✨🦴 Arlo & Leia 🦴✨ Profile picture
2 little dachshunds from Queensland, Australia. Love belly rubs & kisses. #SausageArmy
Mar 7, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
So, we’ve been asked about what happened to our sweet Huey after our last few posts.
Here we are posting now to raise awareness!
You know those little mushrooms that pop up after some wet weather? 🍄 that’s what killed our baby.
****MORE TWEETS COMING**** If you’re worried your fur baby has eaten one, please don’t hesitate to get them checked! It only takes 3-5 days to kill your baby.
Huey showed no signs or symptoms of what these mushrooms can do, by the time he did, it was too late and he passed away at the vets on May 5th 2018