William Dalrymple Profile picture
Scottish historian & art historian; @EmpirePodUK podcaster & Jaipur Lit Fest co-director. Visiting Fellow at All Souls, Oxford. Writes the occasional book.
18 subscribers
Feb 20 5 tweets 3 min read

Episode One-
Henry VIII, Elizabeth I & The Tudor Conquest of Ireland Image Ireland is the only country in Western Europe that has experienced being colonised in the modern era. It was used by England as a laboratory for imperialism, and was the site of bloody colonial wars for centuries, yet many people in the neighbouring United Kingdom have little understanding of Ireland’s history.Image
Feb 10 4 tweets 2 min read
What sort of democracy ransacks bookshops? The Israeli police just pillaged my brilliant friend Mahmoud Muna's wonderful bookshop opposite the American Colony, the best in Jerusalem. Apparently Muna and his nephew Ahmed have both been arrested & marched into court...
theurbanactivist.com/idea/a-booksho… Muna is a wonderful, wise and learned guy and has encouraged generations of travellers to read more deeply into the contested history of Jerusalem. He recently co-edited this excellent collection of essays on Gaza. I hope @pen_int will immediately take up his case. Image
Feb 2 5 tweets 2 min read
Avi Shlaim and Eugene Rogan discuss Avi's Three Worlds: Memoir of an Arab Jew @JaipurLitFest: "Our Jewish community was very well integrated in Baghdad, where we were one minority among many. Europe had a Jewish problem. Iraq did not." Image Avi Shlaim: "My mother regarded Zionism as an Ashkenazi thing. She thought it was nothing to do with us. Most of us were very happy in Baghdad." Image
Jan 2 8 tweets 5 min read
New from @EmpirePodUK -

The Emperor Jahangir was a true connoisseur of beauty. His reign witnessed a flourishing of art, particularly through his patronage of workshops of brilliant artists who between them created a series of extraordinary masterpieces. Image
Jan 1 5 tweets 2 min read
The oldest surviving sculptures of the Buddha in Southeast Asia. Found at Oc Eo, now on the Vietnamese side of the Mekong Delta, and the presumed site of one the very first Indic-influenced courts in the region, known to the Chinese as Funan. Image The Chinese called this city state Funan – the Indians, Vyadhapura. We do not know what it was called by its own inhabitants. A Chinese court envoy who came to Funan in the third century ce left the first eyewitness portrait of this nascent trading world. ‘This place is famous for precious rarities from afar,’ wrote the Chinese Xue Zong in the third century ce: ‘pearls, incense, elephant tusks, rhinoceros’ horn, tortoise shell, coral, lapis lazuli, parrots, kingfishers, peacocks, rare and abundant treasures enough to satisfy all desires.’Image
Dec 31, 2024 11 tweets 6 min read

To close 2024 @tweeter_anita & I look at the chaotic first attempts of the English crown to open diplomatic relations with Mughal India

Sir Thomas Roe at the Court of Jahangir Image The East India Company realised that if it was to trade successfully with the Mughals, it would need both partners and permissions. This meant establishing a relationship with the Mughal Emperor himself. Image
Dec 24, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
@EmpirePodUK Christmas 🎄 Special:

THE EMPIRE OF FRANKINCENSE & MYRRH Image "The Nabateans are a silent partner in everything that goes on in the high summer of the Ancient period” - Bettany Hughes Image
Dec 17, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
New from @EmpirePodUK

We are proud to present the first episode of our Christmas mini-series-

WHO WERE THE THREE WISE MEN? Image Featured in every Nativity scene in school plays, churches, and art around the world, the Three Wise Men are key characters in the Christmas story. But they are actually only mentioned once in the Bible, appearing in Matthew’s gospel. He describes them not as Kings, not as generalised Wise Men, but specifically as Magi.

So what exactly did he mean by that?Image
Dec 13, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
New from @EmpirePodUK

Akbar the Aesthete

"Early in his reign, Akbar had made it clear that he had no time for ultra-Orthodox Muslim opinion which objected the depiction of the human form: “There are many that hate painting,” he wrote, but such men I dislike. It appears to me as if a painter had a quite peculiar means of recognising God; for a painter in sketching anything that has life, and in devising its limbs, one after the other, must come to feel that he cannot bestow individuality upon his work, and is thus forced to think of God, the giver of life."Image As a child, Akbar was dislexic: no one was able to teach him how to read. But he still loved literature - the Indian and Persian epics and Ferdowsi poetry and were read to him by travelling picture showmen and discussed in detail. This seems to have inspired his love of visual arts: ‘one of the biggest paradoxes of art history: the prolific production of illustrated manuscripts was initiated by a man who could not read them himself’.Image
Nov 21, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
New from @EmpirePodUK
The Second Episode in our Mughal Series:

Panipat 1526
The Conquest of Lodhi Delhi Image In 1506, Babur decided to pay a visit to his relatives in Herat. For the first time in his life, he found himself feeling like an unsophisticated, mud-booted provincial. His cousins paid little attention to the unfashionable new arrival and seemed unimpressed by his new conquests.Image
Nov 19, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
New from @EmpirePodUK

To coincide with the acclaimed Mughal Exhibition: Art, Architecture and Opulence @V_and_A we are today embarking on a major new series on The Great Mughals, telling the story of the lives, courts, writings, battles, art and architecture of the first six Mughal EmperorsImage Our first episode, out today, is on:
Babur: Prince, Exile & Refugee

‘It passed through my mind that to wander from mountain to mountain, homeless and helpless, has little to recommend it.’ Image
Oct 11, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
New from @EmpirePodUK:
India's Empire of Numbers Image Often called Arabic numerals, the modern number system we use today actually originates in India. Whilst in the west they were using Roman numerals, in India they were using numbers 1-9. Image
Sep 12, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read

👑The God Kings of Angkor Wat👑

Two years after the Holy Roman Empire was established in Western Christendom, another world-shaking empire was rising in the east, more powerful even than that of Charlemagne, and far wealthier🛕 Image 🇰🇭 Born on the Mountain of Lychees in Northern Cambodia, the mighty Khmer empire dominated most of mainland Southeast Asia, stretching as far north as southern China, and outsizing the Byzantine empire at its peak.... Image
Aug 29, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
New @EmpirePodUK
Wu Zetian, The Dragon Empress-
China's Game of Thrones Image How did an Indian religion, Buddhism, become the court religion of China? The answer is linked to the violent rise to power of China’s only ever woman Emperor. Raised by pious Buddhist parents, Wu Zetian left a trail of bodies in her wake as she charted a path to absolute power. Image
Jul 7, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Whole generations grew up on a whitewashing of the tragic story of the genocide of the indigenous native nations of North America. In our latest double bill @EmpirePodUK shines a light at the dark & tragic history behind the romanticised bullshit of Hollywood westerns Image A whole genre of movies is based on a relatively short period of nineteenth-century American history. But what is the real story behind battles between Native Americans and white settlers during westward expansion? Image
Mar 28, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Fabulous new @EmpirePodUK episode-
This one is a complete cracker
The second in our Empress series-
Helena, Queen of the World, Mother of Empire and Finder of the One True Cross
with the wonderful @peter_sarris Image Born in poverty at a time when the Roman Empire was in danger of cracking up and disintegrating, Helena was set for a life of obscurity as a stable hand, bar maid, and, according to some, a prostitute. Yet, in the most improbable tale she rose through the social hierarchy to be proclaimed Empress, then later canonised, and declared by some as Queen of the World and Mother of Empire.Image
Mar 18, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Monoliths exist throughout the length and breadth of the Khasi and Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya, often in groups of three. However, the biggest collection of Megalithic stones can be found in the market village of Nartiang, which is a sort of Himalayan Callanish. These consist of both Menhirs (upright stones, believed to be male) and Dolmens (flat stones in the horizontal position, conceived as female) and known as Moo Kynthai. The elders of the village still sit on the stones on market day once a week, divide revenue due to the village and decide where to spend it.Image Villages here still give each other menhirs, though today they usually arrive by truck 🚚 rather than wooden rollers from the quarry. Image
Mar 11, 2024 6 tweets 8 min read
Is @michaelgove going to be calling in the Israeli ambassador and break off diplomatic relations?

Gove "condemned chants, including “from the river to the sea”, that have become a common feature of anti-Israel marches, suggesting that they amounted to “the legitimisation of an extremist position which intimidates and leads to hate”.

telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/0…Image It should also be pointed out that the same phrase which @michaelgove condemns as “the legitimisation of an extremist position which intimidates and leads to hate” appears as article 1 of the charter of the ruling Likud Party of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Time to break off diplomatic relations and apply sanctions surely?Image
Feb 13, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
New from @EmpirePodUK
Iran & Saudi Arabia: The Rivalry that Split the Islamic World
with the wonderful @KimGhattas Image 1979 was the year that changed everything in the Middle East, setting it on the path to today. In Iran, the Islamic Revolution established the nation as a theocracy that sought to defend Shi'ism across the world. Image
Feb 5, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Exactly what Israel did to 530 Palestinian villages in 1948 "so that they would have nothing to come back to." Everything the IDF do every day in Gaza is a reminder that Israel is a state built on the ethnic cleansing of its Palestinian inhabitants. Here are the villages they destroyed:
Feb 5, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
The amazing @amiasrinivasan, Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory at @UniofOxford, talks to @PragyaTiwari about free speech on campus. In Cancelled- Can I Speak Freely she discusses attempts by government and wealthy donors to control debate among scholars, while also taking on the Left for muzzling obnoxious views.Image The session revolves around her celebrated @LRB essay