How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Biden, policies considered LGBTQ+ were left to LGBTQ+ pressure groups, as were ones effecting racial or religious groups. The result was that an Adminstration with relatively conservative(for a Democrat) economic and foriegn policies had the most extreme staffing in history you view politics as a system of rewards and patronage, as modern Democrats(and to a lesser degree Republicans have) then millenials have been waiting in line for 20 years. They were told Bush was the source of their problems and Obama would fix them. Then Trump, then covid was as much a revolt against Tories like Johnson - OE, London Mayor, "hip", a favorite of the "beautiful people", as against the EU and he needed to differentiate his brand. He succeeded at enormous cost. But either Osborne won or an anti-Cameroon defeated them posited that any system created winners or losers and they would unite to defend their interests politically. The winners to defend the status quo the losers against. Why should the German mercenaries of Rome not control the land and property they defended? there is not a political settlement in the near future that is. Absent that the Ukrainians and their allies need to prepare for the next phase which will be ensuring a Ukrainain army remains intact with a secure supply line to Poland/Romania. That means falling back westward politically sunk there is no way this operation is going to look good - to Ukrainians, to Russians, to anyone else - at its conclusion, whence it is. Even if it ends with Russians in Mariupol, Kharkiv, and Kiev Putin himself is almost certain not to be happy with it. all the focus on Kyiv that is a political objective. Ukrainians have done well in defensive engagements but if they can't counterattack in the next 48hrs they will have to withdraw their forces from Donbass in the open on roads subject to air attack. That will be bad.