DanaAtTheCenterRight⚜️ Profile picture
Interests: Animal Rescue • Dogs • New Orleans Saints⚜️ • Multiple Sclerosis • Be the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are • Proudly MAGA🇺🇸 • KAG 2020 🇺🇸
Dec 13, 2017 5 tweets 1 min read
1) This guy’s argument is absurd. Judges are expected to be unbiased but they still excuse themselves where there is a conflict of interest. How he can think that these “investigators”, who are obviously diametrically opposed to the President’s ideology AND probably view the 2) shocking election results as a dagger to their heart & belief system, could be objective is ridiculous.
Also, the person the President “shockingly”beat was
the person they believe was the “rightful” heir to the “throne”. AND the previous president,whose ideology they probably
Dec 7, 2017 5 tweets 1 min read
1) Judge, I rarely disagree w/ you. You stated bias in the FBI Hillary investigation doesn’t matter & referenced Mob cases as ex. Not even close Judge. The Mob is already KNOWN to be dirty~ agents are just trying to catch them. AND the Mob doesn’t represent a political ideology 2) that an agent may believe is a threat to the country~ not because of a crime but because they are diametrically opposed to the President’s ideology AND view the “shocking”election as a shot to their heart & belief system. Also, the person the President “shockingly” beat was