Dan Stevens Profile picture
CLOWN WORLD IS GO. While people are being brainwashed, to believe they *are-not* being brainwashed. Everything else is optics !! #BanGeoEngineeringUK
Dec 16, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
The “COVID Saline Vax Scam” was always on the verge of being discovered…

The objective was to make billions selling a fake Vax, while they spray you from the sky and make you sick. (Those billions also pay for the spraying).

Remember, they want to continue the spraying until the year 2100.

So bad PR on early stage #GeoEngineering injures in 2020 (post R&D stage 1930-2019) is to be avoided at all costs.

(After all, we still have 80 years of spraying to go).

Most of these article will be damage limitation or preemptive stories.

As and when they got close to getting caught, they could simply blame it on a local “anti-vat” Dr or Nurse.

So you can see how and why, they themselves would want to create the “anti Vax” movement, if they were rolling out saline jabs…. While the real poising was always in the sky.
Aug 5, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
“COVID” and Vax injury, is and has, always been used as a cover story for a recent and large scale Geo engineering program. (Now watch the bots say “But it’s (chemtrails) been going on for years”)

The non stop rain is a by product of that recent activity. As are recent respiratory issues and related injuries said to be COVID.

This July has seen unprecedented Geo Engineering activity and rain. As did April/May. Both dates coincide with reports of “New Covid Variants”. And both have seen us robbed of a beautiful spring and summer.

At the same time asthma diagnosis has also sky rocketed.

My suspicion is that they are trying to maintain high water levels and reduced temperatures ahead of a Mid August/September heatwave.

We also have no idea what the July temperatures should have, or could have, been without them Geo engineering constant cloud cover.

The parasites are literally playing God, while the plebs (and elites) suffer the unhealthy side effects that are masked short term by COVID, and mid to long term by Vax injuries or long-covid.

(Now watch the bots say “why would “they” poison themselves”)

The only sense we can make of the current global madness and political insanity is that it’s by design.

When things are this ridiculous, it can’t be an accident. It must be scripted, planned and made to look natural. It’s a car crash of a cover story and it’s by design.

It’s also something that needs massive funding and the war in Ukraine has been used to hide that funding. As have the “black ops budgets” purportedly linked to reverse engineering UFO/ET craft… In reality, that cash is financing Geo Engineering projects and the cost of cover stories.

Mass media control has hidden much of the madness from the masses. Most literally have no idea what is going at any given time, save for things looking bat shit crazy.

And those that are asking questions are being subjected to multiple distractions and psyops based on;

“More land, flat earth, ice walls, giants, aliens, shape shifters, accession, high vibration, 5G radiation, tarteria, mudfloods, free energy, gesara, fiat currency, Qanon, satanic cults, pizza gate, election fraud, inner earth beings, BLM, LGBT, Men Competing in womens sport, gender mutilation, ancient astrological alignments of megalithic sites and pyramids that are free energy devices built by ET’s.

All of it is decoy and manufactured distraction. All of it is controlled. All of it is orchestrated. While some of it is plagiarised by those looking for click bait and ad revenue. (As planned).

If you believe they control the mainstream, then you need to understand that they also control all social media. (Which is why this post will be shadow banned).

And when it comes to history, the real forensic evidence of mass manufactured antiquity and “Nubs” are the ONLY thing being ignored by almost every “faux” Gaia led truther platform funded by vanguard and black rock.

Question everything.
Then question everything again !!

Nothing is as it seems, even if you do believe you are awake…

🤡🌎 Geo Engineering 👇🏻
Apr 5, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Is this part of a two part process?

Note - These lines are invisible.

Has anyone in this area witnessed these aircraft in real time? Netherlands.
Nov 29, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
So, what was going on in the sky’s in April 2020…

And why where these trails leaving a metallic dust in the roads and on the roofs of cars? This dust was a direct result of the small aircraft aerial activity… (Which the BOTs and Astroturfing account will label “Aerial Maps”)

🤖 🌎
Nov 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Or was it cover for something entirely different…!!

Why are farmers paid to rest fields?
Why were the planes grounded?
Why are we seeing strange clouds?
Why have Chemtrails increased?
Why were mobile hospitals not used?
How did paper ballots steal an election?

🤔☢️ None of it makes sense for a virus…

But what if “COVID” is a COVer story ID?

We all know PCR is not to be used to identify a virus becouse it’s inventor said so.

But what if it wasn’t looking for a virus.

What if it was looking for contamination data, post ☢️ poisoning.
Feb 28, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
🤡 You can’t make it up 🌍

The president of Ukrain - Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Had previously created a production company “Kvartal 95”, which produced a TV show called Servant of the People.

In which Zelenskyy (himself) played the role of president of Ukraine in that show. The series aired from 2015 to 2019.

A political party bearing the same name as the television show was then created in March 2018 by employees of Kvartal 95.

Zelenskyy then announced his candidacy for the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election on the evening of 31 December 2018.
Feb 26, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
A dog shit attempt to replicate the past without using the old technology….

1/2 ⬇️ Image Now do the comparison… ⬇️ Image
Feb 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
But you let BNP Paribas launder money, from Syrian arms dealers, through Satalite business like HFGL, under guise of IT Leases, sold to Schools and colleges across the whole of the United Kingdom.

The hypocrisy is mind numbing !!

🤡🌍 BNP Paribas paid a $8.9 billion settlement resolving claims that it violated sanctions against Sudan, Cuba and Iran.

Jan 20, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
This is the Corona Virus PCR test Assay. It was removed soon after I shared it in 2020.

Note the words:
“As well as other Bat-Associated SARS-related virus”

It’s important that we understand that was the basis in which a common cold was included in the test assay. NHS are currently refusing to provide copies of the full positive PCR test assay

Presumably because most positives were not SARS-COV-2

Instead they were likely positive for flu. Or a common cold like HC229E
Dec 6, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Nov 18, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Can someone please explain what risk the unvaccinated are, to the vaccinated ? If you believe hospitals were full before Vaccinations, then you need to look at these Freedom of information requests (FOIR).
Jan 12, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
Something big just happened over the North Sea... I DONT KNOW WHAT THOUGH.

I’ll post the air traffic screenshots below in this thread.

It’s certainly NOT what the media reported at 2:42PM as the jets were still on mission at 4:25PM. Aircraft one NATO
Dec 24, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Let play where’s CORONA... The Predictive Programming is relentless.
Sep 18, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
2nd Lockdown is 100% Go !!


This IS all about the US election.


The only way the Dems can win is by rigging the Mail in vote system.


The Coup to remove Trump was helped by all FiveEyes intel agency’s. MI6/5 included.


All FiveEyes act for the DeepState FiveEyes knew Trump intended to remove and expose the DeepState. So all global resources were put into play.

Really, why would they do that?

DeepState are a global Cabal. The same global cabal is supporting a WorldWide pandemic hoax with one agenda.