đź•·Dante Atkinsđź•· Profile picture
Previously: a lot of things. Currently: focus group guy. Married to @emilycrockett. “not a well person." - Alex Trebek. RTs=🕷. he/him
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Oct 30, 2024 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
As an example of how mindbogglingly stupid Elon is and how you shouldn't be having him run your GOTV, he posted this about New Jersey's vote. Commentary in thread. Image Yes. Republicans are ahead by a few thousand in in-person early voting. Unfortunately for him, that's only 37 percent of votes cast. The rest are cast by mail, where Dems have a 40-point advantage. 1/x
Oct 3, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Republicans for Harris are saying that no matter their policy disagreements, they can't let Trump win.

A lot of leftists are saying that unless Harris aligns with them in specific ways, they will let Trump win even though they disagree with him on everything.

2/x Whom do you expect normie Dem voters are going to listen to, agree with, and sympathize with more going forward, win or lose? Who do you think is going to have an audience, and a seat at whatever tables exist come 2025?
Sep 16, 2024 • 10 tweets • 1 min read
If MAGA really wants to claim that calling someone a threat to democracy engenders assassination attempts, I have some ideas for things they should stop doing: 1/x 2/x saying that Kamala Harris is a Soviet-style communist and calling her "comrade"
Sep 16, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Trump is a threat to democracy. The fact that crazy people with access to weapons of war have tried to kill him doesn't change the fact that he's a threat to democracy, and it's interesting that MAGA uses those crimes to demand you stop saying he's a threat to democracy. 1/x 2/x Trump hlmself thirsts for political violence. He got people killed on January 6 and ought to spend the rest of his life in jail for it. He encourages violence against media and protestors. He has spread vicious lies against Haitians, leading to bomb threats.
Sep 2, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Everything about Trump makes much more sense when you realize he sees the world as.ethnicity-centered organized crime bosses fighting over turf, with himself as the leader of the White crime family. 2/x this is the lens through which he views tariffs. Tariffs are what other crime families (like the Chinese) have to pay him for the privilege of doing business on his turf and selling goods there.
Aug 29, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
I listen to a lot of focus groups with Latinos (both in Spanish and English, and yes, I speak Spanish) and this is an excellent ad. It is excellent precisely because it treats the border and immigration as SEPARATE, though related, issues. Here's a bit of explanation 1/x 2/x Spanish-speaking communities are often frontline communities when it comes to border policy. Whether it's drugs, migrants, smuggling, cartels, whatever it is, they tend to think they bear the brunt of it, and they want a well-regulated, well-policed border.
Aug 28, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
It's pretty obvious what happened at Arlington. The Trump campaign knew that you can't do a campaign event there, so they tried to get around that by finding a family of one of the 13 fallen in the Taliban attack to "invite" them to a private event, with full videography etc 1/x 2/x so that then they could use the footage of that "private event" for campaign purposes to attack Harris on the Afghanistan withdrawal and pretend that Trump actually cares about veterans (he doesn't.)
Aug 24, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
When Biden was on the ballot, RFK Jr's MAGA job was to provide an alternative to Biden-defecting double haters to prevent him . Now that Harris is in and gaining them back, he is endorsing Trump because he has always been MAGA-aligned but still wants to build his pet project. 1/x 2/x that separates RFK Jr from "leftist" third party people like Cornel West and Jill Stein because RFK Jr actively wants MAGA to win, while Cornel West and Jill Stein actively want Dems to lose.
Aug 23, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
I listen to a lot of focus groups among undecided voters, less-informed/less frequent voters, and self-identified non-partisan voters, and I'd like to share with you the ideas and values I hear most often from them. 1/x 2/x this is in no particular order: 1) reducing costs for groceries and housing, and raising wages. 2) a well-regulated immigration system. 2a) that includes a pathway to citizenship for people who have built lives here. 3) police that do what their supposed job description is.
Aug 21, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
REDO FOR TYPOS: per @rpyers, the Trump v Harris fundraising numbers are an absolute bloodbath for July. Harris took in $204.5 million, while Trump took in $47.5 million. But the underlying numbers are even worse for Trump than that. 1/x 2/x of Trump's money, only $8.35 million was direct to the campaign. Usually, direct to campaign money is small dollar donors, while big money donors contribute to Joint Fundraising committees that split contributions between the campaign (max allowable) and other committees.
Aug 17, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I can't think of a more ludicrous double standard than what WaPo is doing. Trump's campaign brought out props of groceries to discuss high prices, and then he just...didn't talk about them. When asked specifically, his answer to bring down prices was to DRILL FOR OIL. 1/x 2/x but for some reason, there's no editorial about how marginally increasing the amount of hydrocarbons available on the global market years from now will do nothing on prices now, and do essentially nothing years from now.
Jul 23, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
It is perfectly okay to have had concerns about Biden stepping down based on procedural uncertainties. What isn't okay is not understanding what a lot of us did, which is, how much pent up energy there was for someone different--especially MVP Harris. 1/x 2/x anyone who had looked at any polling, or listened to the opinions of voters in qualitative settings, would have understood just how much pent up yearning there was for something, anything, different--especially young voters and VoC.
Jul 19, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
I'm actually profoundly angry at the Biden campaign because they're lying to us, they know they're lying to us, and they expect us to just go along. Here's what I mean by that (small thread.) 1/x 2/x The campaign has known for a long time that Biden has been losing his abilities. Appearances with Congress have been increasingly controlled. He's forgetting the names of longtime friends. Members of Congress, even. They knew, and hid it.
Jun 13, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Generally, I think that leftist activists have taken a turn toward having their self-perceptions of moral superiority outweighing what their actions signify to "normies" about what their goals, intentions, and values are. 1/x 2/x if you say "this was a shitty thing to do, people don't like it, and it doesn't help" then you either get called a sympathizer for whatever the opposition is (Israel, big oil, whatever it is), or a concern-trolling moderate at best. In either case...
Jul 13, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
The tankies absolutely can't stand that Eastern Europe immediately turned West after the collapse of the USSR because, amazingly, they wanted personal, political and economic freedoms. They were counting on Russia to punish Ukraine for making that same choice. They absolutely cannot stand the fact that the people of Eastern Europe chose the US and NATO instead. They want that to be undone. They have to characterize it as US imperialism as opposed to what it actually was, because otherwise, it represents the victory of liberalism.
Jun 13, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Just because I'm thinking about it today: the DOJ is in fact applying a double standard to Trump, just, in the opposite way Republicans think. Anyone else who did what Trump did and intentionally absconded with top secret defense info would have just been arrested. Instead... 1/x 2/x the DOJ negotiated with Trump, secretly, for months, trying to get the top-secret government back, precisely because Trump is a very special boy. And instead of taking advantage of that, Trump tripled down on the leeway he was given by organizing a conspiracy to keep them.
Mar 21, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
On the Bernie-Warren "misogyny" issue, the stupid part is that there was an easy path forward that would have reduced conflict and smoothed things over. It could have gone like this, but it didn't. Bernie could have done this: "In that conversation, I referenced the well-acknowledged fact that because of sexism, women have a steeper road to winning political office, but I never wanted to suggest, nor do I believe, that a woman cannot win the Presidency." Then Warren could have confirmed that. Done.
Mar 21, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I wonder if Bernie skipped over the part where his campaign repeatedly called her a liar, his supporters with the biggest audiences called her a fraudulent Republican-lite warmonger, and he spent 2 days campaigning in MA to embarrass her. For someone who now acknowledges that Texas was "the most hotly contested" of the remaining primary states, it sure seems weird that Bernie chose to campaign for 2 days in Massachusetts instead!
Feb 11, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
The main thing Frost and AOC get--and that a lot of older Dems don't--is that Republicans are not redeemable. They can't be shamed into better behavior or reasoned with, so they need to just be exposed on the same information spaces they rely on--namely, social media. 1/x Beyond culture war stuff--banning abortions, banning drag shows, and banning books--Republicans really take one policy issue seriously above all else: trying to guarantee the reach of their propaganda through social media. That's their main concern. 2/x
Feb 10, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I just said this as a reply to someone, but it's crucial to understand that if Russia had succeeded in its conquest of Ukraine and NATO had not stepped up, the next step would have been to challenge NATO directly, likely over Estonia and the Baltics. Here's what that playbook would have looked like: foment separatist movements in Northeast Estonia, which is substantially Russophone, claim an anti-Russian crackdown that necessitates preservation of the Russkiy Mir, and recognize the independence of some territory.
Feb 10, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Russia defines "anti-Russia" as basically any country that rejects Russian imperialist domination and wants to preserve its own sovereignty. It's a joke at this point. Moldova has long known that if the conquest of Ukraine succeeded, they would be next. Russia has been laying the groundwork for this in Transnistria for years, the same way they started the playbook for Ukraine with Donetsk and Luhansk.