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Jun 10, 2022 25 tweets 5 min read
Ik had beloofd wat van mijn ontdekkingen rond #sekswerk wetgeving te delen. Bij deze.

Ik wil beginnen met hoe slordig uitgevoerde wetgeving kan leiden tot ongewenste uitkomsten.

In 2000 werd in Nederland het bordeelverbod opgeheven.

Dat beleid had toen vier doelen: Ik wijs er direct maar op: drie van deze doelen zijn repressief, en het vierde doel, het beschermen van de positie van sekswerkers is het behouden van de status quo, aangezien er expliciet níet ingezet werd op verbetering van die positie.
May 20, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
Het is werkelijk te schandelijk voor woorden.
Wéér een groep kunstenaars die het normaal en acceptabel vinden om sekswerkers te gebruiken om hun ongenoegen kenbaar te maken.

En deze lui noemen zich nog wel héél sociaal ook.… Ziehier, de Tilburg Cowboys

Kunstenaars met een "sociaal hart".

Zó sociaal, dat ze hun punt maken door exáct die groep uit de openingsplannen te plukken die geen enkele steun genoten heeft het afgelopen jaar.
Mar 29, 2021 20 tweets 3 min read
Op de één of andere manier is het prettig dat deze antisociale groepen zichzelf zo makkelijk blootgeven door de tactiek van wat ze zelf zijn te projecteren of wie hun ook maar aanspreekt op hun gedrag. In een gesprek of discussie, ga je eigenlijk altijd uit van het principe dat je er beiden gezamelijk uit wilt komen, soms door de één te overtuigen, soms door een compromis te vinden.

De filosoof H.P. Grice heeft dat in zijn artikel "Logic and Conversation" mooi beschreven.
Mar 25, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Ik moest eerlijk gezegd een beetje lachen om Rutte die de mensen van de Sionskerk vanaf zijn kansel toesprak over de inhoud van het Christendom.

Ik geloof niet dat hij ook maar ooit in aanraking is gekomen met échte hardcore gereformeerden. Ik heb een vijftiental jaar theater gemaakt in diverse kerken, van diverse denominaties.

Ik herinner me nog een jongerenfestival dat we in 1997 hadden in Slijk-Ewijk.

Heerlijk festival, met volkomen normale feestende, drinkende en vrijende jongeren.
Jan 7, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
I get the distinct impression that some Open Source people new to the field are confusing trademarks and copyright issues.

Trademarks are distinct and very much not against Open Source. They are a completely different tool. Copyrights limit the use of tools: you are expressly prohibited from using or building on someone's work, thereby stifling innovation and invention.

Trademarks are about correctly labelled products, which allow users to verify whether it's OK.
Dec 30, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
Stablecoins are, to crypto people, about as useful as nipples on a breastplate and dangerous to boot.… via @cryptocoinsnews Just putting aside the fact that they are not sustainable (look to @prestonjbyrne for more analysis on that front), they open up a huge can of surveillance possibilities on your money that are less intrusive when not using them.
Nov 22, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
“Sticks and stones may break my bones
But names will never harm me.”

is directly at odds with

“The pen is mightier than the sword”

The fact that PR firms exists shows the second is right. It is very easy to hurt people with just words, and they certainly do not need to lead to violence.

Your reputation can be harmed by words, just as it can be bolstered.
Nov 12, 2018 17 tweets 4 min read
I wrote this article on 25th of October last year, explaining how slavishly following the "longest chain with most cumulative work" is naive…3lRBmaNfza At the time, BCH (then mostly BCC) proponents were vocally saying it was "Nakamoto consensus" and the way Bitcoin works (according to the Whitepaper)".
Nov 5, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
This article caught my attention as it has to do with the current state of money laundering in the Netherlands. Apparently the yearly total is now 16 billion in the Netherlands… So, given the amount of articles and items featuring Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and money laundering, I decided to have a look at the report on which this article was based. It can be found here:…
Nov 5, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
Nothing most sane people haven't been all but screaming all through last year. via @volkskrant All through the year many of us in the Sane Speaker Circuit, together with competent devs and business developers have been saying "blockchain" as presented last year was a stupid proposition.
Oct 30, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Heeft er iemand overigens nog wel eens iets van het Mother of All Tokens project van Dirk Scheringa gehoord?

Dat project heeft toch ook de nodige miljoenen opgehaald… Website vermeld een nieuw project, maar dat is vaag en "ooicoheadstart.comJqyWHTi9zY
Oct 22, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
The point of trying to defend privacy is not that there may or may not be illegitimate uses of keeping things hidden.

The point is that if privacy is not defended in the digital world, it opens up a Pandora's Box that cannot be closed again. The point of defending privacy is not that your current government may or may not be benign and using its uncovering techniques to catch malafide parties.

The point is that once available, these techniques can also be used against any party, for whatever goal.
Oct 21, 2018 13 tweets 3 min read
Most of the people who go out to talk about Bitcoin (and blockchain) fall in one of two categories: 1. The technical
2. The marketeer

There is usually little to no overlap between the two groups.
There is also little to no overlap in their goals.
Oct 19, 2018 10 tweets 1 min read
GREAT interview with Timothy May, author of the "Crypto Anarchist…9oGTgTonZj Some choice quotes:

"I think Satoshi would barf."

- regarding the current wave of embracing regulation in every way.
Oct 19, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
Seeing that the problem is a human one, ie "Will people want to pay for something that might conflict with their preconceptions and offer them a glimpse of reality" (in theory and best case scenario), then I am going to go with a firm "hell nops:// Trying to solve a problem that is within people with technology is a fool's game.

Tech can solve stuff that limits us, it cannot change our most basic buttons.

Tech can smooth our lives, it cannot change its fabric. That's up to ourselves, and it takes effort.
Oct 13, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
In my interview at @CryptocastNL this week, I also spent some time talking about the Liquid Network (in Dutch).

tl;dl: Interesting, and I predict a lot of people won't like it. Still interesting for reasons of experimentation.… There are clear trade-offs to Liquid: it's not decentralised (as admitted in every post about it), it's not Bitcoin (well, obviously, as it's a side chain, which is kind of the point).
Oct 8, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
Sorry, but BCH has started out with the "longest chain" argument last year, pointing incessantly to the WP for validation.

Yes, it's a stupid argument, as indeed you can't play that game with separate chains.

Yet they did. Don't pretend o5nEc0c7v56 To wit:…
Oct 1, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Interessante verwarring in dit artikel.

Online democratie wordt hier verward met betrouwbare informatievoorziening. Dat is een totaal ander vraagstuk en hoogstens een deelvraag.… Nogal een hellend vlak, omdat de eigenlijke vraag die er nu gesteld wordt is: "Wie beheerst de informatiestroom?".

De vraag is een curatorsvraag en die kan bloedlink uitpakken als je dat niet onderkent.

Nu wordt klakkeloos aangenomen dat de huidige curator betrouwbaar is.
Sep 27, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
Well, that took long enough... The above is my Calm Answer. Internally, it's more like "AAAAAHHHHH, why the feck didn't you just listen to the NUMEROUS people telling you this, which would have saved millions of whatever currency you use??!"
Sep 13, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Logic is a sweet thing.
An "all" statement is very dangerous to make, because it puts quite a stretch on how certain you need to be of your claim (or "thought").

In this case, it's just a ludicrousps:// Fact is: many people choose not to enter the ICO hype field.
That means making choices about what you can and cannot do.
So you forego certain things.
Sep 12, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
I am glad the market for smart contract platforms is finally moving to a position where it can open up into competition as is would have earlier. It's ridiculous in the extreme for one player to have a 90%+ dominance with no fundamental difference. It was always ridiculous for ETH to have such an overly large piece of that market when there are plenty of other projects that do exactly the same and some things better.