! Image
Feb 2, 2023 12 tweets 11 min read
Here are my top 10 trading hacks to master the market.

Are you ready? Let's dive in.

A thread. 🧵 1️⃣ @coincodex

This is like @CoinMarketCap but much more.

In the overview of every coin you will find:

✅ Highlights & risks summary
✅ Performance matrix
✅ Quarterly returns
✅ Historical levels vs today
✅ ROI + much more

This is how you speed run your research! 👇
Jan 31, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
The next crypto narrative is not AI, it’s #NFTs on the #Bitcoin blockchain!


Concerned what will happen to BTC once rewards end? This is your answer.

#BTC miners will be paid to store and move sexy & immutable data on BTC! 😲

open.substack.com/pub/pourteaux/… Hell yeah!

The best part? Regular financial transactions on #Bitcoin can take place while ignoring all this data (prunable).

So miners can choose to not download your ape pictures on the BTC chain and focus on moving money instead.

Either way, storing data on BTC is huge. Image
Jan 25, 2023 12 tweets 9 min read
1/ I saw a post from @Route2FI on @CantoPublic which has been pumping hard. #CANTO #NOTE

How come this #Cosmos chain is at $120 mil TVL & #Kuji is at only $7 mil?

@TeamKujira has been building hard, but Canto is better?

I found the answer. See next, a thread. 🧵 2/ #CANTO (native token) & #NOTE (its stable) represent 72% of the chain's volume & about $46 mil in value.

But what worries me more is that you can issue Notes with Canto!

Pump Canto price, borrow more Notes. Fly wheel. 🚀

Sounds familiar? #Luna & #UST anyone? 🙃

Next 👇
Nov 25, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Get out of #WBTC NOW!!!

Turns out half of all #WBTC was minted by none other than… wait for it:

🔸 Alameda Research

🚨 They minted over 100k WBTC 🚨

This explains why the depeg of #WBTC vs #BTC began when #FTX imploded!

Major red flag below (pictured)! Image Source: dune.com/Messari_Jack/w…

Bail NOW!!!
Nov 9, 2022 18 tweets 13 min read
1/ Sam's empire has collapsed. #FTX #FTT #Alameda

From the next Warren Buffett to an outcast in less than two months.

He's now joining a very exclusive group with folks such as Do Kwon (#Terra), Su Zhu (#3AC), and Alex Mashinsky (#Celsius).

How did he end up here? A thread. 👇 Image 2/ Let's start with the obvious, but NOT so obvious.

His health suddenly deteriorated & he was so anxious all the time. Why?

He knew what many did not, but some did. 👇