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Nothing to report
Aug 30 7 tweets 2 min read
What's noticeable about Labour is the lack of anything meaningful to deliver - I mean there is no detail on anything because basically they don't know - their entire electoral campaign was based around not being the Tories - absolutely no positive vision for the country

Where they do have a policy like VAT on private schools it's so badly thought through they are having to fill in the blanks in real time - the government is basically a continuation of the last 25 years - nothing new at all

Aug 10 9 tweets 2 min read
When David Cameron was once asked, why do you want to be Prime Minister?

He answered "Because I think I’d be rather good at it.”

Which in a nutshell perfectly encapsulates much of the political class in the country - they have no vision for the UK nor serious set of principles to hang their choices from - they see winning as a way to simply prove they can do it marginally better than the other guy

Aug 1 10 tweets 2 min read
The Israeli Palestine protests much like BLM and the entire woke industrial complex continue to depress me because again and again when interviewed people don't even understand the related issues in each case

Millions and millions of people around the world are raving like lunatics on a number of subjects because that's the accepted opinion - there's no rationality or logic behind them - no effort made to critically analyse the points and come to their own opinion

Jun 16 6 tweets 1 min read
If you are upset about out of control migration, a broken economic system which has left you and your area behind and feel that the political and cultural elite think you're all morons not fellow citizens then you have valid concerns

As our elites created this system and have spent decades ignoring your mounting worries whilst calling you a bunch of ignorant racist xenophobes it's entirely rational to stick two fingers up to the lot and vote for "populists"

Jun 11 5 tweets 1 min read
The British state can't even clean and repair the roads - the healthcare system is collapsing - the criminal justice system has become a farce - our institutions have given up any pretence of impartiality - everywhere you look you see systemic rot

No more than in our political system which no longer even pretends to represent the whole nation - in fact quite the reverse our major political parties actively work to Balkanise the UK into devolved nations, regions and separate identity groups

Apr 14 11 tweets 2 min read
1. Civil service should have a legal obligation to put this country first
2. Ban all devolved assemblies from any sort of foreign policy
3. Cancel net zero
4. Cap inward migration at 50K net
5. Remove the degree requirement for all nursing and policing roles

6. Ban all political symbols and activism from all public bodies
7. Zone near all major towns for temporary high density shipping container homes
8. Sign for al 20 small modular nuclear reactions with the manufacturer paying for mods for the first 5 years

Apr 10 4 tweets 1 min read
I don't feel happy over the Cass review - I feel terribly sad for the thousands of kids who've had their lives ruined - but more than that I feel absolute fury towards the politicians, journalists and professionals who didn't do their jobs

Most of whom either knew it was wrong or didn't ask in case they found an uncomfortable answer - they went along one way or other with the systematic abuse of children on an industrial scale because it was convenient to them - I can't think of anything worse in my life

Apr 4 8 tweets 2 min read
It's an exciting time to be alive - we are living through a political and economic realignment that happens once every 40 years or so - this could go any way with enough effort except for in the same direction

Most of the current sub par political class will be finished within less than a decade - they are products of a system which is finished - they know it which is why so many look utterly out of their depth and panicked - they know it can't hold

Feb 27 7 tweets 2 min read
British elite classes have become hopelessly detached from the majority of the public - we are now sitting on a bomb which is starting to go off - it shouldn't have been this way - Brexit was a wake up call but the message was too unpopular with our betters and ignored

Instead our elite classes continue to gaslight on the issues of the day - talk about illegal migration when the issue is all migration - talk about Islamophobia instead of Islamist violence and on and on

Nov 15, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Why am I happy that the supreme court has given this ruling?

I'm a democrat and after reading "Ruling the Void" by Peter Mair I've long since realised that democracy has been robbed of its substance by the liberal settlement.

When powers are passed from politicians to unelected bureaucrats like the EU, courts or QUANGOS it removes it from the democratic system and effectively shrinks the debate.

Oct 11, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
The UK is mess but I'm grateful for the following things:

1. British people are generally intolerant of arseholes - which is why the political class are disliked at the moment - that makes society naturally quite stable

2. We are still a very safe country though the authorities are trying hard to change that - your chances of being attacked, robbed etc etc are vanishingly small - see point 1

3. We have good allies worldwide - from the USA to parts of Europe etc etc - we have options

Jul 31, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
This is High Holborn from the tube to the viaduct - a stretch of road about 2/3 of a mile long - it's prime real estate in London

This is what it looks like before the forthcoming recession

Absolutely booming

1/ Image 2/ Image
Jun 3, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The no borders thing is just a bit weird - the left who support it seem to think that citizens should have no say over who enters a country - in fact they deny that there is even a settled population - instead they just say "We are all migrants" which is just plain silly

I mean technically the human race migrated from Africa several million years ago - but beyond that no - they also deny the links between high migration and lower wages especially for those on lowest wages - apparently supply and demand doesn't function in the labour market

Jun 2, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Doesn't mention that per capita GDP collapsed around 2010 because of the ridiculous austerity programme that the Tories instigated - Germany's did exactly the same as well - Brexit has zero to with inflation it's a global phenomenons
and it's mainly a supply shock

1/ Which is why inflation is dropping around the world even though monetary policy has yet to be even felt by the economy - the UK will be no different, ours will simply take an extra month or so due to our dysfunctional energy market and some statistical aberrations

May 13, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Europe is undergoing a series of political shocks with each birthing the next - the first was the GFC and austerity which hit the left behind the most angering many and preparing the way - next came the migration crisis which combined with the first

This generated a surge in support for the new right - nationally focused parties which fed on raising concerns over a broken economic model and concerns over elites which not only didn't control migration but seemed to actively to encourage it

May 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
@markbishopuk @thinkdefence

Broadly there is a majority in this country which is social democratic

They believe in a state that protects which has an active but restrained role in the economy

They don't dislike the free market but they worry about its excesses

They value individual rights but think that these must be tempered against the rights of society

That British people in Britain should come first

They aren't anti migration but think that there is a limit and we are probably there

May 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The only two groups that benefit from mass migration are business - it allows them to avoid paying higher wages and investing in staff - the Treasury - they get to claim debt to GDP is lower - everything is negatively impacted

Don't believe me - think about it

Pressures on healthcare
Educational places
Water and sewerage use
Energy consumption
House prices
Rent prices
Road and rail congestion
Benefits bill
Etc etc

All would be improved with less people

That's not anti people it's just basic logic

May 5, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Dear Tories

I am a floating voter - you got my vote in 2019 - I didn't vote this time - you won't stand up for our culture - you do zero about illegal migration - you are flooding the country with legal migration

The state of the realm is a disgrace - it is dirty, broken, unloved and 'unconserved - you seem to hate the family - you don't stand up for the Union - you are more interested in defending the EU than the UK

May 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I have found the responses to this tweet very illuminating because they cut to the heart of the schism which has erupted across most of the west in recent years because they demonstrate the differing worldviews which underpin it


On one side you have liberal globalists who appear to see countries as nothing more than economic entities and support large scale migration - they are happy for anyone in the country to vote as they are being taxed - the classic no taxation without representation

Mar 22, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Is human society in crisis due to digitisation?

We are more connected than ever but those connections are thin and wide not narrow and deep

We live lives more and more mediated through devices

We struggle to form meaningful memories because that mediation robs life of the texture which allows the human mind to create deep memories

Even pictures are less meaningful because they are plentiful - digitisation allows us to take 100 when we would have taken 1

Mar 16, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
I grew up in a politically engaged family with parents who were both members of a party and stood as councillors. I first really got interested in politics when I was about 12 and have for 3 decades obsessed over the subject.

I used to watch Daily Politics and Newsnight every day, loved This Week, tuned in each week for PMQ's and followed every major announcement especially on budgets. I knew all of the major political big beasts in each party.
