How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, a little context. Those three R counties are growing like crazy, all over 10% just since 2020. That may account for some of the increase. But also important, Forsyth & Cherokee have huge Dem trend lines. Here are the Repub margins in each county…/2…of the networks calling places like Michigan & Wisconsin, and it also limits Trump’s lead (& possibly prevents one) when we’re looking at 13% or 42% of the vote counted & reported.…& doing a bunch of outreach in unorthodox places isn’t as much to squeak out a win as it is to run up the score…in this situation. It’s about bad vs worse. FWIW, I doubt Biden is at 53% & leading by 11. Something more like 48-42 seems more plausible. But what I thing is happening—& I’ve talked to several pollsters & data people about this, it’s a mix mostly of what they’ve said—is public pollsters are worried…’s not as bad as I thought yesterday, when I saw a picture of a press conference w Jayapal at the mic & Raskin & others behind her. I didn’t look closely then, but it must have been an old photo (why run it?), bc they didn’t have a press conference.…passing homicide as the second-leading cause of death for those ages 10-24.”