Damian Profile picture
Learning to live alongside the slogans.
Jun 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
No evidence of JobKeeper suppo.. ohh wait. Much better to undermine the public health response. Thanks for the “support” 🥴 Great job…
Jun 2, 2021 15 tweets 6 min read
“As we have discussed this week, this variant of concern is starting to show up in places where normally it would be less likely, so the Brighton Beach Hotel, that was an outdoor dining setting, well ventilated, you wouldn't expect transmission to occur.” tveeder.com/560/byrange?&f… “The fact that we’re seeing transmission in some of these casual tier2 exposure sites or even tier3 exposure sites means we have to re-examine those sites. We have to reach out to people in some of those exposure sites and ask them to quarantine rather than just test and isolate”
Jun 1, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
“1 new community case, associated with the port of Melbourne. This is an individual who lives quite close to Stratton Finance in Port Melbourne, and who appears to have caught the virus through very peripheral, very tangential contact with 1 of the Stratton Finance employees” Image “This is stranger to stranger transmission. The individuals concerned, it is not 1-2, we now have at least four instances in this cluster of 54, where people who are unknown to each other before, during and after, have clearly transmitted to each other.” Image
May 27, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
1/4 Something to think about. VIC had an almost identical quarantine leak because of guest doors opening around the same time. This was shared with all states back in Feb. Seems like it was IGNORED and SA repeated the same mistake? Now Victorians are paying the price. Who’s next? 2/4 “we all throw in our views and that's where the contestation of ideas happen”
May 26, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
SA Quarantine Leak Report

“it is highly likely the close timing of doors opening and closing between adjacent rooms was responsible given the clear role of aerosol transmission of this virus”

sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connec… ImageImageImageImage “However, the adjacent rooms were at the end of a corridor on one floor of the Medi-hotel. There were two occasions on 3 May 2021, when entry doors opened within 30 minutes of each other.”
Mar 23, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
NZ Aerosol Transmission Update - Mar 23

Comments on recent CDC report: wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/27… 1/8 NZ Director-General of Health Dr. Bloomfield:“I think over the last month or 2 in particular, probably 3 months, there’s been much more emergent evidence about the importance & the significance of airborne transmission of Coronavirus being a way that people become infected.”
Mar 22, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
“Within a short period of time, from receiving the first patient sample Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at noon until Friday, March 19 the team:
- Identified the mechanism of SARS CoV2 vaccination induced severe thrombotic complications,
- identified a widely available screening test..” “- develop a confirmatory test which seems to be highly sensitive and specific (cautionary note: the number of samples investigated is still limited),
- and to identify a treatment which has the potential to rapidly deescalate the catastrophic prothrombotic mechanism.”
Feb 23, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
Risk mitigations to support the safe re-opening of the Pullman Managed Isolation Facility Recommendation 1: the Pullman’s corridor fresh air ventilation system should be operated 24 hours per day. This was implemented on 27 January;
Feb 11, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
VIC HQ N95 Masks - Wed Feb 10 - ABC interview - Part 2 1/4 @Raf_Epstein:“Why not just have an abundance of caution, if you could give everyone N95 masks, I know it’s difficult, they have to be fit-tested, I know it’s expensive, but if you can do it, why not have done that from the beginning rather than coming to that decision today?”
Feb 10, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
VIC HQ N95 Masks - Wed Feb 10 - ABC interview 1/6 DCHO: “...we have a thing called the IPC steering committee and it has a number of experts on the board from the community, community experts, as well as experts from other hospitals and experts from within the department and that steering committee meets regularly...”
Feb 10, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
NZ Pullman ESR Report - HQ Transmission Update - Feb 10 “...weren’t able to pick up any traces of COVID-19 in the environmental testing...it could have been droplets in the air that would have been temporary, so they would have only been there for a short period of time and people could have literally passed through the same airspace”
Feb 8, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
“The coronavirus’s genetic material has been found on all kinds of surfaces in hospitals and in the air, but, interestingly, it has only been successfully cultured from the air. No data studies that we are aware of have cultured the virus from surfaces.” “When we look at this entire causal chain, it’s easy to see that if fomite transmission is happening, it’s minor and certainly not driving the pandemic. Meanwhile, we have plenty of examples of airborne transmission.”