Daddy Warpig Profile picture
Writer, Game Designer, Magnificent Bastard, Sexy Sexy Beast. Acct Born Oct 7, 2014.
Sep 11, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Disaster. Laketown destroyed by demonic weaponry. Then, a second weapon flies across the sky. MIRV warheads leave a trail of destruction. Minas Mandalf, Laketown, and environs in between destroyed by nuclear fire. Machodor in chaos. Radioactive fallout blankets #Trollopolous.
Radioactive fallout is blowing southeast. Reports that Weeb Port is being abandoned save for a few die hards. A few remaining Weeb and privateer ships are offering passage to Bombrozil, at hideously inflated prices.

#Trollopolous will never be the same.

Jan 21, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The notion that it’s the coming of normies that ruined gaming, tabletop roleplaying and such is simply wrong.

By keeping themselves a small and cloistered group, aficionados insulated themselves from steadying mainstream influences, which normies are.

A small group of passionate devotees are easy to co-opt, larger groups are much, much harder.

Isolation and elitism made it easy for degenerates and ideologues to corrupt the tiny groups of weirdly engrossed devotees, by gradually altering the weirdness to their liking.
Nov 7, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Beg to differ. The Afghanistan War was brilliant tactically, half-assed strategically, and unlike the British in India, Americans are constitutionally incapable of doing what is necessary to “nation-build”.

Nation-building can work, the Spaniards nation-built the hell out…
1/x …of Latin America. Instead of being a patchwork of death-cult native tribes, they became a bunch of Catholic Spanish- (and Portuguese-) speaking mixed ethnicity countries. The Spaniards killed the evil bastards without mercy, transplanted their own culture, and nation-built.
Jul 14, 2021 27 tweets 5 min read
Just started “The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume One 1929-1964” and so far the book is 2/2 on bloodless intellectualized engineering Sci-Fi short stories.

Which is ironic, given the second story, but I’ll get there.

Both stories were one character telling what happened to another, placing the events one step removed from an immediate series of events, just in case there was any chance of a thrill.

Aliens on Mars who gang up on the main character? Better make sure it’s not exciting!

Apr 11, 2020 29 tweets 6 min read
Aliens is a perfect example of what happens to good soldiers when you send them in undermanned, undersupported, and uninformed against a numerically and physically superior enemy who knows the terrain.

A half-strength platoon, lead by a green lieutenant who insisted on micromanaging every aspect of the mission because it worked in the simulators, got its butt eaten by 187 xenomorphs, because politics allowed a corporation to dictate the parameters of the mission.

Nov 7, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
The government would confiscate $100 billion in wealth: stocks, bonds, real estate, corporate holdings, and whatever else that wealth is invested in.

Sell it, losing half its value (destroying 50% of the wealth) and disrupting the stock market, bond market, etc.

/1 So, right away liquidating this wealth would cause the destruction not only of a large portion of the wealth itself, but send ripples through the economy, destroying more wealth.

Now the government has $50 billion from Bill Gates. (This is, I note, chump change to the Feds.) /2
Oct 23, 2019 12 tweets 2 min read
Here's the solution for ISIS that Democrats and Neocons supported:

We give a State-less ethnic group stretched out over three countries custodianship of 12,000 of the most hardcore terrorists on the globe, to imprison in perpetuity.

The Kurds as an ethnic group do NOT have their own government. They are spread across three countries—Turkey, Syria, and Iraq—and moreover are split into dozens of different factions.

No government. No apparatus of the State. No responsibility or capability to house POWs.

Aug 28, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
An alliance of Nudniks, Realism Fetishists, and Socialists turned sci-fi into a dreary, unheroic, sterile genre.

Nudniks: SF should teach REAL science, and shouldn’t have unscientific physical laws or technology. Action and adventure destroy the true mission of SF. Killjoys. 1/? Realism fetishists: If something is un-realistic, it is false and therefore wrong and bad. Stories should have realistic science and technology. If they don’t, it’s bad science in the science fiction.
