Daniel Seidemann Profile picture
All things Jerusalem. Retweet is not necessarily an endorsement (often the opposite). At POST: @DanielSeidemann
Joshua Cypess Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jun 4 8 tweets 2 min read

This is extremely dangerous. The chance of stopping the parade are close to nil.

Minister Ben-Gvir:

"We will march tomorrow at Damascus Gate and Jews will ascend to the Temple Mount... 2/
...All the brigade commanders in Gaza tell me that every house you enter sees the Temple Mount, so you have to hit them where it's most important to them."

Please note. Ben Gvir does not say that he will ascend to the Mount (at least here). It's up to Netanyahu.
Apr 16 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ Extremely important.

The Supreme Court ruled that three Palestinian families who live in the Battan Hawa quarter of Silwan are to be evicted and their homes turned over to the East Jerusalem settlers of Aterter Cohanim

haaretz.co.il/news/law/2024-… 2/

A number of observations.

1. The settlers claim to rights in these and other EJ properties by taking over the Aministration of defunct century old religious endowments with which they have no prior connection.

2. The presiding Judge Solberg resides in West Bank settlement.
Apr 8 7 tweets 2 min read

Breaking and of utmost importance.

Yesterday, April 8, the Netanyahu Cabinet decided to devolve the Authority for the Enforcement [on inter alia] Real Land of construction laws from the Ministry of Finance to the Minister of National Security.

gov.il/BlobFolder/rep… 2/

In the eyes of the Palestinians in East Jerusalem, home demolitions are the most brutal & egregious manifestations of Israeli occupation. W/the exception of real or perceived threat to Al Aqsa, no issue in Jerusalem is more volatile & more incendiary than home demolitions.
Feb 28 5 tweets 2 min read

Read this, and then read it again. It is an appeal of the elite men and women in Israel's Special Forces and intelligent Community.

For people like rhis, for whom loyalty and keeping confidences has been the foundation of their lives, this is nothing short of extraordinary.
Image 2/ Image
Feb 14 5 tweets 1 min read

In answer to numerous inquires.

It has been Israeli policy in East Jerusalem to maintain a large Israeli majority, euphemistically called maintaining the demographic balance.

Achieving this led to:

a. accelerating the growth of the Israel sector. 2/

b. putting a cap on growth of the Palestinian sector.

The growth of the Israeli sector was achieved by building 62,000 settler homes in East Jerusalem.

The limitation of Palestinan growth was achieved by a planning regime making the receipt of a permit virtually impossible.
Feb 7 10 tweets 2 min read

Compulsory reading, and timely. Ramadan begins on March 10.

Some insights/ hypotheses.

Ben Gvir is far from the only threat to calm, just the nosiest one.

Al Aqsa/the Temple Mount has been pretty quiet since October 7, much to everyone's surprise. 2/

The reasons are not entirely clear, as is the case with the relative calm throughput East Jerusalem.

Firstly, there are the numbers, which are way down. Since the outbreak of the war, West Bankers have been barred entry, most significantly for Friday prayer.
Feb 7 14 tweets 3 min read

The inclusion of the restoration of the 2002 status quo is intriguing but shouldn't surprise us. This issue has remained unresolved for years.

Some background. The second intifada, which erupted in September 2000 triggered by Ariel Sharon's triumphal visit to the Mount. 2/

The Second intifada came to be known as the Al Aqsa Intifada.

With the outbreak of violence, the Jordanian Waqf sealed the site briefly for Muslim worshipers. However, no agreement was reached regarding non-Muslim visitors, including Jewish visitors.
Jan 28 18 tweets 3 min read

It comes as no surprise to all who follow developments that the events related to UNWRA and its actions will be used as a pretext to shut down the organization altogether.

This by no means takes lightly the fact that some UNRWA staff were involved in the Oct. 7 slaughter. 2/

The participation of some employees (the precise number not yet known), needs to be thoroughly investigated, as does any negligence on the part of management.
Dec 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

No one can doubt the authenticity of this letter.

Who else but our very own Sara could write to the Pope on December 24, without even a mention of Christmas, much less a Christmas greeting. 2/

This goes beyond the exemplary graciousness we have come to expect from her.

It's intentional. Netanyahu's ultra-Orthodox and racist coalition partners don't see any official document with the letters "Christ".

I shit you not.

A blessed Christmas to you.
Dec 12, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

Breaking and important
On Sunday, Dec. 10th, the Israeli Government announced the expropriation of Palestinian-owned property in and around Silwan, for the purposes of erecting a cable car from Abu Tor in West Jerusalem to the East Jerusalem Settler Headquarters in Silwan.

The cable car is 1.4 kilometers in length& will whir above Palestinian homes in Silwan, adjacent to the church of St. Peter Gallicanto on Mt Zion. Its terminal is located at settler headquarters near the Old City’s Dung Gate, less than 170 meters away from the Al Aqsa Mosque
Dec 10, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read

You deserve an answer, having taken this seriously enough to pay attention.

There is indeed a document purporting to be an agreement. However, if you examine all of the settler takeovers of property in and around the Old City, there are always purported documents. 2/

The "agreements" and other documentation are often blatantly illegal, or questionable legality and even fraud. This is not a subjective opinion. A governmental committee officially validated these assertions.
Dec 9, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Fascinating investigative journalism by New Arab on the settler attempt to take over Armenian Patriarchate property strategically located in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City.

Trust me in this: this is just the tip of the iceberg.
newarab.com/investigations… See also this brief video on the settler attempts to take over a large tract of land in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City.

Dec 4, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
This is the Jerusalem equivalent of DEFCON 1.



The facts: on Thursday evening,the first night of Hannukah, the Temple Mount Movements will conduct a march "approved by the police" from "the blessed Damascus Gate in the direction of the Temple Mount (near the Kotel). Image 2/

If there is any provocation more dangerous, more incendiary and more likely to trigger an eruption of violence in East Jerusalem and/or the West Bank and/or the Lebanese border, I can't think of one.

This is no doubt a cause of concern in Amman, Cairo and beyond.
Dec 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

In Ben Gvir's East Jerusalem,
"שקט הוא רפש
Silence is slime".

Things are too calm.

Israei Authorities this morning delivered a warning notice to the residents of a five story building in A Sawana, East Jerusalem that they must evacuate immediately prior to demolition. Image 2/

With approximately 20,000 outstanding demolition orders, one might ask: why was this building targeted?

If I had a suspicious mind I might conclude it's related to one of the residents;

Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, Imam of the Al-Aqsa Mosque head of the Higher Islamic Committee.
Nov 24, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read

After the 1948 war Israel imposed it's citizenship on the Palestinians who remained. Since then, the Palestinan citizens of Israel have the rights of citizenship: passport, right to vote, etc. I am not denying systematic discrimination, but this is the framework. 2/

In 1967, this did NOT happen in East Jerusalem. No Israeli citizenship was imposed on the 70,000 Palestinians who lived in the areas purportedly annexed by Israel. No citizenship was offered. Ever.
Nov 16, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read

Breaking and very important .

This requires urgent and resolute intention.

Last night, a group of Israeli settlers attempted to take possession of a strategically located land in the Armenian Quarter of the Old City.


It is necessary to give some basic background. The Armenian Quarter of the Old City dates back centuries. The Armenian community in Jerusalem is small, but vibrant. w/o the Armenian presence, Jerusalem would not be Jerusalem.

The events last night are no mere land Dispute
Nov 13, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

Patience, this won't be short, but is definitely worthy of scrutiny.

Today, the Police and the Jerusalem Municipality have been harassing East Jerusalem families who have relatives in Israeli prisoners, and those who were killed in terror-related incidents. 2/


Get to know the term "enhanced enforcement". It is a policy is
which entails scrupulously enforcing even the most minor, trivial and often ridiculous regulations. It's been carried out on occasion in the past, but never so aggressively
Nov 12, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

In the early hrs of this morning, and in response to disturbances, Israeli police conducted a violent incursion into the East Jerusalem Palestinian neighborhood Kafr Aqab in East Jerusalem.

There was a barrage of tear gas.

There is one detail that is slightly problematic. 2/

The minor problem is that this incursion and firing of tear gas was in "response" to disturbances that never happened.

The attached displays the total calm in Kafr Aqb immediately before the incursion.

TIt was totally unprovoked.

Why did they do this?

Because they can.
Nov 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

I am of the Rabin era generation of Peace Now. Not only present, but active (our family, including our 4-month-old-daughter, was at the demonstration).

I do not blame my generation for failing. We did our utmost. But I do blame myself and my generation for two things. 2/

When the second intifada broke out, and hopes were shattered, the ideological right capitalized and we walked away. The ethos of the settler right succeeded, among else, because the forces of moderation (again with remarkable exceptions) did not show up. Little or no pushback
Oct 30, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Bear with me. This is VERY troubling. Dangerous. And I'm not an alarmist.

As I noted in the last thread I suspect that the trifecta of Municipality, Ben Gvir and the Chief of Police.

Well here they are in all their "glory".
Image 2/

The post is by the extreme rightwing settler Deputy Mayor Arieh King, displaying a press conference touting the establishment of "rapid-reponse squads", arming them, equipping them and training them.

Along with King, the Mayor, Ben Gvir and the Chief of Police Shabtai.
Oct 29, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read

1/ With great reluctance, and with little faith that this will change anybody's mind, I still feel compelled to add a story/observation that clarified things to me on the anti-Israel /anti-Semitism issue. 2/

Not long ago, I had a conversation with a member of the UK Cabinet on issues of shared concern. It was in no way acrimonious, and the individual was sympathetic to my interpretations of events.