Dads with Kids Profile picture
A group of Dads on a forum for support with their children and lifestyles post separation and divorce. Photo by Juliane Lieberman
Dec 12, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
1/ This article is incorrect and misleading @BBCNews - Who was your source? It is blatantly misquoted and cherry-picked. The article is unbalanced. Please read the full guidance (quoted in following messages).… 2/ Point 6 "This guidance acknowledges that where found the harm of Alienating Behaviours to a child can be significant and enduring, akin to other forms of
emotional/psychological child abuse. Alienating Behaviours range in intensity and their impact on children, but these harms
Dec 11, 2024 24 tweets 4 min read
Family Justice Council Report - my (balanced) summary. It has already been misquoted by various womens groups.
1/ The courts consider specific "alienating behaviours" like manipulation as the term "Parental Alienation" itself has become problematic (which we have known for a 2/ long time but it's become worse in recent years). It says 50 to 60% of private childrens cases including allegations of Domestic Abuse, which is a criminal offence, whereas alienating behaviours are harmful to the child (but not classed as a criminal offence).
Dec 18, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
/1 Stop using the word "Contact" - a thread

Avoid using it in anything you write for the court. Even if Cafcass use it, even if Solicitors use it. If you have a solicitor who uses it - explain to them you would prefer them to describe it in a different way, /2 like "when the Father spends time with the child" or "when the child is in the Father's care" or "when my child is with me". The word "contact" is still bandied about a lot, in a lazy, demeaning fashion usually. It is usually intentionally demeaning. Sometimes it is just a
Dec 5, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
1/ An example of what parental alienation is. Informal shared care for a few years - providing Dad does everything Mother wants. Mother chops and changes dates and arrangements a lot. Not good for child but Dad tries to keep amicable with Mum for child's sake. 2/ Mum has Dad running around doing errands and expecting lifts all over the places, which he obligingly does - to keep things amicable for the child. Mum gets married but still wants Dad to drive her all over the place - including her whole new family.