What do we have for the Scheduled Castes in the #UnionBudget2025 .So, total outlay of UB is ₹50,65,345 crore & allocation for the Scheduled Castes is ₹1,68,478 crore, just 3.32%. This is not just a number; it’s a stark reflection of the government’s disregard towards Dalits.
Mere 3.32% of budget allocation for the welfare & development of the Scheduled Castes who constitute 16% of this country's population is a shameful display of the government's priorities. #SocialJustice #DalitBudget2025
Aug 1, 2024 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
Sub-classification of Scheduled Castes reinforces harmful stereotypes and misconceptions about Scheduled Castes. By suggesting that benefits from affirmative action should be restricted, based on factors such as economic status or caste hierarchy within the Scheduled Castes.
Sub-classifying Scheduled Castes to determine eligibility for affirmative action policies presents a paradoxical challenge to the fundamental principles of equality and non-discrimination enshrined in the Constitution.
Jul 24, 2024 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
🧵Thread: Analysis of #UnionBudget2024-25 and its Allocation for Scheduled Castes. #DalitBudget2024 Despite a total allocation of Rs. 165492.71 Cr for SCs in the #UnionBudget2024 of Rs. 5189144 Cr, the SC budget is only 3.18% against the mandated 17%.
🚨 The NITI Aayog's 2017 guidelines stress relevant budgeting and non-diversion of funds for Scheduled Castes to ensure their policy-driven development. Allocation directly benefiting SC development is a mere 0.19% of the total budget. Statement 10A claims 3.18%, it is misleading
Feb 4, 2023 • 38 tweets • 10 min read
Know what the Union Budget has got for Dalits in the FY 2023-2024.
There has been a total allocation of Rs. 159126.22 Crores for Dalits out of the total UB amounting to Rs. 4990842 Crores. Dalit budget makes it to just 3.1%
Department of Health & Family Welfare gets an allocation of Rs. 9323.81 Crores. It's well known to everyone how much health benefit Dalits get in this country yet such a huge amount gets snatched away from the budget for our development. Shame.
Feb 1, 2022 • 25 tweets • 7 min read
For the welfare of scheduled Castes the Budget estimate is of Rs. 142342.36 Crores for the financial year 2022-23. There is an increase of Rs. 2385.94 Crores this year.
The highest diversion of Rs. 25437.67 Crores, allocated under the Department of Rural Development. Rs.1282.59 Cr diverted under the Old Age Pension Scheme, Rs.366.69 diverted towards the National Widow Pension scheme. Rs.15380.88 Cr goes to MGNREGA.
Oct 7, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Suspend and Disband the Committee for Reforms in Criminal Laws with immediate effect and ensure that any subsequent reform process complies with national and international best practices so as to further our constitutional goals of justice, equality and liberty. @citizensspeakup